[suggestion] PlusN switch fix (or other cfg)

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shudder's picture
Joined: Feb 2010

Switching weapon in PlusN is possible right after making a shot from another, but then it counts some time (255ms) before making new weapon shot possible. The problem is that shooting moment can be delayed due to ping/lag delay and you will expierience weapon stuck - it looks like you tried to switch faster than server came back with "shot confirmation" and switch counter will be triggered later (not sure what time exactly, but it's like you would shot another weapon and need to wait again).

This leads to some unfair situations when smooth connection allows for multiple shots while other player need to switch slow so not to stuck with only one shot. I know better players dont need to switch so fast and focus on aiming, but when you're medium skilled and lagged then you will face 4 opponent's shots vs. 2 yours (if you wont die after his first 3).

To the point. My suggestion is making a fast switch easier, and slow it down a little to compensate spam possibility. Here's how:

Misc -> Weapon Time { Dropping = 1;
                      Raising = -100;
                      Ammo = -1;
                      Shooting = 0; }
Gauntlet -> Time ->         Raising = -1;
Shotgun -> Time ->          Shooting = 250;
Rocket Launcher -> Time ->  Shooting = 250;
Railgun -> Time ->          Shooting = 250;
Grenade Launcher -> Time -> Shooting = 250;
BFG -> Time ->              Shooting = 250;

In short:

  • 250ms "buffer" prevents (power) weapon change but if you press a key within this time it will cause fastest possible change afterwards.(1)
  • There is also a 100ms delay for all weapons (except gauntlet - it will make it more situational) to prevent too fast switch without shooting.(2)
  • (1):(2) Ratio can be reversed (it would make fastest switch harder a bit), but I wanted to return to vq3 combo style: fast weapon->power weapon (the opposite is spamming friendly imo - "missed with power - spam with other").
  • NOTE: It's not about these specific values (only my preference) but general switch mechanics.
I couldn't test it on dedicated server but I believe it works the way I presented (and tested locally). Share your opinion pls.

Ps. Here's a testing patch to PlusN I used - might come in handy (console: /load fix)

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Zack's picture
Joined: Sep 2003
Re: [suggestion] PlusN switch fix (or other cfg)

this bug has been annoying me really bad!!
also is there a fix to ppl moving jelly like?
an lag to when someone connects to server?

Joined: Apr 2010
FR France
Re: [suggestion] PlusN switch fix (or other cfg)
rage+ wrote:

lag to when someone connects to server?

/cg_deferplayers, try setting it on 0 or 1, i don't remember.

nice hint shudder, hope it gonna be implemented.

madbringer wrote:

We're like a big, dysfunctional family of alcoholics, nihilists, drug abusers, nutters and general sociopaths.

smasherchif's picture
Joined: Oct 2009
Re: [suggestion] PlusN switch fix (or other cfg)


.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:
Fuck! I just thought of the most awesome pun about the BC vs Smurfs final game and the flames that followed :
"In Soviet Moldavia, Pole rages YOU"
like 2 months after Call me

3M'darkangel wrote:
// 09:30:49 27.06.2010, UNKNOWN LOCATION,
Name { "Biotoxin" }
IP { "localhost" }

SHUDDER wrote:
People are training hard to hide their autoshoot so well while gain enough skills to win (or at least compete on similar level) without them. This is getting insane or provoked. I feel like I would cut myself with Ockham's Razor if I claim a cheat there.

Forum moderator
Zack's picture
Joined: Sep 2003
Re: [suggestion] PlusN switch fix (or other cfg)

ive managed to set my polling rate to near 1000hz
this has helped in switching bug not 100% but made alot better Happy

k thx drukqs ill try that

smasherchif's picture
Joined: Oct 2009
Re: [suggestion] PlusN switch fix (or other cfg)
NO wrote:

rage+ wrote:
lag to when someone connects to server?

/cg_deferplayers, try setting it on 0 or 1, i don't remember.

nice hint shudder, hope it gonna be implemented.

i have it set to 1, and it doesn't help. on some servers you get a terrible lag when sm1 joins, and on others you don't Confused

.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:
Fuck! I just thought of the most awesome pun about the BC vs Smurfs final game and the flames that followed :
"In Soviet Moldavia, Pole rages YOU"
like 2 months after Call me

3M'darkangel wrote:
// 09:30:49 27.06.2010, UNKNOWN LOCATION,
Name { "Biotoxin" }
IP { "localhost" }

SHUDDER wrote:
People are training hard to hide their autoshoot so well while gain enough skills to win (or at least compete on similar level) without them. This is getting insane or provoked. I feel like I would cut myself with Ockham's Razor if I claim a cheat there.

hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: [suggestion] PlusN switch fix (or other cfg)

Misc -> Weapon Time {
= -1;
Raising = -250;
Ammo = -1;

is enough for a fix, my meaning. for a test go to [asphyxland] server pw: c4war.
then callvote conf p . then load a plusnet 1.0 cfg. there you can test also other fixed weapons..

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.DoK. Crazy
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lilcrazy.style's picture
Joined: Apr 2009
Re: [suggestion] PlusN switch fix (or other cfg)

If this can really solve the problem: omg fuck i've aimed u perfectly and weapon is sleeping , shot shot f*** railgun!! :@@@@; i would say F1

Hoping that, the speed of "fast switch", don't become more useful to who use scripts(what a bitterness..).

Need to be tested during fw, where all problems duly appear.

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fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: [suggestion] PlusN switch fix (or other cfg)

I couldn't test it on dedicated server but I believe it works the way I presented (and tested locally). Share your opinion pls.

if u have tested it locally it means u haven't tested it at all since the jams as many say are fault of the ping not because of config unless u trying to shot faster as the config allows u Winking

also as far i do remember the weapon switching was always harder on higher ping, i clearly do remember some games on 1.02b and 1.03 on US servers where i do resigned from switching because it wasn't effective and focused on aiming

btw. the situation is a lot better now than it was in previous mod releases

I am addicted to life.

GG's picture
Joined: Apr 2009
Re: [suggestion] PlusN switch fix (or other cfg)
rage+ wrote:

ive managed to set my polling rate to near 1000hz
this has helped in switching bug not 100% but made alot better Happy
k thx drukqs ill try that

fixed for me by lowering polling rate 1000Hz -> 500Hz (@G9 setpoint)

✽ ✾ ✿ ❀ ❁ ❃ ❋


shudder's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: [suggestion] PlusN switch fix (or other cfg)
animalchik wrote:

if u have tested it locally it means u haven't tested it at all since the jams as many say are fault of the ping not because of config unless u trying to shot faster as the config allows u Winking

I said that too and explained why I believe it could be changed but If server admins say -255 raising is enough I can't do nothing with these statements, because admitting the problem exists (from other people) I get "no need to change" for an answer at the same time.

If I had tested it and it have worked it wouldn't be just a suggestion. Testing it localy showed me what I expected to achieve - easier fast switch, but slower highest possible. And if smo shooting me 4 weapons/second he isn't doing it based on reactions to shots he see on the screen but learned sequences. In switch config I presented u can switch based on reactions with almost same effect because its all slowed down.

Anyway. I expected some server owner to at least check this thing, but now I can understand "Ali's madness" becaiuse it's all ridiculous - we have a problem > suggested solution > no need to try it. I would understand if it took some costs, investments or irreversable results might come, but now... yes dying mod, old game lets put all ourselves into a grave and die - at least we tried... oh wait, we didn't.