plusN/plus CFG suggestions

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mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
plusN/plus CFG suggestions

map control and timing items is a skill, too. But speaking about map-control would be a bit too much in e+, yet.

GN Wave

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
plusN/plus CFG suggestions
mow Q [EN] wrote:

map control and timing items is a skill, too. But speaking about map-control would be a bit too much in e+, yet.

shows how much u know about instagib mow.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
plusN/plus CFG suggestions

I play e+ and not instagib, even if rail is a 98 % instagib weapon on plusN.cfg.

And something like mapcontrol with instagib is just possible on small or open maps.

Your last comment seems very narrow-minded.

As well as your remark on the splitting. Actually you beat yourself , with your own arguments, like "go play cpma ...if/than..."

I say go play cpma if u want same gameplay on nearly all servers.

The PlusN config is the new standard for me. It is actually the first popular config which makes at least a bit sense. The first popular config which is built up with some effort. The first popular config which means more than hit 'n run.

The config offers some facets more than all other configs, in order to finish a mapsuccessfully. And it is a fact that the camping went back clearly.

Certainly that is presumably only an opinion, but ur smart-aleck behavior and ur narrow-minded argumentation will not result in changing my oppinion in order to play a config again, which is born out of a bug, an accident, which hardly makes sense, which has NO weapon-balance and leads to a huge camp-game.

I played something better than the classical plus.cfg, which needs not just aim and moventment, which needs also kinda map-control and item-timing at least a bit.

And it is still not comparable with osp/cpma and baseq, since the game is still more than 90 % instagib.

I have the feeling, you only keep off because your superior aiming is not worth anymore as much as before.

Those ones are coarsely formulated, my points.

DoctoR-PHC's picture
Joined: Oct 2005
plusN/plus CFG suggestions
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

...adding item based map control is like adding a legal cheat to a game.

there is no need for adding such a thing like item map control into e+, then we can go play cpma...

and most of all, we dont need a config split, fala and camel should get along and create 1 config, there is enough to tweak to make the game a bit more interesting here and there...

Agreed with Skully!

E+ was based on equal chances to kill an enemy even if u just spawn or be killed if he just spawned... that made this mod popular imho, i know many ppl who came here coz of that and even cpma players...

Equal chances makes game less predictable - for example like it works in cpma - i spawned and enemy heard it, meet him with MG is like a suicide, so i need some stronger weapon or power-up\armour and he knows it. most of the maps u have possibility to choose 3-4 directions to pick powerups\weapons\armour. But what is implementing now to e+? in 80-90% u must pick BS coz its DOUBLES ur chances to kill the enemy, so its easy to predict that since u have all weapons already, after spawn u must pick armour\powerup - so it makes the game even more predictable then cpma... omg...

so i dont see the sense of making things what already made much better in other mod...

and yea, splitting configs doesnt makes sens either...

Joined: Aug 2006
plusN/plus CFG suggestions
+DoctoR+PHC wrote:

But what is implementing now to e+? in 80-90% u must pick BS coz its DOUBLES ur chances to kill the enemy, so its easy to predict that since u have all weapons already, after spawn u must pick armour\powerup - so it makes the game even more predictable then cpma... omg...

so i dont see the sense of making things what already made much better in other mod...

and yea, splitting configs doesnt makes sens either...

total f1

actually i prefer to die instead to take powerups, this is my small-humble protest.
slowly quittin'..

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
plusN/plus CFG suggestions

Before plusN, I wasn't caring at all about items as they were so weak imo.

example for health: mega was giving just 100. I have been used now to have 300, having only 100 extra is nothing, and I will not move to take it.

But now that I became item whore, I move non-stop to take items/powerups all around and trying to follow the items spawn time. It gives me extra chances to win.

Even if i wanna camp when last man in team, I know if I will not take bs, some other enemy will take it before me. If I succeed in taking it, I can face more enemies alone and that's cool while searching teammate to thaw.

I am really happy this cfg is greatly balanced now (items values/locations, weapons, camp, spawnprotection, and all other settings)

tx to fala Happy

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
plusN/plus CFG suggestions
+DoctoR+PHC wrote:

*ZMB*ORBY* wrote:

I can't satisfy everyone’s needs, there is so many different likings that this is just impossible to do. I am aiming in camping map control that seemed to be hated for everyone who played Clan Wars, and if u guys hate camping, like u did admitted Doc many times, u should be more opened for these changes.

Like other peoples expressed their opinions I can also wrote go play CA then Winking although it is no longer insta kill, go try out plusN CA without a single item on map and then u can still group whole 5 and camp in one room Winking yes I haven’t mean “go play CPMA CA”

I am addicted to life.

Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
plusN/plus CFG suggestions
mow Q [EN] wrote:

And something like mapcontrol with instagib is just possible on small or open maps.

thats what i ment, thats why i know where u are while u just know my last location.
u are simply moving to slow mow to control the places where the enemy has to show up.

for now this config splits people into moving and trying to time the items or making them even more camp because they have no chance to face an enemy with armor or suit.

mow Q [EN] wrote:

The config offers some facets more than all other configs, in order to finish a mapsuccessfully. And it is a fact that the camping went back clearly.

i couldnt recognise that yet, game is still the same thing of camp a room.
just with the difference now that u got superior battlesuit or quad damage being legal cheats within the game.
its like using weapons with unfair powerups in cod5 (if im right with the version number) which are already forbidden in leagues but basically in the game.

mow Q [EN] wrote:

play a config again, which is born out of a bug, an accident, which hardly makes sense, which has NO weapon-balance and leads to a huge camp-game.

yes no no yes.
camping is NEVER something config related!
as long as camping pays off, people do it, as long as u keep weapons which instantly kill an enemy, camping pays off.

if u really want to avoid camping, then put a thawtime of ~45 seconds so team with more people needs to rush and get the last enemys before they thaw.
which makes these enemys camp. (still a better way though)

mow Q [EN] wrote:

I have the feeling, you only keep off because your superior aiming is not worth anymore as much as before.

it actually just means i need to aim better, play more around corners to avoid facing an quad/suit carrier face2face.
so nothing much of a problem.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
plusN/plus CFG suggestions
mow Q [EN] wrote:

I say go play cpma if u want same gameplay on nearly all servers.

Smug Xd plz CPMA has the following modes with each being played actively :

1v1 (yep, relies on map control)
TDM (yep, relies on team map control)
CTF (yep, powerup control, also movement.)
CA (public CA is the fastest and coolest quake-related gametype which i have seen, and i've seen quite a few... it's phenomenal to watch the movement and the aim of random cpma players (i mean any guy, not "PROFESSIONAL" Smug)
CTFs (this is a combo of CA cos you start with all weapons and then take turns trying to attack the flag... it's a pleasure to watch speed demons like a certain nameless Mexican friend who recently lost to eThaD in an ESR sponsored 1v1 cup)
NTF where you also start with all weapons... you choose one of 4 classes which define what is your default +forward speed, your spwaning health/ammo and your spawning 3 weapons. I haven't even played it cos i need to learn CPM properly before biting into everything Smug
Then there are also things like HoonyMode (which is played in lolleagues as well) which i can't even comment on but are a massive change to other gametypes.

In e+ you have:
PLUS, nice gametype, a little bit zany/whacky but that's the purpose of it anyway.
e5 and all it's variants All directly proportional, so if switch-spam is decreased, camping and "spray and pray" tactics are increased. Reason they are all grouped together (e5/e5r/e6) is cos publically only Borg CTF is played, plus a FW now and then.
BFG ONLY airmap server. it's fun and stuff. I heard fooki was there the other day, cos he needed to "practice his bfg aim for certain cups"
Rail-only lazery arenas, which are primarily played by my russian and CSO countrymates.

Any other config is a nice initiative, a lot of effort but it will NOT be played apart from when config maker will try to get a few of his mates to test/play. There's 3 popular serious servers in e+. Anything else just won't pick up. It didn't pick up 2 years ago when there were more playing people, it will not pick up now. In theory you have the greatest mod everr that has something for EVERYBODY, in practice, you have 2 popular Tag servers at any time of day (when aim+/beer go to sleep, 2 US servers wake up), and an e5r ctf server in 1.03. Mow, i think you are terribly wrong saying e+ is a lot more "varied" than cpm.


..adding item based map control is like adding a legal cheat to a game.

Smug Xd plz Smug :> Smug :> Smug :> Smug
Ima take a stab in the dark, but it's cos you spent 3 years getting good at a game, and when you get to cpma pickup, you get put into lolquotes regarding your "INSTA IS TOTALLY SUPERIOUR LOL" attitude, and you are just bitter that things your are good in are not considered something skillful outside 2 niche mods, 1 of which is now dead and buried.

animalchik wrote:

go try out plusN CA without a single item on map and then u can still group whole 5 and camp in one room yes I haven't mean "go play CPMA CA"

Xd plz Smug Around the time i saw 2 russian nice gentlemen spamming bfg to the twisty corridor in dm11 for 30+ consecutive seconds without stopping, i realised something is wrong with this whole Mod. To put it bluntly, in e+ people camp just as much. It even started an in-joke that Polish/Russian people have no souls. There are no rules that 4 nice gentlemen should all sit in Rocket Arena and spam Bfg to every entry point in the room, it just happens. Same as some russian clan in QL who was sitting in MEgahealth room for entire match spamming nades till they ran out. we raped them on all 4 maps we played them btw. You play in clanbase NG cups, is it all strafe-happy runs forward there? or is it +walk+walk + back for 20 mins? Camping happens cos clans and palyers wish to win, and they are careful. People in e+ wars camp us much, people on PUBLIC servers normally don't. that applies to every CA/Freeze/TeamSurvivor/Elimination game i've played in any game/mod. it's proposterous to say e+ is a camp-free mod.

+DoctoR+PHC wrote:

xDD LoL AndyRocket))) wrote:
i had come to this mod ONLY coz there u shouldn't pick up weapons\armours\power-ups and all this shit and no need to count time before items spawns and it WAS funny

It's monotonous and not funny as you say. This uninteresting game will bother in the first day.

And this is said by player who registered in forums at the ends of year 2008????

i'm playing it much longer and it WAS funny! Ye, maybe i'm not spending in the game half of my life but the way i described satisfy all my needs - quick fun, and its going to be ruined... ((( After FW yesterday i 1st time thought about quit e+, and its after pretty many ages here... Now only my clanmates and friends holds me here... sad...

1) the proper term in "englisch"is "fun" when you are talking about something you enjoy... funny implies something you sit and chuckle at.
2) nixin was here from 2007... he lost his old password cos in the tough city of Ufa, passwords are generated with closed eyes and no less than 40 keys. If he was from 2008, it would have been contributing against you that a player who has only been here for 9 months (5 of those in 1.03) sees the monotamy of this mod/game and you do not. Xd plz Smug
3) *at this point i ran out of magic mana to keep my cool, so i will not reply to any more points regarding "wery funy mod", "HiqhQuality Waving lazery arena!" or skull's latest post. i dont have it in me Love struck it's it's it's too strong. i can feel it transforming.
oh uh

For the sake of this postnot being seen as a "troll post", i replace all "OLOLOLOLOLOLO"s with ":>", "retard(s)" with "nice gentleman(men)" and "HAHA YOU MUST BE FUCKING KIDDING" with "Xd plz", then my hingover brain made me unable to continue with constructive points Sigh


nonsense repellent declamatory

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
plusN/plus CFG suggestions
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

if u really want to avoid camping, then put a thawtime of ~45 seconds so team with more people needs to rush and get the last enemys before they thaw.
which makes these enemys camp. (still a better way though)

already tested on beer freeze time of 60sec, what lead to -> people haven’t stopped to camp but continued to, or even hide their self to wait for unfreeze their teammates and as summary they couldn’t hit 15pts in 25min game!!!! LAWAL Winking

I am addicted to life.