plusN.cfg | 2.4
yep droping has no sens anymore for powerups or armor cos you have them still after each round
Except if ppl will use it to share them with teammate (on fws/cws) that's to meditate

Give to monkey a blade and he will cut his own throat instead of shave, sad, disabled in the near future
Other question, why a monkey should have the motivation to shave? He does not suffer from it.

What about switchtimes, feels like extremly fast switch!
have no idea
Before in beta6 when u switched from rg to mg, lg, pg u was forced to wait ~100ms, althought the time was set by the cfg to 0ms delay. This bug was removed in rc1 and that now might feel that switching is drastically speed up, and now rg -> mg, lg, pg has completely no delay, to all other weapons times was increased by 100ms but still there is no delayed fire after the switch! Of course that depends on xp_weaponStyle
![mow Q [EN] mow Q [EN]](/files/screenname/8646b528fbbe1090dc61e0f29405d1b3.webp)
Other question, why a monkey should have the motivation to shave? He does not suffer from it.
hmm probably I didn't understand, but if I did then u didn't or only take the example to serious
if that think about some e+ humanoids as they were in stone age. I do remember mine child years and that i put into mine nose vitamins
I wanted to notify you this some time ago, but haven't found time to check all before. now this :
case "q3dm7":
[code:1]modifyitem(1, "ITEM_ARMOR_COMBAT", "ITEM_HEALTH", "1", "1");[/code:1]
case "q3dm11":
[code:1]modifyitem(1, "WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER", "ITEM_HEALTH_SMALL", "1", "1");
modifyitem(1, "WEAPON_SHOTGUN", "ITEM_HEALTH_SMALL", "1", "1");[/code:1]
case "q3dm15":
[code:1]modifyitem(1, "ITEM_ENVIRO", "ITEM_HEALTH_SMALL", "1", "1");[/code:1]
case "q3dm18":
[code:1]modifyitem(1, "WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER", "ITEM_HEALTH_SMALL", "1", "1");[/code:1]
case "q3tourney5":
[code:1]modifyitem(1, "ITEM_ARMOR_COMBAT", "ITEM_HEALTH", "1", "1");[/code:1]
case "cpm9":
[code:1]modifyitem(1, "WEAPON_RAILGUN", "ITEM_ARMOR_BODY", "", "1", "1");[/code:1]
values have to be fixed for those items. And we need to add entries for new maps in beer rotation.
I hope for the next version, you will use sub-folder called plusN or include
and use something like :
And remember pls that I need those included files for rebounceN except weapons.cfg lets make them common between us
and for $location in map as items have changed place we should make .ents files and edit target_location so it makes sens that new red armor location is called red, bs for battlesuit etc
2:13 :
- removed feature - armor dropping
- fix - fixed items amount and times
__________________________________________ update 16:10 09.10.2009
@Beast, I'm not interested in this gametype at all, maybe someone willing to put his work under this?
the leader must have a disadvantage otherwise u wouldnt need to protect im.
btw, remove xp_freezestyle? bugz0red.

@Beast, I'm not interested in this gametype at all, maybe someone willing to put his work under this?
I can help as always, just tell me how you want PTL so I make code and give it to fala to upgrade.
And yes this code sounds strange :
[code:1]if ($xp_freezeStyle == 2) {
Items = IT_NONE;
else if ($xp_freezeStyle == 3 && $g_gametype != 7) {
else if ($g_gametype != 7) {
better code :
[code:1]if ($xp_freezeStyle == {
//put code here
if ($xp_freezeStyle == 1) {
//put code here
else if ($xp_freezeStyle == 2) {
//put code here
else if ($xp_freezeStyle == 3) {
//put code here
//put code here
or even better :
[code:1]switch ( $xp_freezeStyle ) {
case "0":
//put code here
case "1":
//put code here
case "2":
//put code here
case "3":
//put code here
//put code here
with that you can have clear code.
Edit :
forgot ! pls add feature xp_noAntiCamp (default : : we need it in CTF and in some rare maps and maybe elsewhere.
I would like to request you to add support for PTL (Protect the Leader) gametype. Right now it sucks because there is no reward for becoming a leader, you will have gauntlet and can only hide and wait to be killed, so maybe you could allow all normal weapons and also add leader powerups (bs, or quad and regen could be good choices imo) so it now makes more sense to become the leader.
That way PTL may become a better gametype and could be played more often, and bugs within this gametype can be spotted and fixed faster (honestly havent even taken the time to search for bugs).
Había una vez un barco chiquito...