Importing Quake LIve Maps / Editing Quake Live Maps


Thanks!!! It was just what I wanted!!! I had only to remove parameter 'novlcollapse' from the shader.
So... The map is ready!!! And I'm ready to convert any ql map to baseq3
P.S. 0ql.pk3 (with common ql textures and scripts) is 43,8 Mb and wintersedge.pk3 is 6,09 Mb. Perhaps I could remove some files to reduce 0ql.pk3 size, but I'm tired enough to do it...
Nice, then try with Spider Crossings or Japanese Castles or Shining Forces or Overkill better version
to MZI
Done... You can see a screenshot
P.S. Please, do not increase my age
Aaach, sorry for that :D
Wow, nice job! ;o You finished? Oo
to MZI
Yes, I did... It was easy enough because I had done special 0ql.pk3 (with common ql textures and scripts). So, now to add a map I have just to add only map, its texture and its *.arena file.

to MZI
Yes, I did... It was easy enough because I had done special 0ql.pk3 (with common ql textures and scripts). So, now to add a map I have just to add only map, its texture and its *.arena file.
Uuaaa, cool. Could you show me (us) this map, please?

Uuaaa, cool. Could you show me (us) this map, please?
Why not? But where should I upload 0ql.pk3 (43,8 Mb) and spidercrossings.pk3 (4,36 Mb) ?
P.S. without 0ql.pk3 some textures will be absent.
Aha It's a bit annoying :z So everyone who will want play on map from Quake Live, must download additionally 0ql.pk3?
PS You can upload it here:
Quakelive and Quake3 use almost same textures.For example, I tried to import overkill and it needs only 4 textures in shader and 9 images from quakelive - all others are covered by pak0.pk3. So filesizes can be numerously decreased.