plusN.cfg | 2.4

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|¯FC_| Suchspeed<-
Joined: Dec 2005
ES Spain
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2
UnknownUser807 wrote:

is it possible to use the old BFG style (green) with the same physics. e.g bfg jumps.


Aero wrote:
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Reno's picture
Joined: Sep 2006
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

Green BFG style = baseq3 bfg Happy but single shot, not multi shit

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin

Trollet's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

Tested disabling xp_improvedpredictions at beer, and suddenly the bfg/nade isnt that super powerfull actually - Just an intressting sidenote Happy

Alla blå bär är blå bär - även blåbär - men det är bara blåbär som är blåbär.
A cloud pooped out a rainbow turd.

Joined: Aug 2006
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

i deeply hate the powerups

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2


Movement feels pretty much allright with improvepredictions off, perhaps it was the effect it had on nades & bfg afterall.

Joined: Nov 2005
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

Please reduce the damge of bfg, it's too powerful.

Beast_Cro's picture
Joined: Jul 2007
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2
animalchik wrote:

I think that 0.25 bs and 4 quadfactor values are good as they are.
Now they going to be 0.33 for bs and 3.33 for quad, as experiment

btw why only the guns must be excessive without having excessive powerups?

Well I support decrease of a quad factor. Wouldnt mind if it goes from 3 - 3.33 but not higher.
This is excessive style and weapons are strong but its pointless to have x4 this (already excessive weapons)... by seeing somone with quad U can count that you will be dead in less then a half of a second if he hits you with LG or even dead right away if he hits you with plasma (wtf).

Anyways, dont go excessive than you already are with quad plz Happy

3.33 factor - F1 if nothing less is acceptable.

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rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

3 would be better for quad, is nice and roundish. I can see that you are trying to balance quad and suit, however, the proportion is not right. Right now with quad 4 and suit 0.25 the proportion is the same, because quad increases damage by 4 and suit divides it by 4 too (0.25 = 1/4), so, to keep this proportion with a suit factor of 0.33 you would have to make quad 3 instead of 3.33, because 0.33 = 1/3, not 1/3.33 Big grin

Also, another suggestion. I really miss corpses, so i would like to ask you to change corpse->gib 0. For those who hate corpses they can completely disable corpses anytime by enabling the filter dead bodies bit of xp_corpse (an example would be xp_corpse 7).

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

beast, tried com_blood 0?

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

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rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

beast, tried com_blood 0?

Yes i have, that one is server-sided and its effect sucks. I want normal corpses, not ones that never gibs.

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