Clan RATW cheater , and zezao demostr
mormon detected or innorant.

Kozmit is right i think. But this topic now cannot be deleted because it contains an important proof in this case. Most likely will be blocked/hidden for rank mods to do a proper decisions using it.
alucard you should've added this in from the start, and maybe you could've got yourself a ban discount for the self denounce.
In your place i should be angry on Tanya for getting in the picture
Isnt it some "Nastya" on his screen ?
Anyway, we can all see whats going on alucard's screen, there's a wall and behind the wall is enemy clearly seen on the screen, how he appeared there?

hahahahahahaha i would like to send you a video from me where im 10 min just laughing bout this omg hahaha![]()
sorry your boring video
The fact that you can articulate yourself is not a proof of existing Inteligence... and you alone have given us the proof therefor
alucard you are the best
zezo is good player, I think the one began to use wallhack when you get tired of accusing me and nobody did anything, have good shots, not a bad player, just not have good moves