RailResurrection// mini Freeze League
he is a she, and i guess he is very open for questions and demands
to be honest, this config is pretty easy to reproduce for the case she is not open
DS in.

DS in.
DS or Lucky ?
well, serios question, since this wars will be ranked, so u need to decide for which clan u wanna play finally railonly.
lol what? mistical xD its very easy to make this config if you have knowlage about making server configs... and as I was newby thats why I spend a lot of time on it...
Btw terror i have no problems to give my banana.cfg for private servers or clan wars or tournaments or what ever as i did and send u...also i send it to , darkteam, zmb clan, smurfs clan, bad'co clan, ppc clan...who ask for it to me i give it to their privat servers...so i dont know were is the problem lol...I pay for the server and I would love to have it full to train and have fun..thats why at the moment it would be bad idea for me to see more servers publics with same config...i think if this happens in each server will be just few players and 0% of fun...thats my opinion
however i play just for fun
and as i said many clans asked for config for their privat servers to train and i give it with no problems
so no mistic here
try that to ask other who have same confing and lets see what they reply to you lol...u will be lucky if they reply something xD.
P.S. At the moment there is some strage error on runing banana.cfg in other servers that me, syntax and few more try to resolve as I have no idea why dont work
P.S. 2 if some one what to organice a cup with banana.cfg im more than happy to help with it and all the rest just ask i have open mind :]
sneaky bastards clan is in!

DS in.DS or Lucky ?
:F Sry, Lucky in Here is our line up: click.
Maps: q3dm7, q3dm8, q3dm11.
It's not about that uhhh... I could easly make a similliar one.
It's about that DarkAngel has "all rights reserver" and don't want his cfg to be spreaded.
Why ?
Well his server is so popular becasue of this cfg.
When everyone will have this cfg, propably more servers will run on it.
This would make banana server less atractive, easy marketing
So I if u wanna run this cup on banana.cfg u have 2 ways:
- ask politely DarkAngel to provide cfg,
- make exact copy of the cfg, but change it name