Clan RATW cheater , and zezao demostr

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NewBMonK's picture
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Re: Clan RATW cheater , and zezao demostr

mormon detected or innorant.

heardrak's picture
Joined: Mar 2013
Re: Clan RATW cheater , and zezao demostr
V1979 wrote:

I agree that ALUCARD gave himself away to be a cheater. But does that screenshot testify that ZEZAO is a cheater too, or not?
That would be sad...

zezo is good player, I think the one began to use wallhack when you get tired of accusing me and nobody did anything, have good shots, not a bad player, just not have good moves Happy

heardrak's picture
Joined: Mar 2013
Re: Clan RATW cheater , and zezao demostr
epsiplayer wrote:

Is that... tanya's name in that wall? behind the console? RLY?

alucard your screenshot is a better proof for you then for Zezao..
anyway All! Ban them all!

would have to put anti wallhack and unos.serber I saw, and see how low the quality of play of many, and as some stop playing

heardrak's picture
Joined: Mar 2013
Re: Clan RATW cheater , and zezao demostr
◀█ BIG BOB wrote:

Ok, first this:

Ok now I have my suspicion about the people who actually were able to SPOT that he was using cheats. Since 0MS was the first one to point it out, I'll fire my shots at him first. So 0MS.... you cheat? You like to snitch on your fellow cheaters? Happy

have, you know that trying to use this AutoShot if susede as happened to Zezao of borg, but otherwise ... example, one connects every day at the same time, and you always see the same players, empiesa one to suspect if you have a sudden change in his game, 0ms not see much play in the serber that game, but if good player ... otherwise is to accuse the nonsense ... accuse me of using speed hack, but I do not use it, is more or know existed, I like playing with cheater ami porq so the difficulty is greater

heardrak's picture
Joined: Mar 2013
Re: Clan RATW cheater , and zezao demostr

ban? I'll keep playing Happy and when I see you I'll salute, quisas another name or another ... but I will continue playing in the two serber of tpax and freeze, which is incidentally prediction ping? read and you tell another player in the frreze Happy

heardrak's picture
Joined: Mar 2013
Re: Clan RATW cheater , and zezao demostr
-C4-KOSZMIT wrote:

Alucard has been banned in 2005 already so he is around for some time but he is slow learner so please someone teach him how to make proper report in "Report Cheaters" topic because ,as I know, this topic is against the rules:

Do not
create threads aimed at one person. Use other methods of communication
platforms instead (private messages function for examble), in such a

I used to play vs Zezao for years on Borg servers and I have never any suspicions so I really doubt he cheats but log should be checked ofc.

I think many here have no life, and game from before 2005 but not in version 1.32 but 1.6 and know how to kill someone so you do not have life?, ignoring Happy comiensa ignore, and where the public is given me the win when I please, I do not read the stupid rules. The admin of the site to be responsible, but I will have consider your point, thanks. And you defend a friend still cheat, it's normal Happy Zezao like you do, and I do with my holiday what it wants

intact-epsilon's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
Re: Clan RATW cheater , and zezao demostr
-C4-KOSZMIT wrote:

Kozmit is right i think. But this topic now cannot be deleted because it contains an important proof in this case. Most likely will be blocked/hidden for rank mods to do a proper decisions using it.

alucard you should've added this in from the start, and maybe you could've got yourself a ban discount for the self denounce.

In your place i should be angry on Tanya for getting in the picture Laughing

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camel-xp's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
Re: Clan RATW cheater , and zezao demostr

Isnt it some "Nastya" on his screen ?
Anyway, we can all see whats going on alucard's screen, there's a wall and behind the wall is enemy clearly seen on the screen, how he appeared there? Happy

APOLLO's picture
Joined: Oct 2010
Re: Clan RATW cheater , and zezao demostr
... wrote:

apollojr'ng wrote:
hahahahahahaha i would like to send you a video from me where im 10 min just laughing bout this omg hahaha Big grin Laughing out loud Big grin

sorry your boring video

The fact that you can articulate yourself is not a proof of existing Inteligence... and you alone have given us the proof therefor Tongue

We do not stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing.
Never Be The First To Get Old!! Happy

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I have my own opinion & I insist.
Those who do not get along have only themselves to blame.


echooo ^
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Joined: Apr 2011
Re: Clan RATW cheater , and zezao demostr

alucard you are the best Applause