
300 replies [Last post]
Site administrator
haxxus's picture
Joined: May 2007
US United States

! Freon !

Current rotation: -
Custom Multiple file rotation avoiding overlaps and map repetition based on player limit playing three freeze maps followed by a FFA repeating again into a TDM

Join the Freon Team! , see below for referees / active players.

- Score record, submit a screenshot and demo to be added, minimum 200 points.

151 / 96 record by -> Picture <--> Demo <-
167 / 77 record by -> Picture <-
150 / 76 Point record by -> Picture <-

Map Directory: Link
Discord Invite: Link
YouTube channel: Link

/ 1 \ big maps, 10 clients or more,
/ 2 \ normal maps, from 5 to 9 players
/ 3 \ small maps, 4 players
/ 4 \ small maps, 2 to 3 players
/ 5 \ Training Maps for 1 Player

// Rotation 1 \\
/ 1 \ ermap3 --- 10+ > ( amount of players )
/ 2 \ overkill --- 8-9 >
/ 3 \ mario --- 4-7
/ 4 \ q3dm1 --- 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon -- 1 Training

// Rotation 2 \\
/ 1 \ cpm27 ---- 7+
/ 2 \ cpm27 --- 5-6
/ 3 \ q3dm2 ---- 4
/ 4 \ q3dm2 ---- 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon --- 1 Training

// Rotation 3 \\
/ 1 \ q3dm14+ -- 8+
/ 2 \ solitude --- 5-7
/ 3 \ bgmp4s ---- 4
/ 4 \ q3dm3 ---- 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon --- 1 Training

// Rotation 4 \\
/ 1 \ ermap3 ----- 8+
/ 2 \ q3mexx1 --- 5-7
/ 3 \ q3tourney2 - 4
/ 4 \ q3tourney2 - 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon ---- 1 Training

// Rotation 5 \\
/ 1 \ 6++ ---------- 7+
/ 2 \ q3dm6remix -- 5-6
/ 3 \ q3dm6 ------- 4
/ 4 \ q3dm6 ------- 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon ------ 1 Training

// Rotation 6 \\
/ 1 \ foolishlegacy - 7+
/ 2 \ obs3dm5 ---- 5-6
/ 3 \ obs3dm5 ---- 4
/ 4 \ q3tourney3 -- 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon ----- 1 Training

// Rotation 7 \\
/ 1 \ cpm14 ---------- 8+
/ 2 \ phantq3dm4 -- 5-7
/ 3 \ pro-q3tourney7 -- 4
/ 4 \ pro-q3tourney7 -- 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon --------- 1 Training

// Rotation 8 \\
/ 1 \ jugulatordm2v2 - 9+
/ 2 \ eplus1 ------ 5-8
/ 3 \ jstrq3dm2 ----- 4
/ 4 \ jstrq3dm2 ----- 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon ------- 1 Training

// Rotation 9 \\
/ 1 \ q3dm11+ - 8+
/ 2 \ q3dm11 -- 5-7
/ 3 \ q3dm4 --- 4
/ 4 \ q3dm4 --- 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon -- 1 Training

// Rotation 10 \\
/ 1 \ theatrumdoloris ------- 7+
/ 2 \ theedge ----- 5-6
/ 3 \ theedge ------ 4
/ 4 \ q3tourney4 -- 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon ----- 1 Training

// Rotation 11 \\
/ 1 \ cpm9 -------- 8+
/ 2 \ psidm7 ------- 5-7
/ 3 \ seamsandbolts - 4
/ 4 \ seamsandbolts - 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon ------- 1 Training

// Rotation 12 \\
/ 1 \ foolishlegacy ------- 9+
/ 2 \ q3dm8+ ---- 7-8
/ 3 \ q3dm8 ----- 4-6
/ 4 \ cpm8 ------ 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon --- 1 Training

// Rotation 13 \\
/ 1 \ poq3dm5 ---- 8+
/ 2 \ proverek --- 5-7
/ 3 \ shifter_eb2 -- 4
/ 4 \ 13base ----- 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon ---- 1 Training

// Rotation 14 \\
/ 1 \ q3dm13+ ----- 8+
/ 2 \ ts_q3dm13 --- 5-7
/ 3 \ q3dm13 ----- 4
/ 4 \ q3dm5 ------ 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon ----- 1 Training

// Rotation 15 \\
/ 1 \ 7++ ------- 9+
/ 2 \ 7++ ----------- 7-8
/ 3 \ q3dm7 -------- 4-6
/ 4 \ ztn3tourney1 -- 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon ------ 1 Training

// Rotation 16 \\
/ 1 \ mkexp ------- 9+
/ 2 \ mkexp ----------- 7-8
/ 3 \ aedm7 -------- 4-6
/ 4 \ ct3tourney2 -- 2-3 FFA
/ 5 \ octagon ------ 1 Training

2+ Players Vote system:

/callvote tdm

/callvote mode tdm, loads tdm instead of ctf when on ctf rotations

shuffle - shuffle vote added on 1-16-2018
/callvote shuffle
teambalance shuffle based on players score. Only if team score count is 6 or higher.


/callvote map mapName
only if team score count is 3 or lower, map vote is open on regular tag rotations

rotate, nextmap
/callvote rotate or nextmap
only if team score count is 3 or lower, this vote rotates to the next rotation in file using the player count rule

1 Player Vote system: ( Training )
When 2 players rotate in training mode from /callvote rotate or nextmap rotation jumps to tier / 3 \

/callvote training, tag, ffa, ctf
- Training, Bots on red team player on blue rail practice maps.
- Tag, Freeze tag vs one lvl 4 bot on small maps ( map vote enabled )
- FFA, Free for all vs 4 bots on red team ( standard maps )
- CTF, Capture The Flag vs two lvl 4 bots on red team ( ruz ctf maps )

/callvote restart
restarts the current playing map

rotate, nextmap
/callvote rotate or nextmap
rotates to the next rotation in file using the player count rule.

/callvote map mapName
Call any maps on server, list on map directory link on top of this threat

/callvote timelimit 1-x ( in minutes )
example /callvote timelimit 10

Feel free to comment and suggest below about Freon's setting.

Credits to for help / tips.
and , Thanks your maps and the recent fixes!

Site administrator
haxxus's picture
Joined: May 2007
US United States
Re: Freon Suggestions:

Freon Servers, Forum and Discord Rules and Guidelines:
Credits to for this edited version.

Failing to comply with these rules and guidelines will result firstly in a warning then repeated warnings 1/3 -> 2/3 -> will lead to a temporary ban with possibility of a permanent ban if rules are still to be broken by the user in cause.

1. Please keep your posts as comprehensive as possible. L33T 74LK, ALL CAPS, AcId CaPs and other forms of writing your posts in ways that reduce it's comprehensiveness is allowed, but heavily frowned upon.

2. Try not to multi-post (meaning, posting several times in a row in the same thread). The edit function is there for you to use it. It is allowed to multi-post if you were the last person to post in a thread that seemingly died, and feel like having something very important to say, which should be brought to the attention of others. But even then, think twice if it's worth it.

3. Write your posts in English, if you really have to write in another language, provide an English translation for other users.

4. No flames, trolls and name callings such as cheater, spammer, camper, wallhacker etc. If you want to write something snappy and/or offensive to someone or towards the server settings, use the Private Message function to the admin of the server or write about it outside the server to avoid distraction that can lead to ruin games.

5. Respect your fellow posters, players and most important server admins, remember you get what you give.

6. If you have nothing better to write in a thread then "I Agree!" or "ROFL!", then don't post at all. Try to elaborate a little on what you're referring to. Such simple and primitive posts get very annoying very fast.

7. We have no "necessary English skills minimum" for you to be able to start posting, however, we all like to understand what was written. We are not grammar nazis, but make sure your post is at least readable. You can use discord spellchecker to maximize your posts readability or use a online translator.

8. Do not register more than one account. If you have a problem with your account, contact an admin.

9. Do not post on non NSFW channels pornographic, racist and otherwise offensive or very repulsive material (such as pictures of the deceased, animal sex and the like)! Such stuff will be immediately removed when spotted, and there will be severe consequences drawn for the abuser.

10. Do not use pornographic avatars and forum signatures.

11. Stick to topic. Mild off-topic posts might pass on, but serious derailment will not be tolerated, and will be subject to either deletion, splitting into a separate thread, or moved to the trashcan (depending on the posts info value).

12. No grave-digging. Leave REALLY ancient threads alone. If you spot a thread which is dead for some time, and you're positive you have something constructive to say, which would add to the topic, do go ahead. But keep in mind, dont make a habit out of it, and think twice if it really adds to the topic. Sometimes it's better to just start a new thread, rather than disturbing old bones.

13. No spamming. This includes - advertising websites and products, completely mindless posts ("ASJHD><!!LOL>HAHA!!!"), writing the same message in different threads, flooding the forums with nonsense, and annoying other board users on purpose.

14. Dont post links to warez sites, copyrighted or illegal material. That includes torrent site, link collections, ftp's and the like.

15. Cursing and offensive words are not forbidden, altho, might be looked down at if used when not necessary or in excess.

16. Do not create threads aimed at one person. Use other methods of communication platforms instead (private messages function for examble), in such a case.

17. Before you create a thread, make sure there isnt one similar in content already present on the boards. Also, try to give your thread a descriptive name, to not keep people guessing about what it's about.

18. Make sure you create your thread in the correct channel category. They're broken in sub-parts for a reason.

Game Servers CoC

In any game, players are generally encouraged to be polite and courteous to one another, and avoid excessive profanity and trash talk. Players are also expected to be friendly and welcoming to newcomers, and remember that their lack of skill or understanding of the game is only due to their lack of experience with the game. It's also a generally accepted rule that a game's events and outcomes shouldn't be taken personally by the players.

In most games, it's considered bad manners to quit before the game has ended, note the winning player saying 'gg' on behalf of a losing opponent is impolite, as it suggests the game has already been won and the other player should quit (this is known as an "offensive gg").

Team games where the teams are automatically balanced, it's impolite for players to stop playing rather than simply leaving the game after letting someone know or allowing someone else to take their spot, because this can put their team at a disadvantage

It is most common in first-person shooters when a player hides in a single location which serves as a tactical advantage over the opposing player(Drunk for long periods of time. The position chosen is normally secluded from casual view and maybe partially secured at least on one side by any object. The location is then used to create an ambush.

The period of time a camping player spends in the specific location may vary as the player reacts to game conditions. Some games will discourage camping by nagging players who remain stationary for a time to move on, or applying harsher penalties to alleged campers such as small amounts of periodic damage (which, if ignored, will eventually kill the player and force him to respawn elsewhere).

Camping often provides a clear field of view over a choke point or position of tactical interest whilst retaining cover for the camper. This tactic allows one player to easily pick off any opponent that comes into sight without giving them any indicator of his/her presence in the area. It differs from holding a strategic position by its requisite static nature and intensive cover. More experienced players are sometimes "semimobile campers/snipers" that leave boobytraps and relocate after 1-3 kills to prevent retaliation.

It often proves frustrating, particularly to newer players, as it rewards those who invest a considerable amount of time in the game (which allows them to know the layout of the maps and the best defensive positions); as well as those with accurate aim.In most deathmatch-type games that have both a time limit and a kill limit, camping can be used to take advantage of the time limit rather than the kill limit.

Capture the flag and its variants provide an incentive to invade enemy territory, regardless of the risk, since scoring flags is more important than scoring by killing the opposing team's players; conversely, this mode also encourages players to camp their own vulnerable flag to defend against the anticipated stream of attackers. However, even in such games, some players may choose to camp to give covering fire for other team members attempting to grab the flag and run back with it.

Trash Talk
Smack/Trash talk is a slang term seen in chat channels in chat room, blog, and massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) conversations. The term came about in the early 1990s. It generally refers to the use of threatening or intentionally inflammatory language. This can also be used with bullying, whether that be face-to-face interaction, or cyber-bullying.

In sports is refered to inflammatory comments made by a person or team in order to insult, anger, annoy or be boisterous towards your opponents. Although it began as a term used by sports fans and athletes, it has spread to all areas of culture where competition takes place. In the United States, Smack Talk is synonymous with "trash talk".

The social interaction within MMOGs has been observed to be quite active and often leads to long-term social relationships. MMOG groups, such as "teams", "guilds" or "corporations", are composed of groups of people who often initially have no other social contact or interactions with each other. As a result, their conversations contain a subtext of discovery of language skills, social values, and intentions. One of the first indicators of these is the use or offense taken by the usage of smack talk.

For the purpose of setting a social context or to comply with MMOG end user license agreement restrictions, MMOG groups may establish bylaws, traditions, or rules (formal or informal) that either permit, discourage, or prohibit the use of smack talk in their conversations and postings.

Don't start nonconstructive public chat over game settings like:
. This and That is Bad
. I don't like this and That
. disrespect, profanity

. What was the purpose behind such change
. Doing something else might be better, to test, try or Because of Something you deem worthy
. General Constructive Criticism, Note -> CONSTRUCTIVE!

Freon Has gone from Rail Only to ALL Weapon within the last 3-4 years.

I am very proud of the support / continued regular players whom have adapted over time to the point where ex rail only players are now using AW fiercely at the level of ex AW pro's from known e+ configs.

On top of cfg changes for a better play style, my main objective is a Healthy Happy Server where anyone can come in and feel welcomed. Active Servers are for playing and not extended chats that can ruin games and cause fights and or mislead chat fights between others users, lets keep it short on point with the games Focused to win.
You have the forums here, our discord and more for non gaming commune.

Read our Rules and Guidelines on discord or Main Page of freon threat

Lets keep growing and good luck tomorrow on the arena!

Forum moderator Rank moderator
Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
CA Canada
Re: Freon Suggestions:

Mayabe some more 1v1 maps. dm17, aerohub, cpm8. Happy

Site administrator
haxxus's picture
Joined: May 2007
US United States
Re: Freon Suggestions:

Mayabe some more 1v1 maps. dm17, aerohub, cpm8. Happy

Suggest what maps to replace with your idea, i think dm17 is already on there somewhere but we can use it more

Edit 1: Replaced TAG 10 map dm7 with bgmp4s
suggest bgmp4 , reason i did not add it before was because it was on a 50mb pack , Lir took it out of the pack and now is a 8mb map ( without music )
called bgmp4s , is ready for direct in-game fast download or find it at the website link from main post

Site administrator
haxxus's picture
Joined: May 2007
US United States
Re: Freon Suggestions:

Edit 2: suggested map thephhortress , supposibly it was plaid often in the past , we tested it a few times even with 7vs7 and I with everyone seem to like it, is very spacious map feels good with the weapon config so I have replaced TAG 10 q3dm12 with thephhortress.
Please try to suggest changes / maps and or anything here , is hard to remembers things said when were playing .

Site administrator
haxxus's picture
Joined: May 2007
US United States
Re: Freon Suggestions:

omg this guy .. Jiva I do not even read your blocks of googles text, Please stop spamming this threat .

lir's picture
Joined: Jul 2011
Re: Freon Suggestions:

You are for real Jiva xD hahahhahaha. I'm dead.
Jiva, this thread is about to make a suggestion for a map you'd like to add for Freon.

Please open your own thread for all that is 'Freon has stolen my valor' stuff.
Thanks. You welcome. Gonna grab more popcorn.


Tanya's picture
Joined: Apr 2007
Re: Freon Suggestions:

Perhaps some TDM, hm? I can't get why it is so much ignored nowadays.
I mean, there is CTF and FFA on that server, why not to add TDM also?
and about maps, I know some good of them, custom mostly among others a hogwart map but Im afraid that for 99% of players it would be too huge Tongue however, fun on it is fucking awesome

Site administrator
haxxus's picture
Joined: May 2007
US United States
Re: Freon Suggestions:
*TANYA* wrote:

Perhaps some TDM, hm? I can't get why it is so much ignored nowadays.
I mean, there is CTF and FFA on that server, why not to add TDM also?
and about maps, I know some good of them, custom mostly among others a hogwart map but Im afraid that for 99% of players it would be too huge Tongue however, fun on it is fucking awesome

Yes TDM will come soon , and please share the map names Happy

Site administrator
Frrr's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
RS Serbia
Re: Freon Suggestions:

I would like to see some pad maps for ffa, like padpool, padcenter and padshop Happy

forever and one

Site administrator
haxxus's picture
Joined: May 2007
US United States
Re: Freon Suggestions:
[MR.]FRRR wrote:

I would like to see some pad maps for ffa, like padpool, padcenter and padshop Happy

Were thinking of cutting tag to 2 maps then the ffa , 2 tags ctf , 2 tags tdm and so on , what you guys think ,
and doing so we can mix more maps like frrr suggestion