XP Qname 2.0

125 replies [Last post]
Killer's picture
Joined: Feb 2005
XP Qname 1.0 Final

... ^t is not supported by XPQname...

EDIT: sry D: in 1.0 works fine Big grin in 0.999999 wasnt works Tongue my faul.

but that option/flag is not aviable by the CLICK :twisted:

Both the HTML and TEXT User Guides show how to use the Team Color effect and mention that there is no button for it.



The HTML User Guide has a minor error. At the top, I have a link to the XP Qname file but this was broken when you repacked the final version as you renamed the .jar file from xp_qname_1.0.jar to XP_Qname_1.0_Final.jar

If you want to re-zip the files, here is a corrected HTML User Guide:

XP Qname HTML User Guide

Joined: Jan 2010
Thank you

Thank you

No money, no pizza!!! xD

Ender Hugin
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Bozo's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
DE Germany
XP Qname 1.0 Final

Good job, thanks a bunch! Happy

outeris's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
Re: XP Qname 1.0 Final

No use for me, it still doesent work. Any ideas ? Maybe im starting it somehow wrong ?

The majority of people think they think, when really they just change their prejudices. Understanding is a matter of will in most cases.

Lietuvių excessiveplus draugija - Lithuanians National Team
Linux (1st E17+Compiz powered ! Built on Debian GNU/Linux.)

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mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: XP Qname 1.0 Final

how u do it, so we can say if u r doing something wrong or not.

outeris's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
Re: XP Qname 1.0 Final

The majority of people think they think, when really they just change their prejudices. Understanding is a matter of will in most cases.

Lietuvių excessiveplus draugija - Lithuanians National Team
Linux (1st E17+Compiz powered ! Built on Debian GNU/Linux.)

MODDB.com all cool things for Quake III Arena @ one place from E+

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Re: XP Qname 1.0 Final
=ANU815= wrote:

    [anu ~/.q3a/excessiveplus/tools]$ java xpQname_0.981.jar Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: xpQname_0/981/jar
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: xpQname_0.981.jar
    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:200)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:188)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:307)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:301)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:252)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:320)
    Could not find the main class: xpQname_0.981.jar. Program will exit.


    Index of file:///home/anu/.q3a/excessiveplus/tools

    Up to higher level directory

    Show hidden objects
    Name Size Last Modified
    File:Qconnect.exe 171 KB 2009.11.11 22:06:56
    File:Untitled.xcf 151 KB 2009.11.11 22:06:56
    File:charmap.png 22 KB 2009.11.11 22:06:56
    File:countries.properties 5 KB 2009.11.18 02:30:48
    File:csv2sqlite.php 5 KB 2009.11.11 22:06:56
    File:webqname-readme.txt 3 KB 2009.11.11 22:06:56
    File:webqname.html 6 KB 2009.11.11 22:06:55
    File:webqname.ini 1 KB 2009.11.11 22:06:55
    File:xpQname_0.981-readme.txt 3 KB 2009.11.23 03:25:16
    File:xpQname_0.981.jar 98 KB 2009.11.23 03:24:56

    [anu ~/.q3a/excessiveplus/tools]$ java -showversion java version "1.6.0_12"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_12-b04)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.2-b01, mixed mode, sharing)


First, you should have latest version not xpQname_0.981.jar but XP_Qname_1.0_Final.jar

To install java on linux : google this
jre linux
and add your distribution as a research key

Running notes wrote:

As java is platform free, it can be run in any Operating System.

On windows execute XP_Qname_1.0_Final.jar by doucle clicking it.

On command line (linux or wondows or any system having java 1.6), use :

java -jar XP_Qname_1.0_Final.jar [excessiveplusFolderPath]
where default excessiveplusFolderPath is ..(parent folder) if not set

On other platforms including mac, you must know how to run more than me

I had a parametter missing on the command line :
java -jar XP_Qname_1.0_Final.jar

main package updated


Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

outeris's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
Re: XP Qname 1.0 Final

read this post http://www.excessiveplus.net/forums/thread/xp-qname-1-0-final?page=6#comment-274437 same goes... to ur suggested latest ver...

ok im reading ur post yes it works i was too missed this one


Thank You for wery nice tool Happy Goof job, now and i can say that Happy

The majority of people think they think, when really they just change their prejudices. Understanding is a matter of will in most cases.

Lietuvių excessiveplus draugija - Lithuanians National Team
Linux (1st E17+Compiz powered ! Built on Debian GNU/Linux.)

MODDB.com all cool things for Quake III Arena @ one place from E+

GG's picture
Joined: Apr 2009
Re: XP Qname 1.0 Final

There is a suggestion based on bbc idea http://www.bbc.co.uk/1xtra/rampage/djrelay/namegenerator/ to generate quake names for newcomers to avoid default "ExcessivePlayer". Just add new tab to your application ALi... M?

✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❃ ❋


xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Re: XP Qname 1.0 Final
GG wrote:

There is a suggestion based on bbc idea http://www.bbc.co.uk/1xtra/rampage/djrelay/namegenerator/ to generate quake names for newcomers to avoid default "ExcessivePlayer". Just add new tab to your application ALi... M?

Add more precision/infos pls.

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place