plusN/plus CFG suggestions

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DoctoR-PHC's picture
Joined: Oct 2005
plusN/plus CFG suggestions
Nolte009 wrote:

people camp powerups too now... so it seems camp has gotten worse.

yes, i saw some cases of camping power-ups even in public games... and most annoying when ppl camp in room and take it only if hear that some enemy coming for save timer of power-up usage.

btw in cw\fw camping in room with power-up easier then just in an empty room.

i dont see any reducing of camp then in plus.cfg on 1.03, but vice versa - it increased Sad

so i'm for remove all power-ups and for make more strict anti-camp with no health regen...

mistress's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
plusN/plus CFG suggestions
lagstard wrote:

Nolte009 wrote:
actually i disagree.. either ppl camp the powerups or everyone is forced to take them so they don't get whored.

oh & mow, its not just about cw/fw gameplay....

The powerups appear very sporadically

seems no one told Ali... hes counting the seconds to each powerup regen on any server.

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
plusN/plus CFG suggestions

Well, if powerups will be removed or pointless, i will start camping again. Promise. Since it is way easier to score with camp on a popular place as to run through the map than.

To collect powerups u NEED to move, 1 powerups (except bs) is not enough usually. Camping the powerups will make u die faster.

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
plusN/plus CFG suggestions

@mow, bs is somehow useless when you have only 300health, it needs much effort keeping armor, health higher to be more efficient

new gameplay : take powerups before enemy does (or I do), that's it.Big grin

@missy, if you don't take powerup as it just have spawned, all the seconds count fail cos of the delay (you need then to add delay to your count : very hard to do).

in 8vs8 that's hardly done to take all powerups ( you can't be everywhere, and players are everywhere)
in 3vs3, more items for few ppl, if you collect most items you can own very well.

I have seen many times ppl having quad next to them and not taking it (thinking they are superior to others ? not caring ?)

solution for ppl not complaining : all have to care about powerups or items in general, if you don't want to take them, it's your fault so stop complaining.


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funk's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
plusN/plus CFG suggestions

imo with this items and powerups game starting to be more interesting, more strategy. on the old version of plus game was such booring. you may only camping at mainly parts of map and waiting the enemy when he'll come to you, to your crosshair Surprise noe from the point of view of strategy game becomes more interesting. there isnt regeneration of hp, now need to take all that is on a map to beat a enemy. its gives the chance to open space for tactics. imo need to reduce quad damage a little. and remove killing from the grenade launcher/rocket if you'll hit to a purpose.

* Veni, Vidi, Vici! (c) July Caesar.
* God lives in fair heart.

DoctoR-PHC's picture
Joined: Oct 2005
plusN/plus CFG suggestions
mow Q [EN] wrote:

Well, if powerups will be removed or pointless, i will start camping again. Promise. Since it is way easier to score with camp on a popular place as to run through the map than.

Thats why i'm talking about stronger anti-camp - u start camping = u start dying by camperalert :twisted:

and for power-ups makes games more "strategic" - no freakin way!!!! its making it more promode-like, ofc maybe it brings more strategy but thats DIFFERENT mod and other story... btw if u iplement pickable items - say goodbye to unlagged...

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
plusN/plus CFG suggestions

the only thing i could agree on is that people have to use a powerup if they have one.
for example, u wont start camping with quad because u have an advantage to kill somebody.
on another note, people start hiding/camping if there is a powerup around.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
plusN/plus CFG suggestions

I dont want to be forced to move, i want to be motivated to move.

Campprotection is a bad solution. Worst case.

And we are far away of beeing cpm alike. still more than 95 % of all rail kills are insta.

DoctoR-PHC's picture
Joined: Oct 2005
plusN/plus CFG suggestions

camp protection is best solution imho coz its punish campers without affecting regular\moving players. If we all hate campers so much why we should help attackers if punish campers is much easier?

@mow - U are already should be motivated bcoz if u die by camperalert ur team would have less chances to win the round its enough? or not?

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
plusN/plus CFG suggestions

@doc, camp alert won't help at all if a team going to choice one room for camping, they will move inside the room to evade camp alert and keep reaping spawns all the time as it was happened before

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