Top whiners

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tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: Top whiners

This is about people sticking up for what they say, simple as. No one (literally no one) would play us if we had a Zydek, no one would accept a Drina in any sane clan or FW. But you want them, so that is what you get. Why should I behave any different? If it is somehow soothing I left MR and you can knock yourself out whining all you want against them.

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: Top whiners

As you pointed before, its just a game. And all of us could get angry because of it. Now you are the one. I will not provoke you for any incoming insults today, but when you got sober Im up to discuss anything related to me or my attitude. GN.

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: Top whiners

This is hilarious, I must say. You excuse any kind of behaviour with "it's just a game". So do tell me, why should I play by the rules when your members do not? I'm not holding my breath.

zmbjason's picture
Joined: Aug 2007
Re: Top whiners

Mircwar has a point. Some people are provoking others on fws/cws, no point of denying it since we all know its true. I know zydek who is listed above called me "fucking hyper camper", "cheater" and a very funny one "kids with internet for free" few times now, that isnt acceptable. Take a football game for example, you cant scream fucking cheater and you sux omg on the field, thats a red card.

The separation of talent and skill is one of the greatest missunderstood concepts for people who are trying to meet their dreams. Talent acts naturally while skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours of training.

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: Top whiners
[MR.]MIRCWAR wrote:

This is hilarious, I must say. You excuse any kind of behaviour with "it's just a game". So do tell me, why should I play by the rules when your members do not? I'm not holding my breath.

Where did I excuse? Personally I pointed its a true Im using fool language. But as I noticed, Im not trying to insult someone, its up on my nerves. The thing I want is not to take my words serious, acutally I dont do on your place. But sometimes when I turn out all limits, I appologise for it.

You mess up with two things. The first is "excuse of the day" which is leading by Skullhead for sure. The second is just bad attitude inside game which I can confirm . However, there is also a main question - "why people do it". The answers could be found inside their behaviour. Some people are just fags, others making it just "for the lulz", because they dont try to offend someone and in simular cases they coudlnt be insulted.

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: Top whiners

Good, I will join a shitty clan and call you all assholes, cheaters, luckers and pingers. The moment you will voice concern I will point you towards this thread. Good to know what behaviour is premiered and what is not. It's just a game, take it on the chin people!

alienM's picture
Joined: Jun 2009
Re: Top whiners
alienM wrote:

2 mine mates - nice list! you can add on this list Zack, too! Tongue

damn, I need to stop with this alcohol on parties! Love struck
sorry mates, I readed WINNERS, not WHINERS - my fault and alcohol's, too! haters stay away from my lovely asses! Angry
p.s. don't worry Buttislav, I will not interrupt anymore this interesting topic... Big grin

Zydas's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
Re: Top whiners

yes, its true everybody knows it , i doing it always i something screaming in game Happy. I agree with it, if i have something to do with me, u can make some Yellow card for it.

About whiles, if u making some list/topic about them, u must add yourself too. Im not the greatest speaker in english thats why i wont talk with u everybody. I agree everything and i know its wrong what i sometimes doing, and i agree with Fps, its only game and its give u sometimes some nervous. About rest and after games i dont have anything to people some personality. Im ok to mirc, he is like he is, im same , and i accepted it Happy. Same like fps, he can scream to me some his words i know it, and i same doing sometimes too. But we have always fun from it after fw or cw, and thats nice. Then what i can say sorry for everyone to who i make some bad for them Happy i mean bleeding or some1 else. ( just without mirc i cant say to him sorry. Today he started say to me something, thats why i was angry.)

Good night and Regards Happy

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: Top whiners

Did you hear that people, Zydek is sorry!?!?!

Thank me from now on. Pirate

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: Top whiners

Feel the difference Mirc.

Not me, not Zydek, not even Drina wont try to prove you we arent douchebags.
We could act negative and we do, anyhow I dont support personal insulting.(excluding Mow, I think hes full douchebag). I didnt insult here any girls, like you did in the past. (Im not talking about greengirl, she confirmed shes not a girl but old woman 80 years Big grin)

Everybody could be wrong in the different cases. Im ok to appologise if I went out of any "moral rates". You were just being the "good, well respected" man, but when you got really pissed off, you started to flame and insult people you dont like.
Take it easy, thats all I can advise, if you need it of course.