Vanilla.cfg I v2.3
since I am sick I felt like commenting on some of the features of this cfg.
"Weapon Knockbacks for Rocket Launcher,Plasma Gun,Railgun, BFG"
basically its pretty stupid to have a different knockback for nades and rocket since they both deal the same damage with the same radius. Furthermore it has more sideeffects in direct combat since you get knocked around less which means directhit weapons are superior.
"$xp_unlagged = 1;"
I always felt odd about unlagged projectiles, if I remember right, 1 includes them. 1 brings a minor advantage for higher pingers.
Otherwise, the stairjumps are still not really vanilla - to properly jump stairs you need defrag skillz not modified physics
about the knockback - I wouldn't change it that much from baseq3 - for example the shaft, atm you can knock people around however you want. The correct value should be 1.125 and not 1.5.
We can discuss more about it, but it seems halfway playable

since I am sick I felt like commenting on some of the features of this cfg.
"Weapon Knockbacks for Rocket Launcher,Plasma Gun,Railgun, BFG"
basically its pretty stupid to have a different knockback for nades and rocket since they both deal the same damage with the same radius. Furthermore it has more sideeffects in direct combat since you get knocked around less which means directhit weapons are superior.
"$xp_unlagged = 1;"
I always felt odd about unlagged projectiles, if I remember right, 1 includes them. 1 brings a minor advantage for higher pingers.
Otherwise, the stairjumps are still not really vanilla - to properly jump stairs you need defrag skillz not modified physics
about the knockback - I wouldn't change it that much from baseq3 - for example the shaft, atm you can knock people around however you want. The correct value should be 1.125 and not 1.5.
We can discuss more about it, but it seems halfway playable
agree about everything above ^
specially shaft knockback seems to big for me
Leave QL at QL Here for me is still QUAKE3
i do not see problem to make amateur cup at ql for us if some want so much ql

4. when i ask the people who played on vanilla 1vs1 these days, they said nothing bad about the config! maybe in other gametypes are more problems but like i said i havent enough knowledge in that kind of stuff, so i need your help to make that cfg perfect! what is when we test the quake live physics ?
reason is pretty easy, the players who dislike the actual configuration don't play
Now for the record, physic_air_steps is still the biggest problem here.
The biggest problem is... "random" PU spawn, ammo pickup and then stair jumps.
Why ammo? Let's say you've got 10 rockets atm,
you pick up rocket from spawn - you get +1 rocket,
you pick up ammo packs - you get +5 rockets
you pick up fragged enemy rockets - you get +10 rockets,
max rockets in inventory - 999.
Why it's a problem? On some maps defenders have a long road to the closest ammo packs to be more effective in combat [not to run out of rockets] and the only way they can get it is right from spawn - it has negative effect on their defending skills. I suggest qlive solution - max rockets 25, rocket ammo from spawn +10 to ammo, rest the same. Same solution goes for all weapons.
About PowerUps, sometimes PowerUps doesn't spawn at the same time or right in time. The enemy getting their PU first has incredible advantage.
Stairjumps are explained by Skull.
Asphyx, if you fix this config I'm gonna form new religion - asphyxianism. Didn't even expected you to take care about it, wanted to force Terror to fix all that stuff. Thanks for everything pal.
Hmm im not sure but maybe just copy physics from rr v4? U willa hale vq3 + cena physics votable when ill be at Home ill look into this

Hmm im not sure but maybe just copy physics from rr v4? U willa hale vq3 + cena physics votable when ill be at Home ill look into thisi only saw rr v6 and there are Physics = 0 or PHYSICS_QUAKE_LIVE or PHYSICS_CPMA included!
Edit: what is with
$xp_physics = no;
like baseq3 ( isnt it vq3 physics ? )
sorry my bad xd V6 not v4
this is what v6 physics look like
Config {
if ($rr_physics == 1)
{Name = "rr.cfg <rail resurrection v6> QL-physics";}
{Name = "rr.cfg <rail resurrection v6> CPMA-physics";}
}Misc {
if ($rr_physics == 1)
$rr_physics = 0;
$pmove_accurate = 125;
$xp_unlagged = 1;// rr_physics 0 = CPMA physics (default)
// rr_physics 1 = QuakeLive physics
i played a bit more vanilla these days and have following to say:
1. agree about the knockbacks reducing!
2. "$xp_unlagged = 1;"
I see no problem by unlagged modus, becuase the most Server Admins have it set already in the server.cfg.
it feels very comfortable for me!
3. iam not a pro vanilla player and havent enough knowledge about the physics, but for me the movement feels good!
4. when i ask the people who played on vanilla 1vs1 these days, they said nothing bad about the config! maybe in other gametypes are more problems but like i said i havent enough knowledge in that kind of stuff, so i need your help to make that cfg perfect! what is when we test the quake live physics ?
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