Rail jumps cycle. how?

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Alpha.Dot's picture
Joined: Jan 2011

Hi there Happy i'm comfuse with the rail jumps cycle after rail jump, how to do another rail cycle after this? i need make 700 of rate with ussual shots and 300 of rate after rail jumps, so, i needed to know this is possible with e+ or not? heh

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: Rail jumps cycle. how?

I highly doubt that this is possible in e+ (is there really a mod which can defer between aim-shot and railjump?)

Btw. if u have some trouble with creating ur ufreeze.cfg, apshyx could probably help with some details, he helped already a couple of people to create their own game config. All he needs to know is how u imagine ur config (doubt that asphyx ever played ufreeze).

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Re: Rail jumps cycle. how?

This is actually not possible. Rail cycle after being set will be same independantly of how player use it.

many railonly confs have grenade jumps to try doing same effect you want with 2 different weapons.

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mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: Rail jumps cycle. how?

Ali, I hope this becomes a ufreeze.cfg pretty much how ufreeze is. Don't bring him on any strange ideas pls.

trivium's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
Re: Rail jumps cycle. how?
¯¯__█ALI█¯¯__ wrote:

many failonly confs have grenade jumps to try doing same effect you want with 2 different weapons.

not possible same as having knockback as on uft. everything is fucked up here Tongue

@mow i already made back in 1.03 some cfg which was pretty uft alike for e+iuleague back then Smug

playing on
[mouse]: ie 3.0
[mousepad]: corepad eyepad xxl
[keyboard]: Steelseries 6gv2
[headphones]: SteelSeries Siberia v2
[monitor]: Samsung Syncmaster 1000s 21"

ghost wrote:

its the people whos piss me of not the game, im never ever played an game on wich all is perfect to mine preferences there are always things to wich im must get used and acept them as they are no mater i like them or not i will try to understand thier mechanism and use for mine adventage

Alpha.Dot's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: Rail jumps cycle. how?
mow Q [EN] wrote:

I highly doubt that this is possible in e+ (is there really a mod which can defer between aim-shot and railjump?)

yea, this is possible with InstaUnlagged 1.2.beta3 and RIU, and Revolution mod, there it's no problem and easy to set

mow Q [EN] wrote:

Btw. if u have some trouble with creating ur ufreeze.cfg, apshyx could probably help with some details, he helped already a couple of people to create their own game config. All he needs to know is how u imagine ur config (doubt that asphyx ever played ufreeze).

thx u, if so i will ask something later, and i have a lot of cfgs for examples Happy

so, if it's not possible with e+, now i coming sad a little xD thx u guys for info

Joined: Jul 2009
NL Netherlands
Re: Rail jumps cycle. how?
hrd wrote:

mow Q [EN] wrote:
I highly doubt that this is possible in e+ (is there really a mod which can defer between aim-shot and railjump?)

yea, this is possible with InstaUnlagged 1.2.beta3 and RIU, and Revolution mod, there it's no problem and easy to set

mow Q [EN] wrote:

Btw. if u have some trouble with creating ur ufreeze.cfg, apshyx could probably help with some details, he helped already a couple of people to create their own game config. All he needs to know is how u imagine ur config (doubt that asphyx ever played ufreeze).

thx u, if so i will ask something later, and i have a lot of cfgs for examples Happy

so, if it's not possible with e+, now i coming sad a little xD thx u guys for info

Shifty add me on your msn i will send you a cfg, i've allready made a e+ cfg allready long time ago but it's 2.0 cfgTake a look Happy

Alpha.Dot's picture
Joined: Jan 2011
Re: Rail jumps cycle. how?

ah, nice, but i havent msn, check skype, i wrote u there Happy

hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: Rail jumps cycle. how?

i add you on skype. go online !°

i think a $xp_physics = PHYSICS_NO_RAMP_JUMPS; we can handle ^^

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xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
Re: Rail jumps cycle. how?
mow Q [EN] wrote:

Ali, I hope this becomes a ufreeze.cfg pretty much how ufreeze is. Don't bring him on any strange ideas pls.

First post doen't mention any ufreeze

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: Rail jumps cycle. how?
¯¯__█ALI█¯¯__ wrote:

mow Q [EN] wrote:
Ali, I hope this becomes a ufreeze.cfg pretty much how ufreeze is. Don't bring him on any strange ideas pls.

First post doen't mention any ufreeze

Sorry, i checked his web, just to show some common interest and to understand him and his request a bit better. I like to know something about people to give as less pointless answers as possible, like this one.