RailResurrection// mini Freeze League

P.S. At the moment there is some strage error on runing banana.cfg in other servers that me, syntax and few more try to resolve as I have no idea why dont work
server hosters need to aware to run last server side update of the mod as the 2.0 mod has not the last serve side files
also now i don't remember if i did the corrections for the last server update or for the previous it might need to be updated now as well
I have 2.0a mod installed in my server...so i must do what? didnt understand xD
so if i update my config will not work in my own server??xD
cooool thx send me the cfg so i can resend it

fff are incontact:
map : overkill , cpm14, dm7(lanfeust, pvener, lebow'sky, ste, ..?...)
since when fff is a clan?
OK, since it is banana.cfg is in.
Our maps: cpm14, overkill, q3dm11
(maps will be changed probably, internal poll will decide)
Contact: x-mo at live dot de or IRC #f2b-clan on quakenet
ok ... so hf )
all events are for clans only ?
Line up: jokey, vanity, lumberjack, lazy, farmer, hefty, brainy
Maps: not sure yet will be added soon
f1 for rr.cfg f2 for bananarail.cfgin this cup, because there is not enough practice on bananarail.cfg, due to it's "freshnes + availability". Ofcourse we are in, no matter what organizators will decide about the cfg.
Little update. Lucky's leaders: me and marcus.
msn: karolk_88@hotmail.com
gg: 7078819
msn: neo_mark@o2.pl
gg: 6020322
Also Hylian is in Lucky.
And my little tip, this bannana cfg is ok, but rail reload should be a little bit slower :F
(D@rk@ngel, Blade, Scrindle, Blackrose, Noxx, Mr.Pride, Supermen, Trance, Tanaka, Lancel)
Leader -> D@rk@ngel
ICQ: 592313749
Maps: not sure yet will be added soon
You can train in our server if you want.... the banana cfg..
contact me to pass
update your server (only server) with those files