New Moderator Vote.

57 replies [Last post]
jeffrey's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
Re: New Moderator Vote.

keep ontopic ffs Chatterbox or i start something Tongue

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: New Moderator Vote.

ok, short: me is telling purg that he is posting bullshit, but it doesn't change the fact that rage is a great guy (clearly pointed out), and you come along, start to quote-mine in a pointless and unnecessary way.

Fact 1: Rage is a great guy
Fact 2: Fala is a great guy
Fact 3: U r drunk or something like that
Fact 4: And most important fact, both are supposed to become mod now.

Fact 5: I am happy with the situation.

Last Fact, i don't fear sparti-boi.

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: New Moderator Vote.
mow Q [EN] wrote:

Fact 4: And most important fact, both are supposed to become mod now.

sometimes u need to admit u have bought the bet for a dead horse and u have lose the money :} the place is "1"

I am addicted to life.

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
Re: New Moderator Vote.

"supposed" not "will"

jeffrey's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
Re: New Moderator Vote.
mow Q [EN] wrote:

Last Fact, i don't fear sparti-boi.

dont be mean to me Crying

ps. it would been alot faster if you just said it like that in the first place Tongue

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: New Moderator Vote.
rUnThEoN?! wrote:

.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:
(also the above pastebin automatically voids any comment skullhead leaves in this thread c: )

nice trollfail Wave

This thread has been free of the word "ergo" so far, so not much of a "fail" innit m8

animalchik wrote:

*ZMB*SKINNIS* wrote:

What? As far as i remember i am
still a member of this community and thereby allowed to post my opinion
on the boards. It's quite right that i haven't been around much
lately,and by all means i didn't come back here to start an arguement
with either the mighty Hq or Mr Mowli. The one thing i did was to post
my opinion about who i would like to see as a mod. If you can't
understand that take a smartpill mate Winking

uhh > ? matter of fact u have started the pointless arguing by trying to defend someone that didn't need defending ;}

since u aren't any kind for me I'll borrow u some of my *smartpills*
because it seems yours have ended some time ago ;}

Awesome moderator audition innit m8 $$$


nonsense repellent declamatory

mistress's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
Re: New Moderator Vote.

Ok, one last vote. I wasn't expecting to see so many people want both as moderators so I will make another poll where you can vote for both, or each separately. I think this is the most fair way to handle the results Happy