plusN.cfg | 2.4
AFAIK, how many times i played FFA, i never seen before battle suit or MH on this maps
New item placement is redicolous....damn, no tactics at all. Map makers put the powerup items on the specific places because of the tactics....and in this cfg it's totaly destroyed. Please, put the item placement to default.

ra and mh spawn at the same place on overkill.

New item placement is redicolous....damn, no tactics at all. Map makers put the powerup items on the specific places because of the tactics....and in this cfg it's totaly destroyed. Please, put the item placement to default.
I thought about placing items depending on the map, to make it more resonable, but well there are 2 important things that made me think it's bad idea
1. if u decide to play a map that has no assigned items in cfg, that will need cfg update, each time some new map going to be choice
2. it will made cfg terrible HUGE with a lot of entries I did choice 2 most important guns RL (witch is placed in very strategic places) and SG (witch lay in not so much tactical place but it is available on all maps)
btw. I can think about making good places on baseq3 maps and most used and for the rest ones item's going spawn on RL and SG places, but that will require lot's of work from mine side

On MR server( I played 1v1, and have been shaken by these things : 1)MH on dm17 was in shotgun spawn place. and there was Battle suit O_o 2) dm2. battle suit 3) dm3. MH + battle suit.
that can be adjusted, powerups can be removed from FFA games as well, I just need to know if u want to do that (asking everyone) and well some maps haven't meant to be played FFA at all, although on mods like e+ they are, the cfg prepared for 4v4 or 5v5 Freeze Clan Wars
And because of the reasons mentored, I replaced guns that are on all maps by powerups, and went out that there are on some maps missed placements
please put back the powerups where they belong to (used to). And hast should make someone a bit faster, thats what the name is for.
would rly suggest o make battlesuit less superior, so if u have 300 hp and 300 armor that the enemy needs 3 shoots instead of 4 to kill you.
switch time in actuall version is good !

would rly suggest o make battlesuit less superior, so if u have 300 hp and 300 armor that the enemy needs 3 shoots instead of 4 to kill you.
yea! totally agree. bs modificator 0.33(0.34) instead of 0.25 would be better
IMO LG must be more stronger than MG (LG damage 33, MG - 30.Where mg is useful in big distances, lg - not.),
+ one suggestion :
Make LG without splash damage x:

switch time in actuall version is good !
And as for me, in 1.03 switchtime was much better than in 1.04 :XXXXX
Because its like e5r.cfg with multijumps. (Somewhere I already spoke about it)
Regards, Askar Akaev
so the planned changes are
1. battlesuit factor .33
2. fixed powerups placing on baseq3 maps and some custom played on beer freeze, for the rest it will be replacing WP_RL/SG
3. switchtime increase by 20ms on all power-type-weapons
@Mow, I don't want haste on map at all, it does still spawn?

so the planned changes are
1. battlesuit factor .33
2. fixed powerups placing on baseq3 maps and some custom played on beer freeze, for the rest it will be replacing WP_RL/SG
3. switchtime increase by 20ms on all power-type-weapons@Mow, I don't want haste on map at all, it does still spawn?
It spawns on teamed items on some maps, and this can be fixed too, but that will be weird.
[code:1]modifyitem(0, "ITEM_HASTE", "ITEM_QUAD");[/code:1]
in dm11 there are teamed items (quad + haste)
so u need to adapt code to map.
And can u let previous powerups in their places + add others ?
2megas seems good idea