PlusN whine

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Simpson's picture
Joined: Nov 2006
PlusN whine
mow Q [EN] wrote:

clans must just agree that any clan can play their cvars/config with their map. Unflexible clans like "unique", who say just no no no are the problem, not the variability of the config/mod.

just tie maps both clans need to agree with.

further problem is, some server owners just put plusC or plusN on their server, which is contraproductive.

we play in a variable mod, so clans should be also variable, or at least they should agree, that any clan should be able to play their own map on their prefered config or variation.

are you serious? no way oO
up to 3 configs in one war, wtf..
biggest shit ever, sry

Phenom II X2 550 BE @ X4 @ 4x3.1Ghz 1.35v (Unlocked to Quad)
4GB DDR2 800 CL4
Sapphire HD6850 @930/1150Mhz

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
PlusN whine
AoQ | SIMPS wrote:

mow Q [EN] wrote:
clans must just agree that any clan can play their cvars/config with their map. Unflexible clans like "unique", who say just no no no are the problem, not the variability of the config/mod.

just tie maps both clans need to agree with.

further problem is, some server owners just put plusC or plusN on their server, which is contraproductive.

we play in a variable mod, so clans should be also variable, or at least they should agree, that any clan should be able to play their own map on their prefered config or variation.

are you serious? no way oO
up to 3 configs in one war, wtf..
biggest shit ever, sry

it is not like that e5, plus and alis config would be played, maximum plusn, plusc and plus OR plusn with items, plusn without and plus or plusC, plus, plus

yea, thats very horrible. :roll: omg omg omg

My oppinion is fix, stubborn acting people are the problem, not the possibility variate the configs.

Die Sturköpfe gehen mir von Anfang an hier auf den Sack. Das eingeschränkte denken und die sture Handlungsweise hier sind das Hauptproblem. Basta.

Simpson's picture
Joined: Nov 2006
PlusN whine
mow Q [EN] wrote:

it is not like that e5, plus and alis config would be played, maximum plusn, plusc and plus OR plusn with items, plusn without and plus or plusC, plus, plus

yea, thats very horrible. :roll: omg omg omg

yes it is.

mow Q [EN] wrote:

Die Sturköpfe gehen mir von Anfang an hier auf den Sack. Das eingeschränkte denken und die sture Handlungsweise hier sind das Hauptproblem. Basta.

naja macht was ihr wollt, e+ geht eh den bach runter, mir isses wayne.
In jedem vernünftigen game wird sich auf eine config geeinigt, die gespielt wird, wie sollen sich sonst "gute" spieler rausarbeiten können, wenn es 10 verschiedene configs gibt. dann kann jeder alles ein wenig, suuuper.
dann kann man auch gleich anfangen für jede map eigene time und fraglimits einzuführen, flexibel halt.

Phenom II X2 550 BE @ X4 @ 4x3.1Ghz 1.35v (Unlocked to Quad)
4GB DDR2 800 CL4
Sapphire HD6850 @930/1150Mhz

intact-epsilon's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
PlusN whine

please translate.

and i agree with mow :

mow Q [EN] wrote:

clans must just agree that any clan can play their cvars/config with their map. Unflexible clans like "unique", who say just no no no are the problem, not the variability of the config/mod.


unique * mnc
mnc's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
PlusN whine

It's clearly said on our clandb that we're playng plusN because we like new gameplay based on items like armors and powerups.

Then some clan is getting owned because they have no idea how to control the map and asking for config change so sorry, but gtfo - you accepted to play fw with us and we clearly said that we won't switch off the items.

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
PlusN whine
unique * mnc wrote:

Well the problem is i never will be able to satisfy all people by only one settings, thats why i give the possibilities to adapt the cfg for players likings as I myself seeing things quite opposite like players might to see them. I'm trying to be opened as much as i can, but even that gives complaining.

Mine thoughts was to give the possibility of adapting the cfg by the players to their likings, and that trowed out the heavy weight out of my shoulders. And i don't want to taking this back on my shoulders.

Everyone in here claims to behave as adult and open minded person, why u guys can't agree on some simple settings that now thanks to the plusN.cfg can be researched and voiced in forum, and even become the default plusN settings?

Thanks once again but I rather wiling to see the community going to die by players going to kill each other than become an target for every complaining, anger and hate. Hell no! I want to help people, I'm here to work and making things better but that ain't include charging off players anger on my person.

There are really a few commands build in plusN that can be discussed openly in the forum and by the votes of clan leaders these setting can become default for any event, tournament, cup...!

the list:
xp_WeaponStyle 1/2/3 (1=CPM alike style, 2=e+1.02b alike style, 3=e+1.03 alike style)
xp_antySpamTime Tms (time that will be add to/subtracted from ammo regeneration)
xp_AntyCamp 0/1 (off/on anty camp system)
xp_SwitchRatio N (multipler for switchtimes, by that u can increase or decease the switchtimes)
xp_PublicServer 0/1 (off/on xp_machmode)
xp_physics 0-100 (changes air control)
xp_roundRestartMapItems 0/1 (off/on map items behavior after team scores/round end)
xp_roundRestartPlayerStatus 0/1 (off/on map items behavior after team scores/round end)

discus them here with rest of CL and I'll made them default right to to the outgoing statement...

Want more? Just tell me what u want...

U really want to made out of me the 100% dictator, and be cursed by 50% of the community? I wished u the best for xmas and u want to crucify me? Winking

I am addicted to life.

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
PlusN whine

thank you for ur confirmation, mnc.

Please speak like that with ur friends, this i-net-language is not fitting my niveau. (gtfo etc)

Mona's picture
Joined: Jul 2004
SE Sweden
PlusN whine

You do a good job fala thx Happy Kiss

Simpson's picture
Joined: Nov 2006
PlusN whine
mow Q [EN] wrote:

thank you for ur confirmation, mnc.

Please speak like that with ur friends, this i-net-language is not fitting my niveau. (gtfo etc)

are you serious? ~~

Phenom II X2 550 BE @ X4 @ 4x3.1Ghz 1.35v (Unlocked to Quad)
4GB DDR2 800 CL4
Sapphire HD6850 @930/1150Mhz

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
PlusN whine

actually, yes.

Especially after a trainee has said "lol" in a commerial meeting here in my company.

All 23 participants of this meeting looked kind off amazed at him, and he did not understood why.

Since this day i understood the influence of the internet on the nowadays youth a bit more, and since them i do use internen-language as stfu, rofl, lol, gtfo, stfu etc as less as possible.

I stick to the classical way as much as possible.