New Moderator Vote.
RAGE !!!

I have no doubt Rage is far better candidate than I but cloud u please stop invent up stores about me?
hm.. probably my vote is goes to fala.
its too hard to just vote. no one requested arguments why u voted the person

its too hard to just vote. no one requested arguments why u voted the person
We dont vote for president - what you expect they will do except moderateing forum? You vote for attitude you like, thats all. I have already presented my opinion so if fala candidate I vote for him. GL

its too hard to just vote. no one requested arguments why u voted the personWe dont vote for president - what you expect they will do except moderateing forum?
You vote for attitude you like, thats all. I have already presented my opinion so if fala candidate I vote for him. GL
i supose that votes are anonymous no? u vite and after the time expires the more voted canditae its mod whats so hard, cuz in this rythm u get inflicted with other, fala do that, rage did there...
no one is saint
My vote goes for Rage. Just because Fala has wrong attitude towards our community, which caused bad flaming wars against him and whole mod team,just as it was last time. Nevertheless he's always helping ppl, and making good ideas to improve our forum and mod.
My vote goes to Rage.
I don't know Hq,perhaps he would make a good,fair and unbiased moderator,i don't know.
I do know Zack though,and he is one of the few sane people that have been here like forever. In my opinion he also has a distinct knowledge about right and wrong and i am sure if he will have the chance he will act accordingly. About activity an' shit check Broseph Madbringer's excellent post up there ^^