plusN.cfg | 2.4

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fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2
¯¯__█ALI█¯¯__ wrote:

And can u let previous powerups in their places + add others ?
2megas seems good idea

as for public games it might have sense, for cups and CW having not

I am addicted to life.

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

Edited previous post.

animalchik wrote:
¯¯__█ALI█¯¯__ wrote:
And can u let previous powerups in their places + add others ?
2megas seems good idea

as for public games it might have sense, for cups and CW having not

ok so maybe that for new replaced items :
[code:1]if (xp_matchmode == "0")
and let older items available for all matchmodes

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

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Trollet's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

I would like some more tweaking of bfg+nade damage if possible Happy
(Personally I would like to reduce the area of damage)

Cheers /L.

Alla blå bär är blå bär - även blåbär - men det är bara blåbär som är blåbär.
A cloud pooped out a rainbow turd.

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

newest thought: powerups are supposed to be strong yes... but plus cfg was always a cfg of a player having the chance to kill an enemy if he aims good.
this chance is gone with quad being totally overpowered, same goes for bs.
any chance removing them? its rly pissing meanwhile since people adapt to it. (or make them weak again, since bs is very strong protecting you from any splash.)

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

xDD LoL AndyRocket)))
n1xin's picture
Joined: Dec 2008
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

+switch spam. Big grin

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

The whole point of bs is to make people move for it, imo, same for quad. If u have just an average timing, u can profit from it. Especially u skull, should be able to land 2 rails on ur enemy in a row to kill smo with "bs only". But i am also the oppinion, that "quad" respawns too quickly. quad should be smth special, please "double" at least the respawn time of quad.

I really love it, that there is now at least a reason to move throught the maps. Especially bs is really good in a clanwar, if enemy camps a room with 4 persons, so 1 person can collect mh and ra and the other one takes bs, so u can invade the camped room with just 2 persons. If the campers have a good and quick aim, they can still beat the 2 armored persons. But it is imo more balanced.

IMO excessive weapons should has a balance at least a from time to time available excessive powerup to protect against excessive weapons. IMO PlusN rules over PLUS; PLUSA; B; C; D;...XYZ, since it is the only config available on busy servers right now who gives the game more sense atm.

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2
mow Q [EN] wrote:

Especially u skull, should be able to land 2 rails on ur enemy in a row to kill smo with "bs only".

yea, normally it aint a problem to rail somebody 4 times, but the enemy has 4 times the chance to rail me meanwhile.
But Imagine i meet deky.
and all my skill gets senseless meeting deky with armor (u end up taking armor very fast) and bs Big grin

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

Yea, well, bs "only" is 2 times, it happens, but not often, that u get bs + ra + mh, which gives smo 4 times and don't blame smth what happens not often, or just if smo has enough map-control (or sometimes luck), to get it all. Armor is now for me an aspect which makes me now playing 95 % on beer freeze, since it is not just hide and seek anymore. All weapons are now usefull for me, not just rail/bfg/rocket/(sg) anymore. Now u have with all weapons the chance to kill smo in an acceptable time, not so on aim+, there it is still rail/bfg/rocket/(sg), and powerups are useless except haste on aim+

dont get me wrong, it is "my oppinion"

Still, rail > than all other weapons on PlusN, so no matter which weapon enemy chose, u can frag him faster with rail. Even if enemy has quad, u just have to have a bit more health or armor than default, and u can survice 1 plasma, which gives u the chance, if u r well skilled, to aim quick with rail, to kill the quad-user before he does kill you.

And if u r annoyed "generally" not just you skull, if smo runs for armor and health, do the same, it makes the game quicker (movement based), less camp, more action and still excessive. I always wished to have at least a bit of map-control, and this is what we have now, and i believe it will be improved by fala who cares not just his own needs and listens often on what other people suggests without losing the balance.

Ofc true balance u find just in competetive mods like cpma or osp or maybe even baseq 3, but i trust in fala that he will balance e+ plus-side as far as it is possible, since he knows what he is speaking of, since he knows the community as good as just a few more here, since he is one of the best players we have etc...

And if smo is not skilled enough to do what i speak about, he has a reason again to improve.

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

right now ra + bs + 300 hp = 4 rail shoots and u cant damage ur enemy with splash damage of bfg or rocket at all.
though update might already be good to fix that mostly, however im up for decrasing battlesuit in any way, since it protecting u from splash is already very strong considering e+ bfg spam.

im right now if the balance i mentioned a few posts earlier is that good, 2 rails for 300 hp + ra would work out fine too imo. (this actually would make the person need to move)
and try not to put bs in same room with ra or mh fala Smug

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2
Laktos wrote:

I would like some more tweaking of bfg+nade damage if possible Happy
(Personally I would like to reduce the area of damage)

Cheers /L.
