Quake III E+ Config Editor
well, nice job simpson i think this program will be very useful for the newbies, and guys who doesnt know any commands in the cfg. here someone may without any serious problem understand what command is mean in your cfg. i`d suggest to add a little more in the video and other settings a bright examples with a button "?".
respect to you
Can u also implement an option to create a config from scatch, without loading ur own config. Also an option to save it as "autoexec" config, sortet by "function"
- binds
- graphic settings
- sound settings
- connection settings
Also there is just a textfield for texture modes, please add all available texturemodes

Yep, xp_aspectRatio 1 enables the aspect ratio fix, 0 disables it; xp_oldHitsound 1-5 just brings different hitsounds, but they will be only one sound, not depending on damage as xp_oldHitsound 0. Also, its xp_specModel (with the l at the end), and yep, 1 to enable and 0 to disable.
cg_projectileNudge accepts only positive numbers and you can cap it up to 999. It should be set to the same amount of your ping. What it does is to advance missiles more than they actually are, so then you can dodge them more easily when having high ping.
cl_timenudge accept values from -30 to 30, and it makes the client to wait less or more to process the current snapshot, so negative values increases responsiveness because the client uses the snapshot information earlier and it needs to extrapolate player positions, it can help to feel the game as if you are pinging less, and positive values increase smoothness because player positions are always interpolated, and it can be used when having lag to smooth players a bit.
Btw, there is another cvar related to netcode, cmd_timeNudge, but i havent researched what it is for xD. I only implemented it because it was on unlagged source code.
xp_drawMouse 1 enables the cursor at the scoreboard when you are spectating so you can select with it the player you want to follow. It accepts another value, 2, that only enables the cursor when you are actually in the spectators team, and disables it if you are frozen (in freeze tag) or waiting to play (clan arena).
What do you guys think about an optimization option. It would make possible for new players to optimize their config with a single click on a button. I might think of 3 options: visibility (picmip 10, dark maptextures etc.), eyecandy(picmip 0, fastsky 0 etc.) and demoplayback(adding a script to manage /timescale etc.). What do you think about this and do you have any other idea's?
how about as the optimize option a HIGH QUALITY, the highest of quality config

Nice idea, however, the optimization categories need some discussion.

how about as the optimize option a HIGH QUALITY, the highest of quality config
I thought that I might call HIGH QUALITY config an eyecandy. Is it wrong english?
Here are the commands and the values I was thinking about.
("model", "anarki")
("xp_colors", "1???1")
("cg_forcemodel", "1")
("xp_enemymodel", "keel/xp")
("xp_enemycolors", "72227")
("com_maxfps", "125")
("r_mode", "6")
("com_blood", "0")
("xp_noshotguntrail", "1")
("r_picmip", "10")
("r_fastsky", "1")
("xp_nosnow", "1")
("cg_simpleitems", "1")
("cg_marks", "0")
("cg_gibs", "0")
("cg_noProjectileTrail", "1")
("r_fullscreen", "1")
("xp_noBobbing", "7")
("r_subdivisions", "20")
("cg_trueLightning", "9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999")
("cg_drawGun", "1")
("r_lodbias", "0")
("r_mapoverbrightbits", "1")
("r_vertexLight", "0")
("r_texturemode", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST")
("r_lightmap", "0")
("xp_noBlink", "1")
("cg_oldRail", "3")
("xp_corpse", "7")
("xp_nomip", "2047")
("xp_drawping", "1")
("cg_railTrailTime", "800")
("cg_brasstime", "0")
("cg_fov", "108")
("cg_shadows", "0")
("r_intensity", "1")
("r_gamma", "1.2")
("cg_drawTeamOverlay", "1")
("cg_draw2D", "1")
("cg_crosshairHealth", "0")
("cg_drawCrosshair", "15")
("cg_Crosshairsize", "60")
("cg_scorePlums", "0")
("xp_oldscoreboard", "0")
("cg_draw3dIcons", "0")
("xp_drawWeaponSelect", "0")
("cg_drawfps", "1")
("cg_drawtimer", "1")
("cg_lagometer", "0")
("xp_crosshairColor", "7")
("cg_crosshairPulse", "0")
("xp_drawStats", "1")
("cg_drawStatus", "1")
("xp_drawScores", "1")
("xp_drawNotify", "11")
("xp_drawClientNum", "5")
("cg_centertime", "0.5")
wow im really impressed, very contructive and helpful posts!
i am already working on a new version, but i will collect some more ideas bevore release (because imo its a bit to early right now to bring an update, would suck for the people who already downloaded it)
thank you guys, i will for sure implement everything u wrote
PS: what values can be used for aspect ratio? only 1/0 or a special number?
and what does xp_oldhitsound exactly do at numbers from 1-5?
id also like to have more infos for:
xp_specMode (1/0)?
cg_projectileNudge (1/0)? effect?
cl_timenudge (1/0)? effect?
xp_drawMouse (1/0)? effect?
Phenom II X2 550 BE @ X4 @ 4x3.1Ghz 1.35v (Unlocked to Quad)
4GB DDR2 800 CL4
Sapphire HD6850 @930/1150Mhz