Fast download tool for public games
Is it possible to accelerate download with modifying source with creating only .dll-files(qagame_x86.dll,etc) and without custom .exe?
thanks Ali,always supporting ur ideas,gonna check it.

modify ioquake to run with pb and without errors...
impossible, because ioquake - open source, pb - proprietary software.
and to be honest I don't wanna see pb support for ioquake in any cases.
I think general problem is what public q3a server holders just dunno howto install and configure ioquake server or used ready-made services so they haven't choice.
I could make manual (for linux, windows) if someone interesting in it.
*supports the idea*
Really fast this q3e. For me ,with the Ali's ftp, the download is 300 kbs, really usefull.
Tested, simply nice !
I have strange sound when using it. And some cfg problesms, and executing my cfg doesn't help to me. So i closed it. For me is not a problem to find map in internets.
Okey, i will try.
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