Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

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Managorth Anora
Grim Sorcerer's picture
Joined: Dec 2010
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

That map's not even done, I assume you want freshly made map ideas and not remakes?

Perk's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

how about asylum from qlive for e+? 

its reasonable big, has many heightlevels and has a good mix of openness and interconnectedness

JoeriBaas's picture
Joined: Dec 2008
NL Netherlands
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

Ontopic:Okay, here goes:

-Must be playable with 1vs1 up to 4 players deathmatch. Not to big so it does not take more then 1 minute to meet eachoter in 1vs1. Indoors/arena would be preferrable. One big meeting room with more small connected ones on the side. Maybe 2 floors (ground and one). q3dm6 has a nice (to small) meeting hall, but the map is quite large for 1 on 1. Jul24 on the other hand might be a bit to small.
-Must have all weapons and items exept BFG
-Must be playable with both baseq3 and instagib config (or mix like my cfg)
-Not realistic looking (look at urban terror, it looks like its tried but is just not it), no old original quake 3 textures, sulptures, statues, torches, skulls, pentagrams (come on, the weapons and gameplay of quake 3 is futuristic but all the leves must have lots of gorre, blood, sulls en pentagrams on the walls, someone got issues or what???)... I would pefer just something surrealistic from the future made in balance with gameplay and style. Get some ideas from my previous stated "artsy" maplist. Althoug focal_136 and cht2 dont offer the best gamplay, the feel like they tried to find such a balance.

That is something me and my lanparty friends would appreciate.

I agree with Impulse. Still there should be a balance between artsy and functional. I have played manny custom maps. Most of them I think of as a first creation, just trying something, but it is neigther new, mindblowing creative, nor has it good gameplay. Some of them are mindblowing, like Estatica and mxl_school, but have crappy gameplay or are for major lanparty's. Some of them have great gameplay, but we already know them for exemple from quake 3 itself like q3dm17.Althoug I must say, overkill looks like an weird empty castle with a reuse of textures we already have seen for over 11 years (well thats how long I have played quake 3 and it starts to get boring at some point).I think it would take a very skillfull team, of both a good mapper, architect, artist, gamer and musician to make a GOOD map. Something that stands out. I think if you would make a really good map, just for the gametypes and try to get a lot of feedback from the community you would have a nice e+ mappack. I do know a lot of you like to play freezetag and team deathmatch, some playing CTF, but im a simple guy that aims on anything that moves...

Furthermore, why take the effort to build those maps when there is a $%!%^^!load of them out there!

Also I still dont understand why everybody still uses the friggin 11 years old original quake 3 1.32 when there is ioquake3. It has it all, except lowsy punk-buster (what ever the hell that nagging software is usefull for, if you see an aimbot on your server, just ban it, only cheaters I have seen so far) and a lower framerate.

Just try it when my server is online

JoeriBaas's picture
Joined: Dec 2008
NL Netherlands
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus
Sander wrote:

ok uploaded beta1, but there was beta2 or 3 somwhere

Thanks for the link.I tested it, and although it has a lot of missing textures and the weird damage the sand gives, It surprised me and I think it has a lot of potential. Maybe a few nice sounds like the cows, something else for the corpses then the one from q3dm14; maybe make some use of the clock bell. I'm exited to find version b3 and hope it is a texturecomplete version with some moonlight... I think it looks great and might have some good gameplay to with the house and the open field around, very original.

sub_nixter's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

hello. i would very much like to see a "q2dm1" alike map on e+for those who played quake from back 1998. will now what im saying. The edge are some samples of map. it has..2 big rooms.all map connected itself for strafejumping.good Bfg jumps.water tunnel.columns on the underground partan elevator.etc.etc.this map would be good for itemstyle 3

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Meteorkid's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

Hi this is an idea i have not yet started however a map which includes a very large vertical room  with many offshoots almost like if you took out the inside of a skyscraper and on;ly left a few corridors. i say this because most of the E+ maps only use the horizontal playing fields to fly along and shoot, why not try flying up as well ^^ i have yet to expirence that kindo game play here yet it is possible due to the flying climbing weapons.

I will try drawing something Big grin and get some references.

Edit and if i get time one day i will make a map called "matt land" based on his design unless someone else does it Tongue

Managorth Anora
Grim Sorcerer's picture
Joined: Dec 2010
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

Can it be gothic/medieval or does it have to be futuristic space maps? Just that I hate them.

Newbie's picture
Joined: May 2010
DE Germany
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

Hi this is an idea i have not yet started however a map which includes a very large vertical room with many offshoots almost like if you took out the inside of a skyscraper and on;ly left a few corridors. i say this because most of the E+ maps only use the horizontal playing fields to fly along and shoot, why not try flying up as well ^^ i have yet to expirence that kindo game play here yet it is possible due to the flying climbing weapons.

I will try drawing something Big grin and get some references.

Edit and if i get time one day i will make a map called "matt land" based on his design unless someone else does it Tongue

wooohoooo thx man i hope u can make it xD

Newbie's picture
Joined: May 2010
DE Germany
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

the circle Big grin

sander's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus
Matt wrote:

here is one example

excuse me for my bad painting xD

I made a template for yr map Download and type ''/map mario'' in console to play this map. PS its just a template, theres no doors, lights, nothing. only single texture.

Now tell yr remarks here. (Texture style, what do u like/dont, room bigger/smaller etc)