railmania.cfg | v2.0
I am glad to present to this community newest version of railmania.cfg (first one made 8. january 2010), the first rail config with 4(*) weapons which came here after Hiszy gone... I made this new release before 1 month or more, but needed configure one last thing which I did today with help of my great friend and mate Epsilon. Thanks to him, I can publish now version 2.0. I changed config radically, maybe 40% of it are changed so its completely new version. Last month beta v1.1 was on *F*R*E*E*Z*E***M*A*N*I*A* server and I think that players liked it. New version will be played there, too, as official server's config. Btw, I would ask admins of war servers if they want to upload new version on their servers, so wars can be played on that config too, as that is principal clan config.
Regards, alienM...
seems any clan get's a own official clanconfig (not my words) now.
great news!
railmania cfg at 2.0
good work, sis and pepsi <3
Great! I go play now and find some flaws! xD GJ!
I hope it's not another bananrail / hiszy copy.
Besides bananarail shouldn't be railonly, im objective this time.
There should be seperate class, bananarail is neither railonly or plus or e5r.
It cant be bananarail copy since its created before that cfg.
edit: I think.
It reminds me 1.4 -> 2.0 "revolution"
It cant be bananarail copy since its created before that cfg.
edit: I think.
Yep you are right. Freeze server and railmania cfg are created before banana server and cfg.
gl to make it popular...
lol, read again first rows, rofl... and don't compare MY creation with "any clans", pls...
) ...
P.S. did you anywhere here maybe noticed that this config has name "sneakyrail.cfg" or something else? of course that we play on it when sNeAkY leader made it... but sNeAkY play r4e09f. cfg, too, as that cfg is most normal ONLY rail config (honestly, like it more then this mine