Beer admin,
I fuck fabios mom and it's not a secret

I fuck fabios mom and it's not a secret
Im not blitz, he wish

And other thing, there are few and few players and if you keep banning players for such stupidity like this, there will be nobody to play with...
Are you guys really this fkkn retarded? Did it ever come to your minds that maybe just maybe people leave this old game because of idiots like this Paradise? It's not worth to play an old rusty game full of idiots. You should grow some fkkn balls and just ban them so other people will actually keep playing this game for fun.

As to your last statement that it is better to have abusive players than noone, I respectfully disagree and I hope you are not having the same approach for cheaters for example.
Yes this ''community'' has the same approach for cheaters. They don't want to ban them because then they will have 1 player less playing this game. And guess what? Other people WILL leave or allready have left for choices like this.
Borg is a nice recent example for that. Still people playing there? I wonder why not...
Use google to search for a proper meaning of community.... some people just doesnt fit in. Open your fkkn eyes and see which people dont fit in to keep the community alive (if its still possible).
Anywayz you dont have to reply to me personally about this post because i dont give a shit. I think you are all fucking retarded because you all think that banning certain people wont help.
If one would follow para's or diablo's example or point of view then bax and diablo are allowed to keep abusing each other here while no need for admin interference.. their point of views call for not to pay attention to abusive comments or trash talks and just stick with topic..
Para you are a cool person, you look more handsome than what your words would say about you xD try to make your words fit with how gentle and classy you look.. you look like one of those super classy students from a school of a harry potter style. but really regardless of the idea that you have a sense of humor.. your words still drag people to go lower to that level then server turn into a chaos.. behave boy cause you deserve the ban xD haha.. I am not trying to make fun of you really, just sticking with the sense of humor you hold during gaming time, also trying to say some words of truth.. sometime in the past I deserved such thread much more than you do, but yet didn't make any.. the story is that I simply entered the server.. one of the noobs started abusing me while still in spec trying to make a decision which team to join.. I did respond cause I had a bad day and couldn't hold myself.. then immediately got a ban.. I didn't spend 2 minutes in the server before the ban.. and the excuse was that I pretend to be innocent while not.. so my guilt was that I wasn't supposed to play well in order to make some noobs have to start hating me.. the whole IP root was banned xD so not just my name or CDkey which made other Jordanian players also not be able to play.. for 2 weeks.. it was part of the real reason why I left this mod along with some other unfair practices going on here.. not really that I lost my good mouse and my monitor.. but when I returned that really was totally forgotten, but when I recalled I remembered.
I didn't make a thread or said much about it cause I was hoping for the admins to return to their minds and figure their mistake there..
The point is that to build a community.. justice is required from both sides, admins (people responsible) and the members.
PS. mute is not always a solution because people want to communicate and figure out what is going on.. also it doesn't always come to mind that a mute is a solution.. it is true that some delicate sensitive hearts usually to just simply leave.

Para you are a cool person, you look more handsome than what your words would say about you xD try to make your words fit with how gentle and classy you look...
Para is single GMZ .... you should tap that!
BTW in reference to paras original statement regarding the issue , I see no reason to get kicked over trash talk , you don't like what your reading , /mute id or ignore it , the game is 99% real fps playtime 1% chat..
So yes ban for chatting is a bit too much.
My opinion ! take it, or take it deeeeper!
most of you talk about this issue as it was some huge deal..
personally i dont agree with the ban (the mute is ok i think as some kind of friendly reminder), but i can understand the mindset behind it.
para lost a day or two of playing which kinda sucks, but in the end its not that bad. paga learned that even the smallest ban can have a 30 reply consequence in e+ .. and look at all those different people with different opinions that claim they're in the right.
as it is kersy's server and she agreed with the ban we should just leave it at that.
how about we see a little less trashtalk and a little less bans in the future and everyone will be happy... this is a 15 year old game with like 20 players left, where does all the soil for epic drama come from? guess its just tradition here

most of you talk about this issue as it was some huge deal..
personally i dont agree with the ban (the mute is ok i think as some kind of friendly reminder), but i can understand the mindset behind about we see a little less trashtalk and a little less bans in the future and everyone will be happy... this is a 15 year old game with like 20 players left, where does all the soil for epic drama come from? guess its just tradition here
that's what i meant in my comment, which gmz wrongly understood it as an trashtalk encouragment...prolly i forgot just to mention, that apart from all this, we dunno what was with para, and sometimes TOO MUCH shit talk...gets really boring to EVERYONE, that someone must limit that stuff, ofc depends by the case and the situation, as rixo greatly said : less shit talks n less power/abusing bans + play n have fun