Clan RATW cheater , and zezao demostr

Ok, first this:
Ok now I have my suspicion about the people who actually were able to SPOT that he was using cheats. Since 0MS was the first one to point it out, I'll fire my shots at him first. So 0MS.... you cheat? You like to snitch on your fellow cheaters?
have, you know that trying to use this AutoShot if susede as happened to Zezao of borg, but otherwise ... example, one connects every day at the same time, and you always see the same players, empiesa one to suspect if you have a sudden change in his game, 0ms not see much play in the serber that game, but if good player ... otherwise is to accuse the nonsense ... accuse me of using speed hack, but I do not use it, is more or know existed, I like playing with cheater ami porq so the difficulty is greater
Your post... is borderline Jiva. I have no idea what you have been saying throughout this entire thread.

Alucard, I will nominate and vote for your first post of this thread for the category "E+ post of the year". Did you seriously post a screenshot accusing someone of cheating while your (already admitted by yourself before) wallhack is clearly active and visible in the same screenshot?I think you should think about entering the casting for "Dumb and Dumber 3". I'm sure that they'll select you for the role of the Dumbest.
You've just made my morning
haha you are one of those who is always testing the AutoShot and trying to circumvent the freeze anticheat serber of the two, and do not kick screenshot porq I have nothing against you, but I'll post the best apollo year
, oh when evidence habeses change your name, you will always speak of your team
I'd sooner learn fluent Klingon prior to learning Alucardian language So, I am always testing the AutoShot, but do not kick screenshot porq you have nothing against me, but you'll post the best apollo year? Quadriple facepalm on the way
Btw, I don't know what's the reference about, but Tanya and Nastya are playing CTF quite often
Well done!

as I know, this topic is against the rules:
Quote:Do not
create threads aimed at one person.
As i know, 1(Zezao) + 1(Alucard) equals 'Two'
Dear cheater Alucard. As I can notice, you are probably using google translate or some other online translator in order to understand the English posts and reply respectively. However, since your replies are a total mess, at least try to type in proper Spanish in the translator, instead of using some local dialect, so the translator can do its job and create a reasonable translation.
Even Jiva's posts make more sense than yours.
p.s. Are you really 50 years old? I find it very difficult to believe that someone of your age would act and do things like this, even more considering the fact that this is a computer game and proven cheating we're talking about....