Recruiting 1 new moderator.
just give mod to someone from old guys who has respect from most players and who wants to do this job. in that case U will have less trash
F1 for Shady and Rage.
too bad im forced to be inactive for some time : /
Madbringer control Shady, nope?
f2 for shady, you can't reward a troll with the mod position (besides that, he was mod already, same as madbringer)
about rage, you could say he IS controlled by shady, I personally wouldn't be against rage becoming mod, but I can not predict if he is going to do a good job or bad - which is not a characteristic of the person searched or?
Recruiting 1 new moderator.
translation : Recruiting 1 slave who gets insulted, not listened up, becomes punshing ball and can get ejected for no valid reason.
This site is dead and I have enough experience as user/mod on it to confirm this sentence.
It's nice that old dinosaur has been replaced, but not with a new dinosaur where its only dev comes once a year when he has vacancies then leave letting all bugs remaining for a long time.
Add for it the ppl controling this mod doing things when it fits their needs only.
how wise ali.
(sorry mistress)
wtf? what is that question? Who want to a moderator... who want be a millionaire
I think this is not the question. Try to ask how could you help to this community ? what u will change when u will be a moderator? u have experience to do with this? what are your view in the future?
and if some1 come and will write : my plan is change this and this , and the way i will do it is like this and this
Wtf? is this again,,, i vote for him cos i know him , i vote for him cos i know he is a good guy, i dont vote for him cos he have a chupacabra at home
pls... write some question than who want be a moderator will give the answers and than u will choose the best 1 -- is there a better way? if u everybody see what the moderator wants and how he want to do it or smthng ppl can have some ideas... i vote for him cos he have a good plan , good ideas but i dont like...this and this... or smthing like this
F1 for RAGE... RAGE must be mod..
F2 for shady ...
f2 for shady, you can't reward a troll with the mod position (besides that, he was mod already, same as madbringer)
totally i agree u first time