plusN.cfg | 2.4

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fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

@teleportspeed, yes i have played on those map's and i know that now there are possible bfg jumps trough portal from the beginning of this feature and i thought it was the main point for making it as the teleport-direction feature was removed because u spawned in a weird positions and for everyone who is used to standard teleport behavior was extremely annoying
__ i would like to keep this feature

@spawnprotection, the main role of spawn protection is to protect from get killed on a spawn so it is quite normal the map control by watching the spawns is not same effective as before in freeze tag, it allows people to move more freely without being aware of a random spawning people because they have time now to react on the enemy spawning behind their back, reducing the time to bring back the spawn camping is not in my opinion a good solution, the game flow changed a lot thanks to this into positive way, if u want to watch spawns u need to program yourself a timer to do not shot before 1.5 :}
___ i would like to keep this feature as it is

@bfg, will reduce only a little the bfg dmg, the radiuous can't be touched, and maybe a little of the bfg speed, but honestly this going to be lower than a old successful recepture that are here by quite long now. The way bfg kills in a "odd" situations it is probably due to some new features in e+, same lg sometimes takes from you 300hp in las than half of second (it looks like enemy shotting u and does not hit then suddenly health drop from 300 to 0 )

@xp_physics 3, this can be changed in N.clanwar.cfg and since 7 gives more control as i always was saying i like to keep that feature, if u like to change it talk with cup organisator because plusN does not limit the cfg for only 7 but u can take out 3 or 7 in any server

@thawing, thawing or self thawing? the big influence on a thawing have the feature that does not reset the thaw status, thawing time and self-thawing times were reduced because it speeds up the game play, where leading team needs to seek enemies instead of camping, because people on the map will thaw itself if someone camps to much
___ i can think about making thawing time little bit longer, but self thawing in my opinion should remain as it is

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fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2
accurun wrote:

i haven't replied by a long time since i though u got an answer on that before, there is no need to callvoting anything, most comands loads automatically depending the gametype, some modes are votable if servers owners allowed this

there are still some ideas about what to add and make better but somehow i think adding some minor features that won't be used it's a time loss only, and since i don't have the time i like to spend the time on key features in the cfg, those things don't requires much of codding because they are already implemented in, juts a tweaking

the thing is people stooped to submit tips so i stooped to make any codding

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terror's picture
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Re: plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2
[MR.]MIRCWAR wrote:

Remove teleportspeed (try playing overkillv3 or dm11 to see what i mean)

F2 :E teleport speed rox !!
Better remove teleport spawn (anyone who stands in front of tp and get's killed, goes thru tp by shot impact and respawns :E this is crap, i saw people on publics using this all the time)

[MR.]MIRCWAR wrote:

Reduce spawnprotection (you get no reward for dominating the map, instead the same guy spawns in your back - even 2 spawnkills in a row on the same person)


[MR.]MIRCWAR wrote:

bfg - (something really needs to be done. splash kills in really odd situations delayed & from afar. Direct hits on other hand do not kill. Maybe this should be adressed to beast.)

Also perhaps reduce projectile
(knockback/radius? Maybe this could help to slow down
those insane warp speed bfg jumps aswell)

Hell yeah, big F1

[MR.]MIRCWAR wrote:

xp_physics 3 would be nice as standard aswell, since i suspect we will be forced to play cups with 7 as it is Sad

F1, "3" is better for me aswell

[MR.]MIRCWAR wrote:

Slower thawing speed (it kinda destroys the purpose of freeze and makes it semi tdm, coupled with the new spawnsystem it's chaotic and the nerve in playing is lost.)

Indeed, make it slower, make it more tactical.
Thawing is to easy and people prefer to thaw then to kill :E (easier + more points)

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

Teleportspeed. Instead of sneaking out of the teleport to rail the guy that is always camping RL top you now get a boost that completely desorients you and makes you an easier target. In Dm11 you hop out of rotunda getting spammed from all directions. Overkillv3 is even worse since the teleports are random and you never know where you will end up. New sens in mod makes it even more difficult to snap rail a guy camping top.

Spawnprotection. Maybe I should rephrase this, you are acutally getting penalized for moving and aiming, I'm not talking about spawn camping (since new spawns should have fixed that). If you attack at new round the first guy you rail gets spawnkilled, and you get killed in turn by their second guy spawning at the same time. Summa summarum, you have killed a guy to no avail and get frozen instead. The protection time is more than enough to man up and rail back.

About bfg maybe you are right that it's mod related. Maybe you can lower knockback for grenades aswell and make grenadejumps as fast/slow as in 1.03 again? Happy Physics 7 and nade momvent now is total chaos (play some beer freeze when its packed).

About xp_physics 7 contra 3 I beg to differ. There is no control at all when multijumping/bfgjumping/and tracking people while airborne. Again beer on a packed day should show this clearly.

Thawing. I'm talking about thawing, self-thawing I have no huge problem with.

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Re: plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

Pls for next plusN release, put all includes in plusN or simply N subfolder.

cos plusN actually ha a lot of included files in excessiveplus/tools

pls put all files to include in excessiveplus/tools/N

plusN has best chance to be used as default config for new commers on next e+ release

imo, plusN is fine as it is (no more whine for very long time)

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rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
Re: plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

I have some suggestions on my own, most of them not related to gameplay.

First, please modify the behavior of the xp_clanwar cvar. The current behavior of including another file is pretty ridiculous IMO, plusN is already quite configurable and with a N.clanwar.cfg file you can modify plusN completely, to the point of not being a plus-cfg anymore. I think that a xp_clanwar should just enforce some settings for clanwars, like xp_matchmode and teamkills to say an example, and if someone wants to modify plusN then they can always just include it in their config. Currently it really sucks that you can't play a fw with both items disabled and teamkills enabled at the same time because N.clanwar.cfg file provided by mnc ignores xp_itemStyle.

About xp_physics, I don't understand why people is whining. PlusN accepts both 3 and 7 for it, and btw the default value of 7 in the config never is executed because xp_physics always have a value because it is a mod cvar.

Also, I concur with Ali, it would be good if only plusN.cfg file is inside /conf directory, and all other files be on a subfolder called conf/N.

About bfg, please do not modify features like radius or self knockback, since that will modify the behavior of bfg jumps. If you want to tweak the bfg, the best would be to reduce the grenade splash damage down to 150 (to say an example).

Oh, and please fix the cpma switch option with the Shooting weapon times.

Había una vez un barco chiquito...

Joined: Nov 2004
Re: plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

damn it...remove callvote map....people just make use of it all the time, and always no admin when that happens....pissing me off playing...

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

ehm, kiku, actually this has nothing to do to with beer freezer Happy, this here is about plusN.cfg. Beer Freezer has a own thread Tongue

Joined: Nov 2004
Re: plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

but callvote is an option of the servers cfg isnt it? since beer uses plusN i refer it to here Big grin...its fine Tongue
u have to erase the evil from the root confg Tongue

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: plusN.cfg | current -> 2.2

it is no "server.cfg"