L8 :: EVOL 2:0 -C4-/03.12.2006/RANKED
TDM League #8 run: EVOL vs -C4-
q3dm7 - C4 chose
368 : 275
q3dm11 - EVOL chose
331 : 302
3. December 2006, Sunday 20:00 CET
Server: #1, Referee: Faith
Thank you for games C4, Faith thank you for beeng referee
Hehe lovely you win again, I'm a 10000000x sorry for not being there, i am too late:(.
GG both :oops:
well played both close on 11
Aww, Rena's posts are always so organized, so meticulously done, so nice
sry m8s my connection crashed couldnt be there =/
Well done my lovable red & white smurf comrades
Just one question - why was Pan allowed to play in this game? Didn't he start the league in 2!S? Or am i missing something/wrongly interpreting the rules? :scratch:
# If a player start the league with a clan and then move to another which is also participateing in the league, must wait 3 games before playing in the new one.
Just curious.
read the first post
Aye, but it still dosen't clear the issue.
Look guys, i'm not being malicious here - i like Pan, and i like C4 . But rules are rules, and i'm just wondering... that's all.
@Mad - Where you see Pan ?
- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...