Excessive Plus v1.04-beta3

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unique * mnc
mnc's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta3

Easy when you'll share new build with those things fixed so we can find new bugs or features? Big grin

I'm just sick of those cfg-side e5/e6/e5r/e6b/e8/e12/e*$#&*$# details.

Joined: Jan 2008
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta3

ok my last opinion about cfg Tongue lg splash dmg is too high all other could be accetable

Developer (retired)
rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta3
unique * mnc wrote:

Easy when you'll share new build with those things fixed so we can find new bugs or features? Big grin

I'm just sick of those cfg-side e5/e6/e5r/e6b/e8/e12/e*$#&*$# details.


Había una vez un barco chiquito...

InsaneKid's picture
Joined: May 2007
new ideas

What if u would be able to thaw both teams (optional)?
Players have to act different, when they try to thaw a mate
next to a frozen enemy.

And what about a new item?-
smth like a beautiful stone/pearl ...
the player that owns the item when the match is finished,
has one extra-point or stuff like that.

This is one thing that bothers me in the new version.
The PowerUps belong to E+ as they belong to q3.
i think, they are even more important and fun! in e+
it should not vanish when its lost/dropped by a player;
or should be optional!!!

MaGiK's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta3

Ok spawnprotection in tdm/ctf in e5 is totally missed idea....can ya imagine e5 5 vs 5 clanwar on dm17/dm3/dm2/dm5? Youll kill 150 but your scoreboard will show max 20 Tongue
Spawnprotection on tag gametype is good idea tho.

unique * mnc
mnc's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta3

Insanekid just brought an idea to my head. Maybe you'll change quad damage to be more usefull (I'm thinking about matches, where nobody will call you quadwhore).

My idea is to make it stronger, but don't affect bfg/nades so you can move normally. Quad spawn would be tactical position then.

_|DS*Achm3D* wrote:

Ok spawnprotection in tdm/ctf in e5 is totally missed idea....can ya imagine e5 5 vs 5 clanwar on dm17/dm3/dm2/dm5? Youll kill 150 but your scoreboard will show max 20 Tongue
Spawnprotection on tag gametype is good idea tho.

Point well taken, spawnprotect should only affect TAG games. Most of TDM games are about covering enemy spawns.

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta3




Beast_Cro's picture
Joined: Jul 2007
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta3

I hope "Vote already cast" (and nothing pressed before that) bug will be solved too.

The chase is better than the catch!

.DA| Clan | CRO Team

Beer freezer server map rotation + download links:

pbm's picture
Joined: Nov 2007
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta3
'ASH wrote:

On another note, don't forget that defence won't be able to abuse switch too to kill you.

This is exactly why we need switch. With the speed cappers go these days, on the majority of maps, they will cap easy on a config with a slow switch that doesnt have an instant kill weapon. When e6 is played, flags are capped way easier than e5. No weapon on e5 is guaranteed to kill with one shot - not even BFG. So defence will stand there, get one chance to shoot their BFG and if they are lucky and manage to catch the timing at the feet of the capper, he will probably die, otherwise hes left the base and the defender is stood there waiting for his SG to appear. If you slow down the shooting, you gotta slow down the moving. It's obvious really. Remove the massive knockback on BFG and see how you well you cap.

The bottom line is that whether people think that switch is an abuse or not, switchers love it because the game feels more responsive, and the speed buzz and fun of pressing loadsa buttons is why they play it. If they wanted slower games they'd play other configs or other mods. If they wanted to become a master of one weapon only, they'd play like those who refuse to switch, and probably play e6 or plus or cpma or any other slower alternative game style.

They play e5 because its the fastest most insane config ever, and thats why they love it.

It's all personal preference and the arugments will go on forever.

Secret is right, you can of course make another config e52 or whatever, and already I see that will be the way forward for those that love e5 and e5r. Easy shouldnt have changed e5, he should have made e5 the official e6, e52009, or watever.

spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
Excessive Plus v1.04-beta3
*ZMB*SEEBZ* wrote:

Trickz, be more positive, I'm sure many will return, or at least, we will have some improvement, also we can all advertise e+ Big grin

Nice job

yes i am !! Im glad this wheel started to roll again .. good job easy.

.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;

Visit: http://www.excessiveplus.net/spider/