L8 :: EVOL 2:0 -C4-/03.12.2006/RANKED

thats fucking nonsense
bah im out of this crap game [edit] => (league)
Please be serious, and act like an adult person (which I think you are) or ill call Super Niania ,
You have broken the rules – and the punishment is as little as possible:
1. I knew that EVOL will disagree to consider the game a walkover – so you (c4) wont receive penalty in points..
2. The next two rounds for c4 are /round9: pause/ - /round10: pro/ so you wont miss to many games..

do u feel good acting the god faith?
take it easy
I don’t consider my ACTS in this league as USING the “GOD” power.. I would rather call acting like judge – coz I need to follow pre-made rules, Unlike “GOD” I’ve no space for flexibility …
Anywayz I don’t feel good in this position, coz how can you feel fine when you need to fight with participants all the time.. when you fall out, with cool people around here..
I wouldn’t consider this as second punishment, its more like continuing the clanHop penalty..

BTW... LOOP isn't in EVOL anymore but has joined HYPER on Nov 16

clan : Hyper
Player : Loop
@ IZ
I can only rely on info provided by participants, in this case I’ve asked some Hyp member is Hyp.Loop = Evol.Loop – he told me that NO.
@hq ->
how should i prevent it? maybe i should memorize all players IP.. coz unlike faulty GUID identification its more accurate.. BTW I did whois on both players:
-C4-Mush: Fungt
-C4-Des: someclan.Morel...
Anywayz from now on, anybody that will break the rule regarding clanHopping, will be punished (if discovered:)) with 3 rounds penalty + his clan will receive a WO from the particular game in which there was an abuse.

BTW... LOOP isn't in EVOL anymore but has joined HYPER on Nov 16wrote:
clan : Hyper
Player : Loop@ IZ
I can only rely on info provided by participants, in this case I’ve asked some Hyp mem
ber is Hyp.Loop = Evol.Loop – he told me that NO.
Ehhrr... ? Plz Loop, clarify!

@hq ->how should i prevent it? maybe i should memorize all players IP.. coz unlike faulty GUID identification its more accurate.. BTW I did whois on both players:
-C4-Mush: Fungt
-C4-Des: someclan.Morel...
We do this 4 fun, right?

Anywayz from now on, anybody that will break the rule regarding clanHopping, will be punished (if discovered:)) with 3 rounds penalty + his clan will receive a WO from the particular game in which there was an abuse.
Try... do this again and TEAM will be disqualified!
But I know... The show must go on and hopefully finish all in good peace.
I c no point in being nice now when E+ has so many clans to pick from! Follow the rules or leave the contest! Simple!
Merry Christmas!
ps. I suppose my example invitations to Mr and PLAYSTAR are ok then?
loop did leave EVOL and join HYPER, loop let me know he didn't want to play in a clan any more...or something like that. Then a member of HYPER asked me if I would have any issuses if loop joined them as it was quite soon after loop had left EVOL for the said reason.
I could read into the situation he wanted to leave EVOL for HYPER, but even if i did it would change nothing, if you don't want to be in EVOL there is no point staying. I have no issues about loop leaving ..its sad to lose a member and good player but that's all.
Ok ...maybe too much info, I just wanted to clear it up.
I thought I made an announcement at EVOL forum, but looking back I didn't. So the confusion is partly my fault sorry guys !...though I really thought it was common knowledge.
Hmm.. What about new players? Shouldn't they pause 3 games as well? That's the only option which makes sense imo.

Hmm.. What about new players? Shouldn't they pause 3 games as well? That's the only option which makes sense imo.
yeah im see it the same
nobody will try to change nick and snick to help a clan
@faith, dunno, its hard to lern ppl's nicks from all clans but checking it before cw server=forum might help

thats fucking nonsense
bah im out of this crap game [edit] => (league)- hes right, no wonder he took a break (imo he cant leave so easily:) ) so many ppl here are really acting like gods....
Please be serious, and act like an adult person (which I think you are) or ill call Super Niania
- hes acting like adult person, he has no another way to do the most simply cut than this one.
You have broken the rules – and the punishment is as little as possible:
1. I knew that EVOL will disagree to consider the game a walkover – so you (c4) wont receive penalty in points..
2. The next two rounds for c4 are /round9: pause/ - /round10: pro/ so you wont miss to many games..- punishing it = using "gods powers" , besides i must ask u, do u feel like telepath?
how could u know evol wont take WO? man:) thats crap
do u feel good acting the god faith?
take it easy
I don’t consider my ACTS in this league as USING the “GOD” power.. I would rather call acting like judge – coz I need to follow pre-made rules, Unlike “GOD” I’ve no space for flexibility …
- two views here, one from "high" society one from "down" society...
Anywayz I don’t feel good in this position, coz how can you feel fine when you need to fight with participants all the time.. when you fall out, with cool people around here..
- If u want to be in "high" society u have to count with this
I wouldn’t consider this as second punishment, its more like continuing the clanHop penalty..
BTW... LOOP isn't in EVOL anymore but has joined HYPER on Nov 16
clan : Hyper
Player : Loop@ IZ
I can only rely on info provided by participants, in this case I’ve asked some Hyp member is Hyp.Loop = Evol.Loop – he told me that NO.
- his choice, hes just kid without patience or real oppinions:/
@hq ->
how should i prevent it? maybe i should memorize all players IP.. coz unlike faulty GUID identification its more accurate.. BTW I did whois on both players:
-C4-Mush: Fungt
-C4-Des: someclan.Morel...Anywayz from now on, anybody that will break the rule regarding clanHopping, will be punished (if discovered:)) with 3 rounds penalty + his clan will receive a WO from the particular game in which there was an abuse.
- ye, keep it going.... iam looking forward to read new posts about this
Hm, Pan started league with 2!S, then he didnt play any league games on many weeks. He would play again, so c4 add him.
Hm, this rule is write badly.
For example:
The league have 30 rounds. I started play with (f ex) with Evol in first round, then i left, bcs i have broken computer. I want play begin, so i contact c4 for add me in the 28th round. They accepted me, but when i starting with 2!S few times ago, i cannt play. Impossible. Altough im pass all the time.
Hm..this rule need correct.
diablo please...
faith must take radical steps as organisator, we dont want here chaos, and that means he must give orders to ppl, how do u expect he will be act like?
- oh sorry but im must ask what was yors nick before xxx
- screw u not yors busines
- oh thats fine, thank u for answer
ppl cant do what they want or lisen only positive things
u may dont like lisen ppl, but do u try do the same in real life? u will say it is only a game, hmm but only think what will hapen if in czeh all ppl will start using only thier personal lore and stop lisening goverment, and compare it to a game sytuation wich leads to total chaos
@psy, in mine eyes rule should not allow ppl to swich clan in one day iven if they dint played in thier old clan eny league game, this rule is set to prevent cheating by geting stronger lienup before important games

diablo please...
faith must take radical steps as organisator, we dont want here chaos, and that means he must give orders to ppl, how do u expect he will be act like?
- oh sorry but im must ask what was yors nick before xxx
- screw u not yors busines
- oh thats fine, thank u for answerppl cant do what they want or lisen only positive things
u may dont like lisen ppl, but do u try do the same in real life? u will say it is only a game, hmm but only think what will hapen if in czeh all ppl will start using only thier personal lore and stop lisening goverment, and compare it to a game sytuation wich leads to total chaos
@psy, in mine eyes rule should not allow ppl to swich clan in one day iven if they dint played in thier old clan eny league game, this rule is set to prevent cheating by geting stronger lienup before important games
Im writed, so this rule is bad specified only. Wtf u write some thinks about czech???

diablo please...
faith must take radical steps as organisator, we dont want here chaos, and that means he must give orders to ppl, how do u expect he will be act like?
- i dont say hes acting bad or good, he just acts like faith ..
- oh sorry but im must ask what was yors nick before xxx -> iam so sorry but i really dont know what u mean.
- screw u not yors busines - screw me?U speak like polite guy, or like polish one?- oh thats fine, thank u for answer - np, anytime
ppl cant do what they want or lisen only positive things - who said that all is black or white?
u may dont like lisen ppl, but do u try do the same in real life? u will say it is only a game, hmm but only think what will hapen if in czeh all ppl will start using only thier personal lore and stop lisening goverment, and compare it to a game sytuation wich leads to total chaos
- our or yours government has nothing to do with lil e+ "league" dont u think?If u want u cacn make topic about political situation in whole world or whatever.
-well, there r ppl who imo should not have so much power - it is just my oppinion, so do screw me again....
@psy, in mine eyes rule should not allow ppl to swich clan in one day iven if they dint played in thier old clan eny league game, this rule is set to prevent cheating by geting stronger lienup before important games
-> this rule was, this rule is and this rule will be....