Excessive Plus v2.3
Finally another update arrived, bringing new gameplay options and fixing bugs.
Freeze Tag
It is no longer possible to thaw through walls and you can speed up the thaw with two or more people (both can be configured). The first one will still be the main thawer and visible in the console message but the other helpers will also receive the assist award together with half the points.
Also by default, frozen bodies will teleport back to their last known position, if they fall into the void.
Match Mode
The amount and duration of timeouts can now be defined by config authors. Also the game will continue more fluid after the timeout ends.
The free fly for spectators has been removed completely if teams are locked. Instead you will see a black screen and no sound at all.
Team spectators now see their team with the right model, instead of the enemy model. Also xp_specModel
has been tweaked to include the whole team.
Advanced Callvote
Some scripting functions have been added to give more freedom to server owners.
// map voting only in the first 2 minutes or if teams haven't scored yet if ( mapTime() < 2*60 || ($g_gametype >= GT_TEAM && !teamScore()) ) { map { // ... } }
Please see the changeslog for more details.
Excessive Plus v2.3 (Jun 20 2014) ================================= add: xp_antiWallhackLevel 0..5 (default: 0) Can make wallhacks useless. It can be configured for levels 0..5 where level 0 is disabled, level 1 is least strict (e.g. it will play most sounds like footsteps) and level 5 is most strict. Keep in mind that it will also reduce game quality for regular players due to missing sounds and other effects. fix: more accurate on-ground unlagged code add: scoreboard now shows Anti-Cheat and Anti-Wallhack level, if enabled on the server chg: scoreboard now has avg. score and avg. kills instead of player count and avg. ping fix: bans parser failed on complex entries fix: warmup() in settings config failed on /rcon load add: some functions to improve scripting in callvote, rotation or crontab mapTime() Map time in seconds. teamCount( teamId ) Amount of players in team. teamId can be 1, 2, TEAM_RED or TEAM_BLUE. teamScore( [teamId] ) Team score. teamId is optional. If omitted it will be the sum of red + blue score. getTeam() Only available in callvote. Returns the team of the caller. fix: do not play jump sounds for spectators (with PHYSICS_STEP_JUMPS) fix: more accurate xp_improvePrediction fix: /ref whois crash for specific dates fix: wrong spawn protection for projectiles fix: crash on unknown gametypes when /startrecord or /screenshotXP format contains $(gametype) chg: own team is no longer considered to be "enemy model" for team spectators in locked teams. chg: xp_specModel now includes the whole team chg: camera modes disabled in locked teams chg: no free spectators in locked teams chg: /mute and /ignore now also mutes taunt and "No item to use" sounds add: /mute enemy Bind-friendly shortcut to mute the opponent team or all in non-team games. add: /unmute enemy add: "Timeout -> Amount" default 3 per team and player (1on1) add: "Timeout -> Time" default 120 seconds for teams (or 60 in 1on1) fix: player positions after timeout/pause chg: reduced visual glitches during timeout/pause fix: /vid_restart, /togglefullscreen, Alt+Enter during timeout/pause chg: referees can override or extend timeout chg: /ref pause cannot be canceled by players anymore (using /ready) fix: Start "dead" on join in Clan Arena chg: "Impact Score" now includes absorbed armor damage chg: thawing sound and now also active during whole thaw process add: "Freeze Tag -> Thaw Walls" default disabled If enabled allows thawing through walls/floor. add: "Freeze Tag -> Helper Factor" default 0.5 Time factor applied if there is more than one thawer. 0 - Only allow one thawer, no helpers > 0 - Additional helpers will thaw with this factor applied A value of 0.5 means 1.5 times faster with 2 thawers, 2 times faster with 3 thawers etc. < 0 - Penalty for additional helpers, the thaw will take longer with more thawers or even negate the thaw add: Teleport of frozen bodies If enabled, it will teleport the frozen body back to the last known "stable" position. If this position is occupied by a player or another frozen body, nothing will happen. The body will continue to thaw as defined (e.g. by Void Thaw Time). As soon as the position becomes available, the frozen body will teleport there. add: "Freeze Tag -> Void Teleport" default enabled add: "Freeze Tag -> Lava Teleport" default disabled add: "Freeze Tag -> Slime Teleport" default disabled add: "Freeze Tag -> Water Teleport" default disabled Excessive Plus v2.2b (Jul 14 2011) ================================== fix: fancy console now degrades gracefully on sv_pure servers no need to disable/enable the console manually when changing server chg: xp_modelScale now 0, 0.5..1.0 Excessive Plus v2.2a (Jun 30 2011) ================================== fix: client crash on some conditions fix: exploit Excessive Plus v2.2 (Jun 26 2011) ================================= Client / UI add: xp_drawConsole "bitmask" (default: 3) will replace the engine console with a custom one, which allows extended color codes to be displayed 1 enable the console 2 filter out most debug/info messages 4 do not scale the font size add: Wallhack2 command along with wallhackPassword cvar, available for spectators (it will draw green bbox for live enemies only) chg: bring back cg_optimizePrediction option (turned on by default) chg: renamed some countries to match ISO 3166-2, see below add: some country flags Saint Martin (MF) (unofficial) United Kingdom (GB) England (GB-ENG) Northern Ireland (GB-NIR) Scotland (GB-SCT) Wales (GB-WLS) Baden-Wuerttemberg (DE-BW) Bayern (DE-BY) Berlin (DE-BE) Brandenburg (DE-BB) Bremen (DE-HB) Hamburg (DE-HH) Hessen (DE-HE) Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (DE-MV) Niedersachsen (DE-NI) Nordrhein-Westfalen (DE-NW) Rheinland-Pflaz (DE-RP) Saarland (DE-SL) Sachsen (DE-SN) Sachsen-Anhalt (DE-ST) Schleswig-Holstein (DE-SH) Thueringen (DE-TH) add: more chat tokens $(health) $(armor) $(ammo) $(corpse) - your last death location $(attacker) - name of your last attacker $(target) - name of your last (hit) target $(pickup) - last item you took $(item) - item close to you $(itemCrosshair) - item close to your crosshair $(location) - nearest item spawn $(friend) - friend close to you these can be used within "/say" and "/say_team" add: xp_enemySound "model" (default: "") where model can be any valid model e.g. "sarge", "keel", "grunt" etc. an empty value "" will disable it and the sounds of the actual enemy model will be used fix: team chat overflow fix: xp_drawNames in combination with xp_drawMVDWindow add: xp_ambient 0/1 to turn off ambient sounds chg: thaw status (team overlay) now better visible for custom HUDs add: xp_modelScale 0, 0.5..2.0 (default: 0) scales player models client-side a value of "0" will try to fit the model into the hitbox a value of "1" will keep the behaviour of previous Excessive Plus versions keep in mind that this is client-side only, e.g. a value of "1.5" will make the models look "big and easy to hit" but the hitbox remains as defined by the server add: xp_modelJump 0/1 (default: 1) enables/disables jump animations client-side most (all default) quake 3 models do use very odd jump animations, which do not align to the hitbox. aiming towards the head will most probably result in a miss, when the enemy is jumping with disabled jump animations you of course will still see players jumping around but it will look different and their model will fit to the actual hitbox fix: various crouching/duck animations to keep the model aligned to the hitbox fix: step animation with better aligned crosshair chg: xp_noBobbing "bitmask" (default: 0) 1 disables weapon bobbing animation 2 disables weapon switch animation 4 disables weapon firing knockback animation 8 disables damage kick fix: added default "hud1-7.cfg" to pk3, to have them available on a pure server chg: "/away" will append "-away" to your name add: "/back" as the counterpart to /away to get back your nickname Server chg: all configuration files now use the advanced parser engine and share a common syntax. no need to learn multiple syntax anymore, all common functions are available everywhere etc. fix: teamed items not spawned if XP_WARMUPRESPAWN_ITEMS is used fix: reload map if hot-switched to pure fix: long wav names in /say command may cause server malfunction add: SelfKnockbackCycle, SelfKnockbackMultiJumps weapon config options chg: custom entity files now use same syntax as config files so you can use complex if-else constructs etc. add: "Config -> Version" add: random() function returns a random number between 0 and 1. optionally takes 2 arguments random(min, max) which will return a random number between min and max add: activeClients() function, also deprecated $xp_activeClients using it will issue a warning and the variable will be removed in a later version, upgrade your rotations to activeClients() will return the number of active "playing" clients/players, useful for rotations, e.g. "if ( activeClients() >= 8 ) { q3dm11 }" the server will only rotate to q3dm11 if there are at least 8 players chg: rotation now use same syntax as config files you can have complex if-else constructs and conditional maps finally work as you would expect them to additionally you can access all config attributes as read-only (no assignment) e.g. "Machinegun->Damage" example: q3dm1 q3dm2 if ( activeClients() >= 8 ) { q3dm11 } q3dm3 no need to even out map count in an tricky "else { ... }" block. add conditions just as you need them and they will work naturally add: PW_FIRST_SPAWN to Start Powerups fix: excessive3.cfg and excessive4.cfg (PW_FIRST_SPAWN) chg: crontab now use same syntax as config files, complex if-else etc. add: DM_DAMAGE_THRU_FLOOR fix: all chat messages get properly en/decoded fix: crouching players now have correct bbox when frozen add: "Freeze Tag -> Movable" add: "Freeze Tag -> Solid" to make frozen bodies act like shields against railgun add: "Freeze Tag -> Score Penalty" scoring team has to manually thaw team mates add: "Freeze Tag -> Round Delay" add: "Freeze Tag -> Slithery" fix: when timelimit is hit, no matter what value "Round Delay" was set to, the team will instantly score if all enemys are frozen fix: frozen bodies could fall through curved solids add: ban files can "include()" other ban files other than that, no complex if-else constructs etc. available here add: /ban, /banname, /banip and /banguid now capable of temporary bans the time can be "Xw" for weeks, "Xd" for days, "Xh" for hours, "Xm" for minutes or just "X" for days example: /ban <playerId> 2h stop the spam! /ban <playerId> you are permanently banned! add: xp_floodProtectUserinfo 0/1 (default: 0) userinfo anti-flood protection. when enabled it allows renaming 3 times per 3 seconds and changing other info 5 times per 3 seconds add: date() function can be used to have crontab independent settings based on date/time for the complete format specs see "www.php.net/strftime" example: if ( date("%d.%m") == "24.12" ) { /*add some xmas special*/ } add: "Round -> Mode" (MODE_WARMUP/MODE_INTERMISSION) unlike "xp_matchmode 2/3" this applies to all team games except TDM a config can create e.g. round based CTF with warmup in between the rounds. you can even use a combination of both modes this is independent of "roundlimit" and thus will also work for "fraglimit", "capturelimit" or even with all of them set to "0" rem: removed xp_matchMode "2" and "3" now 0/1 only to enable the advanced options like "/timeout" etc. the former modes "2" and "3" are reproducible by "Round -> Mode" chg: "roundlimit" applies to all gametypes unlike the name might suggest, this is completely independent of round based gameplay. it's just an alternative to "fraglimit" and "capturelimit" to "shorten" public games it has always precedence over "fraglimit" and "capturelimit" e.g. roundlimit = 10 on CTF, then the game will end either when the difference between BLUE and RED is 50% (5 rounds, high lead) or the sum of BLUE + RED hits the roundlimit (5 + 5, the game will end draw if sudden death has been disabled) set it to "0" to give "fraglimit" and "capturelimit" the precedence fix: "Hitbox" value should not touch the height add: "Hitbox Cylinder" to replace the cuboid hitbox with a cylinder note: to simplify things, cg_drawBBox will use an outer octagonal prism to represent the cylinder used by the server add: PHYSICS_QUAKE_LIVE, PHYSICS_AIR_STEPS and PHYSICS_STEP_JUMPS you will want to add all of them for a QL-alike config note: not all maps will fit PHYSICS_QUAKE_LIVE, e.g. you can walk off the blue/red platform (q3ctf4) into your death without jumping, while the platform borders on q3dm17 will just work fine. it is suggested to keep this disabled, even for QL-alike configs, as it requires different map design and might fail for random maps in Quake 3 rem: PHYSICS_NO_RAMP_JUMPS add: PHYSICS_RAMP_JUMPS and PHYSICS_DOUBLE_JUMPS previously double jumps were bundled with ramp jumps upgrade from v2.1 to v2.2: (this affects almost all configs) if you had PHYSICS_NO_RAMP_JUMPS set, just drop it. otherwise you will need to add both PHYSICS_RAMP_JUMPS and PHYSICS_DOUBLE_JUMPS to your $xp_physics cvar add: "Impact Score" to receive additional score points based on inflicted damage add: "Range", "Falloff Range" and "Falloff Factor" to all hit-scan weapons add: DM_VOID_RESPAWN add: "PATTERN_TIGHT" and "PATTERN_CENTER" to SG fixed pattern chg: "Shotgun -> Fixed Pattern" example: QL: PelletCount = 20; FixedPattern = 3; Spread = 1000; CPMA: PelletCount = 16; FixedPattern = 2 | PATTERN_TIGHT; add: pmove_accurate 0/1, 30..125 (default: 0) an alternative to pmove_fixed which had some drawbacks like the choppy movement or missing sounds enabling this will get rid of frame-rate dependent physics and be fair for everyone. however it will require more bandwidth and make people (with "com_maxfps 125") no longer jump as high and far as they were used to before to solve this, you can set pmove_accurate to a value of "125". this will effectively make all players jump as high and far as if they had 125 fps even when their actual fps is lower or unstable add: xp_antiCheatLevel 0..5 (default: 0) It will detect and kick users of some 'popular' cheats like classic aimbots and autoshooters. AntiCheat system is controlled with xp_antiCheatLevel variable. It can be setup for levels 0..5 where level 0 means AntiCheat is off (never does kick), level 1 means maximum tolerance (least strict) and level 5 means minimum tolerance (most strict) Level 3 is optimal for public servers, while higher levels may result to kicking normal players using broken hardware rem: removed xp_voteconf and voteconf.txt add: advanced callvote and referee commands admins now have full control over callvotes. they can restrict the command itself, it's voteable values (e.g. only g_gametype ffa or ctf) and even create own, very custom, server specific votes to use the advanced system, xp_vote and/or xp_referee have to point to a file, e.g. "/set xp_vote callvote.txt" see callvote.txt for the syntax fix: referees are no longer affected by callvote limits, they can also callvote as spectators add: in combination with the advanced callvote, referees can callvote their ref commands add: firstTime() function tells whether it is the first load of a config it is strongly suggested to have any cvar assignment in such a block, to give server admins more control over the config. otherwise it will most definitely result in multiple/modified configs per server example: if ( firstTime() ) { $xp_chatProtection = no; $xp_unlagged = yes; } the server admin can disable unlagged or enable chat protection at any time (without modifying the .cfg file) and the config will respect his decision, not resetting the values on the very next map rotation add: warmup() function allows to have different settings during warmup. this will only apply to real warmups not "Round -> Warmup" example: if ( warmup() ) { DM Flags |= DM_INFINITE_AMMO; } chg: xp_teamBalance 0/1/2 (default: 1) 0 do not balance teams after a match 1 balance by score + kills per hour 2 balance by score add: /teamBalance 1/2 you can /callvote, /ref or /rcon this to balance teams during a match the match continues with all the stats intact (score, awards etc.) but players will respawn at the base and possibly in a different team add: "World Damage -> Hurt"
Thanks a lot easy
missing sounds , great ........................

missing sounds , great ........................
only if anti-wallhack is enabled.
anyway great that v2.3 is finally released, I hope it will bring some freshness and that with awh gameplay will be playable as well, have to test it first
Wow that was quite unexpected... What a nice change log! Thanks a lot for all the work done! What about the excessive gibs?
I hoped it had Team Arena weapons and power-ups... in vain...
Wow, great stuff here!
The FTAG helper factor looks like a great addition.
Thanks easy!
Great new, thanks a lot
Thank you very much easy!!!
Lots of work you have put in this
To all the server-owners who asked me for the vote-timer used on the Elite'z servers .....
It is now available to you by the changes easy made, so no more complex script-programming nescesary anymore
Thanks again easy
SEE SEE, easy is alive! and e+ is alive as well!
Great news, will install it tonight definitely.
Thanks easy

SEE SEE, easy is alive! and e+ is alive as well!
Great news, will install it tonight definitely.
Thanks easy
there's nothing to install, just copy/paste z-xp-2_3.pk3 and that's it, I done it on my client side and servers.
I also seen lack of qname in /tools/ folder, is that normal ?