Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

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xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005


Pls discuss maps you wanna see on e+ here.

Saying "We want a map like overkill" will not help at all the mapper so pls give more details about your ideas, even some general structure like a small paperwork if you can (takes <5min to draw).

And pls no remix proposition here, we have played enough the maps we already have. New maps for e+ should be original.

Here is an example of infos to provide :
.: General idea : ?
.: Supported players : ?
.: Supported gametypes : ?
.: Number of levels : ?
.: Number of rooms : ?
.: Texture theme : ?
.: Special notes : ?
.: Attached paperwork : ?


Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

Newbie's picture
Joined: May 2010
DE Germany
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

yo ali

i will draw a map so u can see what type of map i like. If i can make it i will upload pictures this night.

btw nice topic Big grin


i have drawn map on paper (big one, with towers, a bridge, a tunnel...). will draw it @home better and send it to u.

darkangelspa's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

I like very much the ''dark metalic'' design of the maps like:


and big maps for bfg and nades jumps like:


You can make a remix of overkill, with a dark metalic design, add on it some doors, and new rooms...maybe it will be very famous as it is now the 6++, q3dm6remix, dmxl6 (maps remixes of very popular map called q3dm6) and also we have got the remix of the map q3dm7 called 7++ also very popular around here.

Also I like very much the ''yellow/orange'' colors of maps like q3dm7, ztm3dm1, poq3dm5, ospra3map1, 7++, hope you understand what i mean :]

Also, I dont know you guys, but I like to see some 'fog' around the map in some places or rooms, for example if we see the luna3dm1x2 it has fog downstaris very original I like it.
In q3tourney5 its to much fog...this one i dont like.
Also interesting fog on map ktsdm3.

This is the maps that I like and enjoy playing Happy

Gloria Mōmentum
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
—Ernest Hemingway

Managorth Anora
Grim Sorcerer's picture
Joined: Dec 2010
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus
xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus
Managorth Anora wrote:

My map?

Your map was already done, I'm here asking comminity what they want and to propose, so a mapper can make it knowing there are some ppl wanting it.

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

JoeriBaas's picture
Joined: Dec 2008
NL Netherlands
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

From all the hundreds of custom maps I have played/tested, the map Focal Point by Simon O'Callaghan (focal_p132) I found having the best looks and gameplay combined ever. In my goal to make a server with manny dreamworlds, this one stands uit for me.

So have a look at it. I doubt if your mapper can do better Tongue. There are already some great maps out there. Have a look at: pohan3dm1

sander's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus
=High-Energy= wrote:

From all the hundreds of custom maps I have played/tested, the map Focal Point by Simon O'Callaghan (focal_p132) I found having the best looks and gameplay combined ever. In my goal to make a server with manny dreamworlds, this one stands uit for me.

So have a look at it. I doubt if your mapper can do better Tongue. There are already some great maps out there. Have a look at: pohan3dm1






Ok i tryed focal_p132. It defenitely dont suits for e+. First of all it has no single big room, which  make spam fest of this map. And 2nd it has custom textures with cel shader..and boring one-colored design. As practice say public wont play maps which style differs from original q3. If u just like cel shading i did one map called ''damned'' so u can check it.

BTW mappers team can remake some existing maps, also maps from Quake Live

JoeriBaas's picture
Joined: Dec 2008
NL Netherlands
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

Nice you tried it. True, i know q3dm17 is the best played map for rail only and the rest i don't play much. Althoug I think this map come close to my other favorite q3dm6 when it come to gameplay. Fast paced using all the weapons, including instagib rail. Try my server (when it has people in it Tongue)

But i dont like the dark middleage, bloody style design in quake. I think these futuristic weapons fit much better in a clean futuristic environment. Also i think it does not show creativity if people make a map and then you see them copy some textures, like the jump pads in pohan3dm1. Not saying i can do better. Not at all, i cant make any map, but just as a critic after testing almost all the custom maps out there.

The map is not cell shaded. cht2 is. Looks also very different. Cell shaded has it charms and can be very beautifull, but gets depressing very fast.

I tried looking up ur map, but i dont know which one it is on Can you give a permalink?

Newbie's picture
Joined: May 2010
DE Germany
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus

here is one example

excuse me for my bad painting xD

darkangelspa's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus
Matt wrote:

here is one example

excuse me for my bad painting xD

mm this is the overkill?Oo

Gloria Mōmentum
Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

“There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter.”
—Ernest Hemingway

sander's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: Maps propositions for Excessiveplus
=High-Energy= wrote:

Nice you tried it. True, i know q3dm17 is the best played map for rail only and the rest i don't play much. Althoug I think this map come close to my other favorite q3dm6 when it come to gameplay. Fast paced using all the weapons, including instagib rail. Try my server (when it has people in it Tongue)

But i dont like the dark middleage, bloody style design in quake. I think these futuristic weapons fit much better in a clean futuristic environment. Also i think it does not show creativity if people make a map and then you see them copy some textures, like the jump pads in pohan3dm1. Not saying i can do better. Not at all, i cant make any map, but just as a critic after testing almost all the custom maps out there.

The map is not cell shaded. cht2 is. Looks also very different. Cell shaded has it charms and can be very beautifull, but gets depressing very fast.

I tried looking up ur map, but i dont know which one it is on Can you give a permalink?

I posted it here

it should be on some ali's server or ftp.

It was supposed to be a survival horror map. But later it needed some config commands implemented. There was no support from mod team so i cancelled work on that map. Atm it's not finished and dont suits for e+