Excessiveplus stand alone project and ideas
Hi everyone!
As I said many times on BEER.FREEZER here we all like this mod, but year by year things became weird so that now we are "4 cats" surviving active.
The worst thing I've observed in all those years is how this powerful "engine" is so badly neglected.We all complain me included, but we should move to solve the problems, find the ways but fix things.
There is a concept we have: "Resurrect" E+.We use it because we are the older players, so that yes, it is a resurrection, like something dirty and re-washed.
But we should distract from that thought and think about the point of view of the new players.
Everybody knows steam, and there you can find a lot of fps games to play for free. Some of them release even little updates like activating new map areas. That means there is some kind of active work behind and some interest at least. The web is saturated with those games. But nothing(or not at all) is like Excessive.
Ok now stop this useless Intro brackets
I want to set a list of things below ( Consider it a < DRAFT BOX > ):
1) Lack of programmers
2) Lack of Advertisement
( so short list , but here comes the BooM! below )
Lack of Advertisement strategies :
- This web site is not responsive.
- The UI and theme probably needs a good refresh, I mean an identity should be defined.
- This website have no meta tags or description(no SEO afais).
- There is not a main Google account to manage Adsense and youtube channel (e.g: where to put demos and try to get some periodical click from community members, just to get some little money extra support).
- There is no social network strategy.
- We have good material and documentation not used properly.
- We have some map developers, but no in-map advertisement, no external sponsor(due to not enough visitors/players traffic, because in web the value is made by the amount of visitors and visits).
- Little business could be introduced related to gaming HW, like video reviews(that is too extra thought don't care of that).
- Android/IOS events schedule notification could be comfy(another too extra thing).
Lack of programmers <\> :
- The mod needs to be evaluated- What this mod can become and what cannot; it needs to be evaluated.
- This mod needs to be fixed, or this mod needs to be rescheduled to make it stand alone.
- Maybe the engine is too old and buggy. Let's consider to change engine and do a porting of the mod.
- Renew aspects of this game, like graphycs.
- Use a new kind of netcode, from some other game(I have no competence to talk about that, but I would listen to a wider team of programmers, not just 2).
- Probably our current devs also need good enthusiast team mates support.
- Elaborate a good post to send to the main coders platforms (like stackexchange, and so on), for opinions, hints, and to find new people joining a new(renew for the olders) project.
- Little money support? why not.
- There are Quake like games, I don't remember the name, but e.g: they pay like 9€ one time to get the game( that money can be used to support development work.
- We could apply a similar organization of the work like those communities do.
We are old and busy with life, work, children, wives, holidays, etc... but don't think of this mod like it won't have life after you go inactive. Think about one random day you have a will to play a bit, and play a decent game, no more buggy, finding new players younger as we all have been.
In conclusion,Best things can be made, hard things can be made too. It's just a matter of organization and perseverance.You can't see a daily improvement/change, but every month passed, you will look back and notice the progress, and how stupid were the voices in you telling to stop, telling it's useless.
I just wanted to write something and leave it here also like a sort of reminder for general purposes. Whoever will comment this blog post, I ask you please to write something different than mmm... like "there is quake live", "this game is too old".
Forget the "Yesterday" think about "Today" and imagine a piece of "Future". Instead think positive and for some X future generations, or whatever.
I like a lot this game and I would like to fix it, if I only would have enough programming skills.
I take this opportunity to wish Merry Christmas to all ! 
- lilcrazy.style's blog
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the thing is , most of the ppl here don't like plusN , me included,most of the ones that did like plus, switched to railonly along the line , you want activity at plus side , well most of us don't care frankly what happens to plus . merry christmas to you too!
nice generalisation genesis /s
i kinda always like telling what needs to be told be it harsh or not ,furthermore if someone switches this mods focus only to plus mostly everyone would stop playing .

the thing is , most of the ppl here don't like plusN , me included,most of the ones that did like plus, switched to railonly along the line , you want activity at plus side , well most of us don't care frankly what happens to plus .
merry christmas to you too!
I like plusN but I always liked railonly better... but all those recent slow rail configs destroyed the idea of excessive rail scene. I want plusN back, fuck those campy railonly configs forced by bunch of active campers. You say excessive plus and I think EXTREME SPEEEEEEED, but nowadays it's going towards becoming slowest and most boring railonly mods ever. Old e+ configs were based on aim and reflex, now it's all about possitioning and cornering enemy... sounds like CS.
I support the idea of resurrecting this mod, but what can I do for this community? I have no programming skills or even a graphic ones. I did my time being ranking mod, forum mod, ts mod, I also have put my first 5 cents into creating railonly scene on e+ (which I am not so proud anymore because of what it became in the end).
Plan is simple programming and advertising, yeah but we need a leader of this big plan, someone who will find people for the jobs and assemble all that in one big thing.
E+ was made for Plus only Gen, rail always comes second,
keep your opinion to yourself, if " most of us don't care frankly what happens to plus" why is beer freezer still up?
just gtfo, you seriously sound like Donald Trump.
to be honest im not completely biased towards railonly , im just indifferent about plusN , that being said , i wouldn't mind e+ growing for whatever reason .
I have seen a decent amount of such posts here about resurrection of this mode and etc., and all of you put the plan that actually cant work in real world. It is not about bugs or sites or any other points in this blog. I will describe in short how it works in real world:
Fresh game (or resurrected with some advertisement) with strong support from developers, mostly tournament wise (sponsoring the tournaments with normal prize pools, + some advertisement) - it attracts a pro players and making the pro scene happen in general, which leads to streamers who usually follow the pro's (or being the pro's by themselves) so it leads to popularity on twitch which attracts lot of players, if you follow all of this = success.
If you want just to bring the old players back - good event with prize pool and streams would be enough.
There is absolutely no point in spending money on some actual development of the game if you don't have enough of player base, just a waste. Better put all these donations in prize pool, or pay to decent streamer with some dedicated people who watching him, better both.

I have seen a decent amount of such posts here about resurrection of this mode and etc., and all of you put the plan that actually cant work in real world. It is not about bugs or sites or any other points in this blog. I will describe in short how it works in real world:
Fresh game (or resurrected with some advertisement) with strong support from developers, mostly tournament wise (sponsoring the tournaments with normal prize pools, + some advertisement) - it attracts a pro players and making the pro scene happen in general, which leads to streamers who usually follow the pro's (or being the pro's by themselves) so it leads to popularity on twitch which attracts lot of players, if you follow all of this = success.
If you want just to bring the old players back - good event with prize pool and streams would be enough.
and now is when bax comes and poops on this topic watch ..
There is absolutely no point in spending money on some actual development of the game if you don't have enough of player base, just a waste. Better put all these donations in prize pool, or pay to decent streamer with some dedicated people who watching him, better both.

there are people still willing to put some time into reviving this mod , posts speak for themselves, And yes there is low chance old members coming back wil impact anything , mainly because were not 15 anymore and don't have time to be active , what we need is a new generation of members, and the only way we can get it is by advertisement and sponsored wars.
Maybe is time to do tourney with 1-3 first place price goal winners, this is simple to throw down but we need an advertisemtn media to put it out there where possible candidates can see , QuakeLive forums , etc etc. .
I've got time to help in this event if we get enough willing to do it , and can also provide winning rewards .
Doing so will draw big attention, maybe not too much the first time but surely second and so fourth. This is soul of any fps game , you play u get good and you get a chance at a reward on a sponsored tournament. ( atleast what every youngsters look forward now days on Any multiplayer game .. we don't have Items in inventory to sell or show off , we got skills with values and now they should accomplish Greatness
I don't think a bunch of old members will come back , mostly because the fact that they can't for x reasons , work new life and such , wen I stopped playing in 2009 I had 0 time to devote to the game it was work work work, but theres more than twice the amount of fresh players now playing fps games than when I left in 2009. Like ive said I don't see anything whrong with the mod itself everything is functional and the website has the potential and tools to work with .
Every1 who complains that the game feels glicthcy .. bugs , slow blah blah blah , guess what your .cfg and or pc needs to be looked at . Myself ive always plaid on highest settings With 140 fov! and I get 0 frame drops on 2k resolution, everything runs perfect. I only take out graphs like blood and such that might obstruct my aiming .
Yes f1 to gather a group that's willing get together and talk about tournament sponsoring. It wont take much ,, weve always plaid huge tourneys in the past unsponsored . ..
I think that which config is better, is just a secondary "problem". We can make dozens of configs, just think about my plusD running in my old server and lots of ppl playing it, server full
good ages. Or Ghost(busters)cfg, created for fun moments with few friends.
First, the game should be complete and tested.
Then, you can make 2 or 3 official configs, each one representing a different "game concept".
Add to that 3 different servers, and new flow of players who will find pleasure with one or more cfg and make them more playied, so official for future competitions.
Something we could do, who have ideas can post them here. Maybe we will find some organization. Who knows
My ideas and content for E+:
- PlusN tips: How to set your keyboard & mouse
- Excessive Plus Future - Join Volunteers Team
- Excessiveplus stand alone project and ideas
.DoK. Clan® founder/leader since October 2008 ©..DoK. Clan Trailer <-- Thanks to DoK SoftAir.

Throphy: 3rd place AFC 2010.
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