news on site staff.
i agree witch terror
Just a small defense for people that have not being here so long. They will most likely not be biased because they have yet to make enemies or a select group of friends which have enemies.
In other words, they are neutral.
Ofc they will change over time but taking on being a mod would give them responsibility to be fair, among other things. This they would achieve. also they can take guidance from older mods and players (based on a neutral judgment) to better understand things.
One other point to be made is, yes looking back is a good thing ("knowing whats gone on in the past") however i want this to be about a good, prospective future for this mod instead of looking back and saying oh i wish i was back then because that is impossible, we can only move on. So a mixed mod team with new and old members would be stronger, (also be larger ) which is why i think my application is fine.
You must also look at other games where as some people would consider playing a game for one year a long time playing a game. however i can see why most people here would not think that, because of the very long amounts of time they have being here which makes alot of players seem to be new where as thats false (your just Vvvvery old member(not your age the membership i mean)).
i vote for fps

@ term
Hello, Since You are lately more guest here then an actual admin............not ignore them.
f1 terror
hello fellas gals i voted yes on this topic change moderater hoping this will be good stage we all go together on this e+ lovely train
one thing i cant seem to find where is candidaets list but here i vote becos it look like ffa vote club
first u must create new level and put terror in as ( forum king ) as long he knows very big info + never inactive
second forum is still somehow need more modifies and things ( threads titles , forum admins , general looking ) kinda dizzy and mixed up
not going far from main idea i vote ofcourse for ( epsicookimon , ali , fala/mouse , impius , many other fair guys )
hope my pov reached in the way i hoped !
last thing i notices none voted for impius why ? believe me guys you will never find as suitable as impius for moderation , he only need to take some of his mind and put it in his heart , if he have heart at all

@ term
Hello, Since You are lately more guest here then an actual admin,
You don't know what is going on and why people demand changes.
I will try to describe what actually is wrong and what people
expect to be changed.We've got now anarchy. People don't respect moderators and vice versa.
The fault is on both sides. E+ was never place of "flowers, kisses and hugs"
but now it's one big flame war and riots.
Moderators can't handle it and people are aware of it.
What we all need are new ubiased, respected, inteligent and objective mods.
Lately moderators are acting like gods and don't give people any ability
to express their needs. Mods are just doing whatever they feel like.
Seems like there is no more democracyAlso many of them are biased
on their private relations with other users. Which makes them not
objective in many cases. When people point it out and their mistakes, they are
ignored or just attacked by their friends, which is turning into another flame war
and topic is getting closed. "Discussion" is closed with addnotation moreless like:
"we are mods and important is what we decide not some noobs"So, YES WE DON WANT CHANGES, WE DEMAND THEM.
People who voted "no" either are blind, or just have some interest in
keeping things like they are right now. For example Ranking Mods.
I know that Dark Angel voted "NO" (and if he denies he lies).
IMO he is comfortable with having ranking mod and admin rights on e+
It gives him power, he knows it and all his lil' friends know it aswell.
I don't know if u can check who voted "NO" but I bet that mostly
it will be DarkAngel's clanmates and other "happy tree" friends.WE DEMAND TO HAVE DEMOCRACY HERE.
And I think I know how to bring it here very fast and very easly.
1. Remove DarkAngel and BlackRose
First of all they are very biased on relations, they showed it many times
already, they also don't know what word "democracy means"
Furthermore they have lack of respect and nobody actually cares
what they say. I personally hate them, but this is not the point.
The point is to be objective and not think in categories like they do:
"I don't like u and u don't like me so I'm not listening to what u have to say"
This is not acceptable on democratic forums, isnt it?
2. Remove all inactivev mods
I think only one is Skinnis, I think he is good guys but for last year or more
he didn't do a shit(sorry skinnis, u know it's true).
3. Leave Aliminium and Epsilon as mods, they maybe had couple
mistakes but they are now doing ok. I think we should give them one more
chance. And to show that I'm not biased on relations I agree that I don't like
Aliminiumimo he is idiot, but I respect his job lately.
4. Most important point. Add as many mods as u can.
IMO 3 people managing E+ RANKING, imo skullhead + fate + zont or seebz
Atleast 8 people taking care of forums, divided in pairs to seperated sections.
And don't pick new mods by yourself, u dont know how things are right now.
Don't listen to single people who write to you. Listen to what majority says.
I mean let's pick new mods, let community decide who we want now.
Democratic way, just like u chose president in democratic countries.
What we need are people with those things:
- unbiased (not deciding on own private relations with others),
- intelligent/reasonable (so they will think before they act),
- objective (who will listen and then decide best for community),
- respected (people who are here more then 2 years and who are well
known and respected for behavior, good example is skullhead, people don't
like himhe can be a dickhead, but he is respected)
- active (we need people who will be here active, not vanish just like u or easy xD )
- reliable (so they are not changing their mind every second and lie to people or deny
what they said before :E ),Also they should co-operate with eachother as mod team, but also
co-operate with all users, so they will help with communities problems,
not ignore them.CHEERS.
@ Terror
Some of your statements do not get further us @ all.
You become always very quickly personally to the people and you attack them : you go bellow the belt!
We do not need something like that here man.
Iam glad that after your resign from the ranking job, somebody made wider.
you act often with your private relations, but i do not find your direct manner always bad.
You have my full respect but many people have other options about it.
Simply think about that Terror!
So offtopic:What e+ need:
- Active people they want help this community to keeping this alive.
- Learning Moderators that one every day from their misstakes.
- Admitting also misstakes.
- Accepting other options.
- Respectful handling of others.
- Not influencing
- Honesty
- Constructive
We need more Moderators for : Forums and Ranking, very important to can handle this here...
Your Asphyx

if he have heart at all
check the meaning of impius and u know it
![mow Q [EN] mow Q [EN]](/files/screenname/8646b528fbbe1090dc61e0f29405d1b3.webp)
Kid for mod, just because i wanna see how he will go even
more down, than he already is with his narrow-minded, factless posts
which are moslty free of any truth, just based on subjective
i think, this is about serious suggestions!?
i dont wanna go into the content of this claim.-
actually i would like this to be deleted!
And i wanna add,
that a good MOD (and a good REF)
also needs to be a good diplomat.
He must have the ability for empathy.
And he must speak a good English!
Further he/SHE should be one of us (noobs)!
I have the opposite opinion of kid.
So, my demand is, mod need mainly to be objective and not to 100 % subjective (eg. Kid). Mods should have a large knowledge inside q3, e+ and the community. Mods should have a good learning receptivity and not stick with the same standard of knowledge since joining this community.
Also, imo not just flamers and insulters should get warnings and bans, also people who continously bring up wrong facts:
- Claiming configs get changed all the time while the specific config wasn't changed for months (provenwise)
- Calling private serverhosting "dictatorship" (that's a no go for me)
- Calling an overbounce a e+-bug
- Blaming own lag on server
- calling a rock solid pb-proof pointless
- speaking about things without having an idea of it (e. g. pb-hack could be a pk3, received with autodl 1, or comparing a pb "violation" with loosing key packets or api problems). There

Kid for mod, just because i wanna see how he will go even
more down, than he already is with his narrow-minded, factless posts
which are moslty free of any truth, just based on subjective
impressions.i think, this is about serious suggestions!?
i dont wanna go into the content of this claim.-
actually i would like this to be deleted!And i wanna add,
that a good MOD (and a good REF)
also needs to be a good diplomat.He must have the ability for empathy.
And he must speak a good English!Further he/SHE should be one of us (noobs)!
it would be beautiful, if you might stop with that to argue in public about insanekid..
its enough and not constructive from both sides.
thank you.