SFC Final HYPER 2 : 0 Jumps

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Fubar's picture
Joined: Feb 2009
GB United Kingdom
Re: SFC Final HYPER 2 : 0 Jumps

gg both , 2 close games

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: SFC Final HYPER 2 : 0 Jumps

I just looked at ermap3 screenshot and Im just wondering why Trickz/Akali(while he is in Hyper trial) was using ref password and why he could watch both teams while he s allready in one of playing team?


mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: SFC Final HYPER 2 : 0 Jumps

Sorry for dump post, but where on the screenshot we can see that he used ref-password?

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: SFC Final HYPER 2 : 0 Jumps
mow Q [EN] wrote:

Sorry for dump post, but where on the screenshot we can see that he used ref-password?

I colored it for u.

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
Re: SFC Final HYPER 2 : 0 Jumps
JUMPS'FPS! wrote:

mow Q [EN] wrote:
Sorry for dump post, but where on the screenshot we can see that he used ref-password?

I colored it for u.

adding explanation: yellow background means "ref" Tongue

I bet trickz was telling where jumps are and that is why they lost !!
Kostur told trickz that he will get fullmember if he will do it.

... ofcourse I'm joking ^^

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: SFC Final HYPER 2 : 0 Jumps
JUMPS'FPS! wrote:

mow Q [EN] wrote:
Sorry for dump post, but where on the screenshot we can see that he used ref-password?

I colored it for u.

Thx, probably i should start playing cws again, so I know such things again Big grin

OK, so it was already visible ingame at the start of the cw? If yes, i see no reason to complain. If no a rematch should be possible imo. Is this background also visible on demo? If yes you can check when he enabled ref...

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: SFC Final HYPER 2 : 0 Jumps
!@#$%&*( terror )_ wrote:

adding explanation: yellow background means "ref" Tongue

I bet trickz was telling where jumps are and that is why they lost !!
Kostur told trickz that he will get fullmember if he will do it.

... ofcourse I'm joking ^^

please, we dont need ur silly sarcazm here.

The fact is that hes in hyper (trial or whatever) and he used refpass in such match, evenmore we were leading ermap3 and I find this unacceptable.

Imagine what would be if some of my members d ref mark in this match. Even if Id told that he(she) has no micro and wasnt at TS that doesnt change the point. Clanleaders have to watch what their clanmembers do.

I didnt notice this thing right after match, I wrote "GG" at game and at forum and though that hyper was just little lucky yesterday. Nice to win while u have ur mate as a ref. We wont know was he telling something to u or he wasnt. It harms ur reputation while u play like that. Well done.

Linatali's picture
Joined: Mar 2010
Re: SFC Final HYPER 2 : 0 Jumps

trickz isnt hyper member and he isnt trial hyper member also Happy and yes ofc we won only cuz of him ;D

Joined: May 2009
Re: SFC Final HYPER 2 : 0 Jumps

Tricky and Trikz weren't at the beginning. As for me i haven't seen Trikz, when he connected and used ref. Even in that case no one (except referee) would cry about this during a game. One more reason to stress players.

Of course they did nothing for this game and it's not about the result. Excuse me please, it was final of the cup, clan war, we had great online translation... So was it nesessary to connect to server during game? I know that a lot of players have ref pass from this server, but sorry, It's our clan server. Then i feel free to join any other server next time while another clan's CW, use referee password and watch both teams. Without asking someone. It would be normal I think, yea?

Nothing personal about Tricky and Trikz, it could be another players

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: SFC Final HYPER 2 : 0 Jumps
HYPER*NAT wrote:

trickz isnt hyper member and he isnt trial hyper member also Happy and yes ofc we won only cuz of him ;D

I think its possible even for you to open ur eyes and watch this post.


There is a link to new clan members and there were no post about his kicking out of trial.

If you still didnt understand this, go to top of this message and reread it.

And also Ill repeat that everyone can put their sacrazm to their ass.

I explainted my point and if anyone is brainless and blind cunt you may not even answer on this thread.

I asked why Trickz ( as a trial member of a hyper) was using ref password at this match. Hope now u got it.