Beer admin,

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Creating Paradise's picture
Joined: Aug 2008
Re: Beer admin,
Jabs wrote:

When you say Kommander, are you talking about Kompressor? Because I don't think he is an admin of the server as you just stated, just pointing that out.

I am talking about him. Admin or not, we were both doing the same thing for the X-th time; only one has "justice" exacted on him.

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Joined: Jan 2015
Re: Beer admin,
3M'podle wrote:

Well I don't think, that ban for trash talk is the right solution.. Also if other players are disgust by his talks, they can easily /mute him , so I don't think anyone would leave server cuz of paras dirty words Happy. And other thing, there are few and few players and if you keep banning players for such stupidity like this, there will be nobody to play with...

I'm sorry Podle, but you are generalizing too much and jump to wrong conclusions from there.

The ban was not for the trashtalk, like I mentioned earlier, many people are doing it occasionally and it was not even warned. Paradise's ban is about the excessive abusive talk, which he did against more than just Kompressor (including myself), multiple times. So don't set the stage like he was just joking with one guy, because that is not true.

As he was already warned and banned for the same reason just a few days earlier, I do not understand the surprise, especially that warnings were issued before the second ban too.

I have seen myself an old player from Borg we could thank a lot, leaving, due to the atmosphere Paradise was creating. But apart from that, if you look at the Beer rules, they explicitly say zero tolerance for political and racist/minority abuse. Compared to that, I think we were tolerant enough to warn him, then ban him for a day, later warn him again for the same thing, then give a second temporary ban.

As to your last statement that it is better to have abusive players than noone, I respectfully disagree and I hope you are not having the same approach for cheaters for example.

So please do not frame it like that from now on anyone saying a bad word would be dropped. This ban was for a very particular reason after long enough tolerance.

Creating Paradise's picture
Joined: Aug 2008
Re: Beer admin,
paganini wrote:

3M'podle wrote:
Well I don't think, that ban for trash talk is the right solution.. Also if other players are disgust by his talks, they can easily /mute him , so I don't think anyone would leave server cuz of paras dirty words Happy. And other thing, there are few and few players and if you keep banning players for such stupidity like this, there will be nobody to play with...

I'm sorry Podle, but you are generalizing too much and jump to wrong conclusions from there.

The ban was not for the trashtalk, like I mentioned earlier, many people are doing it occasionally and it was not even warned. Paradise's ban is about the excessive abusive talk, which he did against more than just Kompressor (including myself), multiple times. So don't set the stage like he was just joking with one guy, because that is not true.

As he was already warned and banned for the same reason just a few days earlier, I do not understand the surprise, especially that warnings were issued before the second ban too.

I have seen myself an old player from Borg we could thank a lot, leaving, due to the atmosphere Paradise was creating. But apart from that, if you look at the Beer rules, they explicitly say zero tolerance for political and racist/minority abuse. Compared to that, I think we were tolerant enough to warn him, then ban him for a day, later warn him again for the same thing, then give a second temporary ban.

As to your last statement that it is better to have abusive players than noone, I respectfully disagree and I hope you are not having the same approach for cheaters for example.

So please do not frame it like that from now on anyone saying a bad word would be dropped. This ban was for a very particular reason after long enough tolerance.

This misses the point completely. Mute function ==> use it. This is my last post on this thread. As expected, this is going nowhere.

Laptop: Sony Vaio 3D: VCPFX215FX/BI with 1TB SSD Samsung 850 Pro.
Mouse: Logitech G502 Proteus Core.
Pad: Logitech G240.
Keyboard: Logitech K800
Earphones: Westone ES5 Custom IEM with Emerald Green (Envy) Faceplate
Line out Dock: Whiplash Elite Micro TWag V2 Eclipse w\Oyaide plug
Amplifier: Pico Slim Silver
Music player: iPod Classic 7th Gen 160 GB black

trb's picture
Joined: Jul 2010
Re: Beer admin,
!@#$%&*( terror )_ wrote:

I have no opinion, but wanted to post something.

just quote someone

silence is better than bullshit

Joined: Jan 2015
Re: Beer admin,

I'm sorry Paradise, but the mute function does not solve the problem at all. You are still acting like you simply just annoyed someone - for which a simple mute would be the correct reaction.

You violated the server rules badly and kept doing it after warnings, that is what the ban is for. What kind of twisted logic tells you that looking away from violations will make them ok?

Also, do I need to remind you that due to the tolerance to you earlier, other players started behaving like you too? The message that server rule breaking is tolerated, had to stop for obvious reasons.

kersye's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: Beer admin,

Para I dont think youa re bad guy - and I beleive you when you say its just for fun.
But your jokes are a permamnet spam of trash talk over hours, with components of massive abuse against other people, very often with rascists aspects and sexual enharessment., like for exaple glorification of pedophile.
I know you mean it in a funny way - but if you talk like that all the time, it's creating a atmosphere and further on a place, where saying such things is ok and accepted.
Silence means consent. That's what I beleive and I know I' m not alone with that.
Had severals complains about you in the past.
Some people feel abused.
Muting is not a option, cause refs are responsible for this server and they have to know whats going on. From another point of view, your behaviour could be regarded as permanent harressment.You spam us with that and we wouldn t discuss here, if we were talking about one small trashtalk on server.
It's more a permanent flood - almost every night.

Beer should be a place where poeple have a good time together.
It's nice to joke around a bit - having fun - noone ever said a word against it - but please .... - all the the time, over hours?

2 days ban over - you decide how we go on

Joined: Jul 2012
Re: Beer admin,

Bullshit imo lol. If you don't wanna read his trashtalk then just mute him, I guess Paga banned you just to "avenge" himself for your personal insults towards him.


kersye's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: Beer admin,

yeah another solution ref mute para forever

expedion's picture
Joined: Oct 2010
Re: Beer admin,

Looks like someone is on a power trip.
"Let me tell this person to stop it"

Person refuses to adhere to the command

"I shall be a professional admin and give him a warning to stop"

Person still doesn't give a fuck

"OMG RESPECT MY AUTHORITAAAAAH" *Rage* (Of course admin professional style level 9000)

EL-D1ABL0's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: Beer admin,

reminds me of elitez server, when those snobish retards of fubar n thor was sucking my balls in PM all the time about me talking bollocks on server and some other idiots like them felt "disturbed" by my jokes, and same as with para, it was a collective of 4-5-6 ppl making jokes and laughin saying bullshits, but just me got judged as "public sensitivity offender", coz they and some other snobs idiots like them got their high class sensitivity hurted by reading other ppl joking between them with bad words lol just i know a bit croatians, and there was some croatians n serbians on server, they started say funny shits on that language and i was laughin n telling some similar shits, they was laughin seeing how i was writing that, some "intelligent, high cultured, classy" players, felt disturbed as fubar said, and i was the bad guy who ruined the sleep of those poor souls...u guys are forgetting something, it's a game, a shooting one, here text comes 2nd in matter of importance, a server is a place where ppl shoot each other and also says stuff. if there is on server me, skullhead, laggylova and bax, we playing, if i joke with bax telling i fuck his mom (ok it's true but shh) and he jokes me too with other shit, laggy and skull, might also feel as "superior-class" ppl, but it's shit between me n bax, jokes between us, we got the freedom of it, they supposed to play, not to read, and if they read, they read what we saying to each other, it's our stuff, it's a public place. if then, me and bax are offending skull or laggy and they feel hurted, it's another thing, then admin must help them (if the insults are excessive, towars a person that doesn't wants to join the joke). then we ban bopoh from forum coz annoying posts? they disturb us, or we ban pinkypunk coz his gayness posts annoys my sensitivity? we ban dincy coz she took the whole e+ in 1 clan as pokemon club and using as avatar foto of her salami face? or we ban komby coz has mushroom head and disturbs me with his avatar? no, ban me for my avatar with potato nose as jeffrey would say lol it's public place guys, ppl can say the fuck they want, if u have a problem reading on server how skullhead is asking me how long is my cock, then u have a problem, coz we talkin to each other, not to u....