Top whiners
Mircwar, that's one reason why I suggested client-side persistent mute.

Edit: Btw you forgot to put in the list Jeff and trickz
Jeff = he have a special bind just in case"Well Camped"
Trickz = I lost my shape, I want to stop this game bla bla blaTRICKZ WE IS FAMUS NOA !
"WE ARE" - nub
It would be
TRICKZ we are famous now...
put on your glasses and try to see the joke in it suka

Lately i see FPS all the time say pidars, sukas, noobpidarsuka
hah you dont even know what were I talking meanwhile in ts))))

put on your glasses and try to see the joke in it suka
The humor based on a simple grammar mistakes? (SUCH SIMPLY AS AMEBA, okda?).This is like: "-Hey! 2+2 is five-WOAH, haha. You're so funny".fak you : @

Lately i see FPS all the time say pidars, sukas, noobpidarsukahah you dont even know what were I talking meanwhile in ts))))
My meaning was that like zyd you was spamming around not coz you became mad on the game you just wanted to have fun. But sometimes the jokes or the words in pms from some people take them serious and they overreact that moment. Like Mirc do yesterday, i think all this is a simple misunderstanding.

My meaning was that like zyd you was spamming around not coz you became mad on the game you just wanted to have fun. But sometimes the jokes or the words in pms from some people take them serious and they overreact that moment. Like Mirc do yesterday, i think all this is a simple misunderstanding.
Without a doubt. You know I called you a "pidar,suka,ebanui" a lot of times yesterday. But you understand it was just for the lulz, I had a good mode and was just bitching around. We always had good serious conversations on MSN, and even if I ve called you gayden sometime - you was taking it as a joke, because me or noone else around really think that you are gay. If someone would be in bad mode, they just could ask me to stop bullshiting and I had to.
Mircwar took it as whine, well thats his right. But he could just ask me to stop act like that on FWs with Mr. anymore (btw, if I did, I did it realy rarely). Then he could prolly recognize that Im not such douchebag as he thinks, but again its up only on him.
So again, if I annoy someone of you on FWs with fool talking, you could just ask me to stop and I would. I didnt think my words could offend anyone so much and I still think on FWs most of you dont care as about me as about my words.
do not want to get into the debating like this to much, but u know... when u calling out peoples campers out of anger that's not the same when u joking, even if u trying to joke by *insulting* "somehow somebody" and u don't have some thin understanding from the person to who u address those words it will going most probably going to be taken as insult... well it actually was the insult at the beginning the only way this not going to be taken as insulting is when the person to who u adders it is yours friend... but even if hes a friend of u the boundaries to pass are really thin...
while its quite easy sometimes to detect someone who only pretending it is a joke because everyone around feeling the negative vibes the person gives anyway, so if u write something in anger, and even if that's hard to detect it since its internet, i think in around of 75% of cases people going to know u type that in anger anyway
and since u do type things under the anger that's not joking... so u do insult people out of yours own frustrations... and then when u realize u did bad u trying to make a joke out of it? insult is a insult my man...
* insulting is insulting *

Edit: Btw you forgot to put in the list Jeff and trickz
Jeff = he have a special bind just in case"Well Camped"
Trickz = I lost my shape, I want to stop this game bla bla blaTRICKZ WE IS FAMUS NOA !
hey. if everyone is sober today? or still little alcohol in the blood??
i have simply question who is whiner now ?
I wish you a pleasant Sunday
By the way, if the list in the OP is supposed to also cover top whiners from years past, they definitely would be:
Necrolust (not to be confused with Necrogeddon)
I do believe this would be the definite top five of most prestigious e+ whiners, at least from the years i played, with Necrolust winning the "most vulgar jackass of all time" award.
If you're feeling the need to whine/bullshit, there is a very simple and effective method to prevent an outburst. Type out what you want to say, but do not actually send it. I do that all the time and it actually works, it's great. Try it. Unfortunately i do not have any return policy, so if it won't work for you, you're fucked.