I just want to say i am sorry

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P _|¯ IP _|¯ I
psy's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Re: I just want to say i am sorry

like you already are? Go and kill yourself.

You know when its psyen (:

trb's picture
Joined: Jul 2010
HU Hungary
Re: I just want to say i am sorry
JeBaNy wrote:

thomasyea wrote:
There is no hell or heaven dude.

how do you know that?

my opinion is that. but we will see Big grin

silence is better than bullshit

expedion's picture
Joined: Oct 2010
Re: I just want to say i am sorry

Hi, you probably have no idea who I am. But it doesn't matter. I wanted to say that if you feel that something is stopping you, don't be afraid to tackle the problem by what you know you should do. Learning comes from humility and we as humans, deserve the humility at all times because we live here to learn and grow. Whatever we feel that we are missing that abrupts our process of growth, we should tackle it. There is absolutely no reason for shame for acknowledging the problems and shortcomings we might feel we have. To see a conflict/problem/short-coming within us, is also a sign that we are able to recognize what we need to do and aspire to, to fix this conflict.

You maybe find it shameful to be alone, but still find yourself to be alone at all times. Then I advice to give up on feeling ashamed of being alone. People yearn to be alone at certain times when it is needed for them and that is perfectly fine and it can take as long as it needs to. Silence is a true healer and paves the way for our process of spiritual growth. So embracing ourselves at these moments of silence is the key to gratitude for loneliness and which rewards you with whatever it needs to reward you.

Also, the mind and heart you carry is the only thing that only you will experience at every moment of your life. The world you see and live is the world that is only meant for you. Every person lives his own life through the eyes, body, mind and heart that he has been privilege to live through. It is each person's own temple!

Love from others is the result of the love we have for ourselves. When we love ourselves, we also radiate love to others so in this matter it is also good to be selfish in that sense.

In the end it is simple. Your mind and heart is like an empty vessel, a cup. You can fill the cup with dirt and mud, but surely it will not taste good. But you can however fill the cup with good, sweet, tea and it will taste lovely. So what do you want to fill your cup with? Or what do you want to brew, that you want to use in your cup that will make that perfect recipe you want. It is all up to you.

You Fuckers
Blasphemy's picture
Joined: Sep 2010
Re: I just want to say i am sorry
P _|¯ IP _|¯ I wrote:

Well at the time i really felt like i had to apologize and it really came from the bottom of my heart because i was regretful. But then people started to insult me and i was back at 0 again. I respect those who respect and understands me. And they are few. I call them true humane and goodhearted people. I respect them. But the rest are fucking imbecile and till the day they learn some manner i will continue be disrespectful to them till they learn which i guess they don't. They are apes and only understand bananas.

Me afraid of consequences? Everything you do have consequences. Every choice you make and every step you take. You can live your whole life righteous and then one day a light from a clear blue sky strikes and kill you. Was your righteous good Christian path worth anything to you then? Did your "God" save you?

Im not afraid of consequences because consequences don't mean a shit to me. Jail, health, loosing people? Or god sending me straight to hell. I really don't care because in the end. Whatever choice you make, good or bad something else will be taken away from you. Go to heaven and live forever at the cost of real free will. If you don't do what god wants you go straight to hell.

And in hell where there is party 24/7 watching playboy porn, fuck hot broads, kill at will, maybe one day gather strenght to kill satan himself and run your own private little hell. Order your horde to sodomize fresh little fallen angels for the sake of lulz.
I don't know about you. But that sounds like heaven to me at the cost of little pain. Rather that than humiliation in eternity.

You just ended reading MIlton?

The bullet hole looks so right in your head,
like it'd been missing all along.
The blood streaked across your face
like some twisted lover's deformed lipstick trace.
Staring at your reflection
wondering how you're still alive.
Wondering if she's somewhere laughing,
deciding whether to let you die.

"if one has to be scared to lead a decent life his weakness is obvious" (cit.)"I do not hunt freaks, freaks hunt me" (cit.)"Lady, – he whispered with concern, your
eyes are so empty" (cit.)

P _|¯ IP _|¯ I
psy's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Re: I just want to say i am sorry

Milton who?

You know when its psyen (:

//▲~ GMZ ~▲\\
Joined: Nov 2011
Re: I just want to say i am sorry

PSI !!

First, it really is an outstanding level of courage for a person to say sorry, and specially say it publicly!!

I don't know if you believe in religion or not, I don't know if you believe in God or not, but God said in the scripture of religion "all are mistakers/sinners.... and best of mistakers/sinners are the ones which do repent..!!"


Regardless of if we believe in God, religion or not, isn't it really an outstanding saying? !!

To me, it is good enough that I would believe who said that, specially in as brief and meaningful as it is, was a God!! Happy

I salute you PSI, you really are a special!! you are a man which carries some qualities which are somewhat hard to find in some young fellows of today's times..... sadly Sad

Second, in the scripture of religion.... God stricktly forbade to treat kids with different levels of care and love,

....... simply, they have to make them all feel like they are loved as much, and treat them fairly.. but sadly most parents hardly control their emotions and hardly are able to be fair with their kids....

3rd, your childhood was kind of tough yes!! I can understand! but if you know how other people lived their childhoods, you would laugh out to death on how not tough was yours....... Happy

Last, you are a man with qualities PSI !! and you can beat your emotional boundaries!! it is right that you hardly control your own emotions.. but you can be better certainly!! what you need are

* The serious will for a better change..

* Enough struggle within..

* Never to give up at let downs with unsuccessful attempts or fails of tries..!!

* Knowledge!! you need to learn about yourself first, and learn how to make yourself get to change from situation to a better.... that is beside general knowledge about good from bad....

Cheers PSI, wishes for all the best!! and regardless of how much not good, spoiled or sink into bad you could be.... the fact that you are trying to be good and of the best gives you the honor of trying!! which in term makes you be one!

This forum topic always caught my attention, but never had the chance to read in it.. and honestly it is one of the best Happy

Cheers PSI Happy

Edit: I wanted to add, saying sorry in some conditional status, is not a true apology nor a true repentant for sure!!

Conditional apology (fake apology) : is the apology which is artificial and superficial that is to be made for some interest or to gain something back out of it..... while not truely for to repent of the mistakes or wrong which been committed.... as it is the kind of apology which does not really last, it only get made momentarily.. and who made it doesn't really get committed with... that kind of apology is so ugly.... and only ugly..

But please PSI don't get me wrong, your words speak for themselves around how truthful and serious your apology really is!!

I was just adding that in general and for the knowledge base, also hoping that you might benefit from it PSI, because once you apologize and repent from something, there is no use of such apology once you commit it again or at least not try all you can not to commit it again, while once you do it to be only a mistake made purely out of order.... and out of order only.. !!

Thanks for reading

Have fun at E+ and never take it with hard feelings no matter how much you lose nor how much stupid or dump or punk or bad or blithering idiot the player you are playing with really is, it's just a game and we are here to have fun and enjoy our times!!

TanaKa's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: I just want to say i am sorry
//▲~ GMZ ~▲\\ wrote:

PSI !!
First, it really is an outstanding level of courage for a person to say sorry, and specially say it publicly!!

You know, I can say I'm sorry and don't give a shit at all about it. Just to show me as a good person. And.. I should do hit, yes, YES!

//▲~ GMZ ~▲\\ wrote:

I don't know if you believe in religion or not, I don't know if you believe in God or not, but God said in the scripture of religion "all are mistakers/sinners.... and best of mistakers/sinners are the ones which do repent..!!"

And I said in the scripture :
- "Do you know what we say about people who believe in? "
- "... "
- "No? "
"So we are saying that people who believe in are either a priest, or a jerk."
"Are you a priest?"
- "No"
- "..."
- "..."

Whatever this joke, GMZ, think by your own, not following a book that someone wrote when he was drunk thousand years ago. Otherwise you'll be eaten rawly in real life.

"Skill is when luck becomes a habit".

P _|¯ IP _|¯ I
psy's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Re: I just want to say i am sorry
D3L1GH7 wrote:

//▲~ GMZ ~▲\\ wrote:
PSI !!
First, it really is an outstanding level of courage for a person to say sorry, and specially say it publicly!!

You know, I can say I'm sorry and don't give a shit at all about it. Just to show me as a good person. And.. I should do hit, yes, YES!

//▲~ GMZ ~▲\\ wrote:

I don't know if you believe in religion or not, I don't know if you believe in God or not, but God said in the scripture of religion "all are mistakers/sinners.... and best of mistakers/sinners are the ones which do repent..!!"

And I said in the scripture :
- "Do you know what we say about people who believe in? "
- "... "
- "No? "
"So we are saying that people who believe in are either a priest, or a jerk."
"Are you a priest?"
- "No"
- "..."
- "..."

Whatever this joke, GMZ, think by your own, not following a book that someone wrote when he was drunk thousand years ago. Otherwise you'll be eaten rawly in real life.

Seems to me that you think i have a hidden agenda for my apologize thread?
That means you will have to choose between 2 options.
1. I am honest
2. I have a hidden agenda.

If i had an agenda. What would it be? Something simple as to make me look better? Like i am a caring and sensitive person? When i am in fact not?

I will tell you the truth. And everybody else.
I am partly honest and partly lying. But one thing is for sure.
I would never ever write anything to make me look like better in other peoples views.
I know i am not a fucking angel. And i bet you know it too.
When i say im sorry i really mean it.

You know when its psyen (:

//▲~ GMZ ~▲\\
Joined: Nov 2011
Re: I just want to say i am sorry

@ delight, no wonder how a drunk person could get confused between the thread which is specific for drunk people and any other thread....

However, since you wrote already..

Your post carries no sense of any good in any way and you know it, right?



"yes?" !!

"no" ?

If you think it has some sense of any good or so.... have you ever thought about how people which believe think of the ones which don't?

I will skip that and not talk about it!!

((((But)))) the same way you have thoughts as a disbeliever...... other people have thoughts as believers!!

And the thing is that true believers always to have better thoughts, but that is not our subject to speak about or try to prove so in any way..

Another thing, if I feel 0.000001 percent that your opinion is somewhat flexible to some change according to the truth.... I won't only try to prove to you how wrong you are regarding religion and faith, I would also make you know it!!

But I have no time to waste on nothing, and enough the lag of site that it loads each page for around an hour.... I had to spend almost an hour and a half only to make this post....

By the way, I am no priest!! but it also doesn't make me be the other!! nor what you said will make me respond to you accordingly because I know you wouldn't say such thing unless you were drunk!!

One thing, regarding God and religion, sooner or later you will get to know it if you don't already do, I hope someday you do realize it before it is too late, because that will be real sad!!

You probably can't realize how true it is because of all the false priests and false religios people which take religion for interest and for fun or to show they are the good people... and all the wrongful data and calims around the true religion..

There is a proverb about people which believe nothing unless they see it.. however I am not going to bring it up here cause I will offend you and will offend the others which don't believe in God too, since it is very offending proverb..

I wish you enlightenment delight.... may God help you finding the truth if you ever really care about finding it and knowing it..

Have fun at E+ and never take it with hard feelings no matter how much you lose nor how much stupid or dump or punk or bad or blithering idiot the player you are playing with really is, it's just a game and we are here to have fun and enjoy our times!!

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Re: I just want to say i am sorry

Why does everything always have to come down to religion with you? And on top of that, you're awfully patronizing, thinking you're morally superior to us pagan heathens. I don't think Delight was drunk while writing that post, i do however think that you are drunk - drunk on your own fanaticism.