Clan RATW cheater , and zezao demostr
Is that... tanya's name in that wall? behind the console? RLY?
alucard your screenshot is a better proof for you then for Zezao..
anyway All! Ban them all!
Ok, first this:
Ok now I have my suspicion about the people who actually were able to SPOT that he was using cheats. Since 0MS was the first one to point it out, I'll fire my shots at him first. So 0MS.... you cheat? You like to snitch on your fellow cheaters?
go away little boy..
you, dumb people, can't understand what alucard did because you ve got no honour. He sacrificed hiself in order to punish a suspected cheater. Like an old Kamikaze, like a hero, he exposed hiself to the ban, just to ban another bad guy, saving our community. We'll never forget you alucard, rest in peace in your ban.
Alucard has been banned in 2005 already so he is around for some time but he is slow learner so please someone teach him how to make proper report in "Report Cheaters" topic because ,as I know, this topic is against the rules:
Do not
create threads aimed at one person. Use other methods of communication
platforms instead (private messages function for examble), in such a
I used to play vs Zezao for years on Borg servers and I have never any suspicions so I really doubt he cheats but log should be checked ofc.
haha you are one of those who is always testing the AutoShot and trying to circumvent the freeze anticheat serber of the two, and do not kick screenshot porq I have nothing against you, but I'll post the best apollo year
, oh when evidence habeses change your name, you will always speak of your team