Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

here is one example
excuse me for my bad painting xD
I made a template for yr map Download and type ''/map mario'' in console to play this map. PS its just a template, theres no doors, lights, nothing. only single texture.
Now tell yr remarks here. (Texture style, what do u like/dont, room bigger/smaller etc)
ohhh my god thx i will check that map after school and telling u all details. thank u so much !!! u rock
Are you using the sky I used in my Dark Zone remake? How did you get lighting on the surface, I have trouble with this shader.

the circle
Nice idea, althoug the four walls in the atrium might be an obstacle if they are that big?Did you also find the super mario quake 3 skin?

Can it be gothic/medieval or does it have to be futuristic space maps? Just that I hate them.
Well, everyone has its own style, although I did nót mention outer space, I dont like those space maps also... Just surrealistic, you know what that is rigt???

Are you using the sky I used in my Dark Zone remake? How did you get lighting on the surface, I have trouble with this shader.
GtkRadiant. in baseq3/scripts folder located file shaderlist.txt Open it and type dm6 at the bottom
About second Mario's picture. Avoid 2 mutch cirkles and curve walls. This will affect on bot movements. Bots like more stright and parallel terrains

the circle![]()
Nice idea, althoug the four walls in the atrium might be an obstacle if they are that big?Did you also find the super mario quake 3 skin?
Can it be gothic/medieval or does it have to be futuristic space maps? Just that I hate them.
Well, everyone has its own styl. I guess your name already says it...
ye they are that big and be an obstacle but they can be a bit lower u know what i mean. anyway it is just an example i am not a good map builder with a program so i need ur help and inspiration.
and yes i know the mario skin xD thx. but i am using the standard models.

Are you using the sky I used in my Dark Zone remake? How did you get lighting on the surface, I have trouble with this shader.GtkRadiant. in baseq3/scripts folder located file shaderlist.txt Open it and type dm6 at the bottom
About second Mario's picture. Avoid 2 mutch cirkles and curve walls. This will affect on bot movements. Bots like more stright and parallel terrains
for example u can make it more edges like curves if u want but the circle in the middle has to stay. thx for help
here is a picture what i mean

just an example u can make it more normal if u want but the circle in the middle has to stay. thx for help
I would do the main open circle in the middele and 4 rooms around them, connect the rooms with tubes to the circle, not sure to interconnect the rooms sideways, because you have to end up in the Atrium for fast paced killing.
You know q3dm6, there is an atrium. look at it like the atrium is a bit bigger and also like q3dm6 you can go up the stairs where the plasma is and go to the wider circle of the atrium which is partially on the roof of the smaller rooms. Put some glass walls on this level so there is something to see but you can still hide from instagib. Make 2 or 4 jumppads in the atrium to get up the bigger circle, put the 4 spawnpoints and some weapons inside the rooms and I think you have a map that just needs some decorations and artwork to finish. Maybe a curved roof to guide multi-jumpers and an open sky for the view, some videoscreens for the artwork.
I made a pain sketch to clear it up. The size is off, but just about the idea. What do you think?
I have seen bots work great in maps like , so curves can work?! Also who still play's against bots anymore?

Are you using the sky I used in my Dark Zone remake? How did you get lighting on the surface, I have trouble with this shader.GtkRadiant. in baseq3/scripts folder located file shaderlist.txt Open it and type dm6 at the bottom
About second Mario's picture. Avoid 2 mutch cirkles and curve walls. This will affect on bot movements. Bots like more stright and parallel terrains
No, I'm having trouble with a sky shader, it's not giving off light like it's supposed to. I'm using this shader:
surfaceparm noimpact
surfaceparm nolightmap
surfaceparm sky
q3map_sun 5 3 6 40 80 70
q3map_surfacelight 45
skyparms - 512 -
//sky env/hell2
//cloudparms 512 full
map textures/skies/dimclouds.tga
tcMod scroll 0.1 0.1
tcMod scale 3 2
map textures/skies/redcloudsa.tga
blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
tcMod scroll 0.05 0.05
tcMod scale 3 3
//map env/redcloudsa.tga
//blendfunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
//tcMod scroll 0.05 0
//tcMod scale 2 2
//map env/redclouds.tga
//blendfunc GL_ONE GL_SRC_COLOR
//tcMod scroll 0.05 0.05
//tcMod scale 1 1
Can someone help?
there is a map like that "octagon" but is has no jumppads or rooms.

there is a map like that "octagon" but is has no jumppads or rooms.
Yes, it is based on the same concept, but just optimized. I played that one 5 years ago with my ex. Man that was a good starter, but I lost that map. Thanks, now i have it again . But still, I think you need the rooms, stairs and glass for rocket and face to face gaming. Also Octagon looks awfull and the artwork is wrong positioned and just copy pasted form q3.
I think my idea is a nice optimization of this kind of arena based gaming... In quake 3 you are a gladiator right? To bad I can't make maps myself yet...