L4 :: EVOL 2:1 *TC*/05.11.2006/RANKED

60 replies [Last post]
Iznogoud's picture
Joined: Mar 2004
L4 :: EVOL 2:1 *TC*/05.11.2006/RANKED

gg teams Happy ( Evol I wonna reamatch Cool , ? )

CW/FW´s are allways fun!
But plz, be patient coz some of us dont have much spare time atm...

Bättre pissa i stuprännan än stupa i pissrännan !

TC-DeMoN's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
L4 :: EVOL 2:1 *TC*/05.11.2006/RANKED

GG Crying

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
L4 :: EVOL 2:1 *TC*/05.11.2006/RANKED

Feel the love xD

Good job on reffing Ina Kiss

Dealinha's picture
Joined: May 2006
L4 :: EVOL 2:1 *TC*/05.11.2006/RANKED

gg both Happy

Renatalis's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
L4 :: EVOL 2:1 *TC*/05.11.2006/RANKED

Arrow :: Q3DM11 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
EVOL.MOTOR 70 55 0 15:40 268 54.7 15 68
*TC*ADi 72 70 0 15:34 277 50.8 2 68
*TC*SEXY-RED 78 54 0 15:40 298 60.3 24 66
EVOL.LEE 62 71 0 15:39 237 46.6 -9 60
EVOL.WAX 61 64 0 15:41 233 50.9 -3 57
*TC*CAMEL-XP 57 49 0 15:38 218 53.3 8 55
*TC*SUBB 48 48 0 15:35 184 50.3 0 48
EVOL.DIABLO 56 43 0 15:39 214 52.7 13 44
EVOL.HOMIX 38 61 0 15:39 145 37.9 -23 34
*TC*DEMON-XP 22 32 0 07:50 168 45.0 -10 22

Arrow :: Q3DM7 ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
EVOL.MOTOR 75 61 0 17:30 257 55.8 14 71
*TC*ADi 74 92 0 17:07 259 46.0 -18 70
EVOL.IZ 68 51 0 17:31 232 56.7 17 66
EVOL.LEE 61 59 0 17:29 209 50.3 2 57
*TC*CAMEL-XP 52 34 0 17:28 178 61.7 18 48
EVOL.DIABLO 56 50 0 17:26 192 50.5 6 46
*TC*DEMON-XP 52 64 0 17:27 178 46.0 -12 40
*TC*SUBB 42 54 0 17:06 147 43.9 -12 38
*TC*QRAMORDERCA 35 37 0 10:23 202 47.7 -2 33
EVOL.WAX 27 48 0 14:43 110 35.2 -21 23

Arrow :: Overkill ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
EVOL.MOTOR 79 49 0 15:31 305 61.6 30 77
*TC*ADi 78 67 0 15:27 302 55.3 11 72
EVOL.IZ 62 49 0 15:31 239 55.7 13 62
EVOL.DIABLO 63 46 2 15:29 244 56.5 17 59
EVOL.WAX 55 63 1 15:21 214 45.2 -8 52
*TC*SUBB 49 69 0 15:26 190 42.9 -20 49
*TC*QRAMORDERCA 35 42 0 09:02 232 44.8 -7 29
*TC*CAMEL-XP 28 47 1 05:48 289 37.8 -19 15

Arrow :: CW Sumary ::
Name Kll Dth Su TIME FPH Eff K-D PTS
---------------------------------------- ----- ------ ------
EVOL.MOTOR 224 165 0 48:41 276 57.4 59 216
*TC*ADi 224 229 0 48:08 279 50.5 -5 210
EVOL.DIABLO 175 139 2 48:34 216 53.3 36 149
*TC*SUBB 139 171 0 48:07 173 45.4 -32 135
EVOL.WAX 143 175 1 45:45 187 44.9 -32 132
EVOL.IZ 130 100 0 33:02 236 56.2 30 128
*TC*CAMEL-XP 137 130 1 38:54 211 51.4 7 118
EVOL.LEE 123 130 0 33:08 222 48.3 -7 117
*TC*SEXY-RED 78 54 0 15:40 298 60.3 24 66
*TC*QRAMORDERCA 70 79 0 19:25 216 46.1 -9 62
*TC*DEMON-XP 74 96 0 25:17 175 45.7 -22 62
EVOL.HOMIX 38 61 0 15:39 145 37.9 -23 34


Arrow :: Statisctics per hour ::

:: Scorers ::

Name Frags Deaths Eff Kll-Dth Score
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
EVOL.MOTOR 276.1 203.4 57.4 72.7 266.2
*TC*ADi 279.2 285.5 50.5 -6.2 261.8
*TC*SEXY-RED 298.7 206.8 60.3 91.9 252.8
EVOL.IZ 236.1 181.6 56.2 54.5 232.5
EVOL.LEE 222.7 235.4 48.3 -12.7 211.9
*TC*QRAMORDERC 216.3 244.1 46.1 -27.8 191.6
EVOL.DIABLO 216.2 171.7 53.3 44.5 184.1
*TC*CAMEL-XP 211.3 200.5 51.4 10.8 182.0
EVOL.WAX 187.5 229.5 44.9 -42.0 173.1
*TC*SUBB 173.3 213.2 45.4 -39.9 168.3
*TC*DEMON-XP 175.6 227.8 45.7 -52.2 147.1
EVOL.HOMIX 145.7 233.9 37.9 -88.2 130.4


:: Kill - Death ::

Name Frags Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -------
*TC*SEXY-RED 298.7 206.8 252.8 60.3 91.9
EVOL.MOTOR 276.1 203.4 266.2 57.4 72.7
EVOL.IZ 236.1 181.6 232.5 56.2 54.5
EVOL.DIABLO 216.2 171.7 184.1 53.3 44.5
*TC*CAMEL-XP 211.3 200.5 182.0 51.4 10.8
*TC*ADi 279.2 285.5 261.8 50.5 -6.2
EVOL.LEE 222.7 235.4 211.9 48.3 -12.7
*TC*QRAMORDERC 216.3 244.1 191.6 46.1 -27.8
*TC*SUBB 173.3 213.2 168.3 45.4 -39.9
EVOL.WAX 187.5 229.5 173.1 44.9 -42.0
*TC*DEMON-XP 175.6 227.8 147.1 45.7 -52.2
EVOL.HOMIX 145.7 233.9 130.4 37.9 -88.2


:: Efficiency ::

Name Frags Deaths Score Kll-Dth Eff
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
*TC*SEXY-RED 298.7 206.8 252.8 91.9 60.3
EVOL.MOTOR 276.1 203.4 266.2 72.7 57.4
EVOL.IZ 236.1 181.6 232.5 54.5 56.2
EVOL.DIABLO 216.2 171.7 184.1 44.5 53.3
*TC*CAMEL-XP 211.3 200.5 182.0 10.8 51.4
*TC*ADi 279.2 285.5 261.8 -6.2 50.5
EVOL.LEE 222.7 235.4 211.9 -12.7 48.3
*TC*QRAMORDERC 216.3 244.1 191.6 -27.8 46.1
*TC*DEMON-XP 175.6 227.8 147.1 -52.2 45.7
*TC*SUBB 173.3 213.2 168.3 -39.9 45.4
EVOL.WAX 187.5 229.5 173.1 -42.0 44.9
EVOL.HOMIX 145.7 233.9 130.4 -88.2 37.9


:: Killers ::

Name Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth Frags
-------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
*TC*SEXY-RED 206.8 252.8 60.3 91.9 298.7
*TC*ADi 285.5 261.8 50.5 -6.2 279.2
EVOL.MOTOR 203.4 266.2 57.4 72.7 276.1
EVOL.IZ 181.6 232.5 56.2 54.5 236.1
EVOL.LEE 235.4 211.9 48.3 -12.7 222.7
*TC*QRAMORDERC 244.1 191.6 46.1 -27.8 216.3
EVOL.DIABLO 171.7 184.1 53.3 44.5 216.2
*TC*CAMEL-XP 200.5 182.0 51.4 10.8 211.3
EVOL.WAX 229.5 173.1 44.9 -42.0 187.5
*TC*DEMON-XP 227.8 147.1 45.7 -52.2 175.6
*TC*SUBB 213.2 168.3 45.4 -39.9 173.3
EVOL.HOMIX 233.9 130.4 37.9 -88.2 145.7


- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die...

thc * nex
Kris's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
L4 :: EVOL 2:1 *TC*/05.11.2006/RANKED

Evol Motor=tuning EvolRotor ? Laughing Anyway gg Tongue

Leukothea's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
L4 :: EVOL 2:1 *TC*/05.11.2006/RANKED

ehm, since diablo started a topic that was "inspired" by this cw and the topic is now locked, ill make a post here.

i just wanna say that diablo is/was a great player but he really got sick of this "ass licking" situation.

he didnt do anything wrong here on this cw, and he apologised for everything TC found offending.

However, Flex had to leave his "drop of poison" on that topic,

first we should talk about u and ur clan m8 behavior.

since KO is such an honorable clan, we should all become as stiff as they are and walk with our heads in the clouds...

im not saying thats the reason he left e+ but it was just a drop that spilled the glass.

i think many ppl here are pissed cause they cant tell someone to go fuck themselves.
that kinda behaviour gets punished bla bla bla :roll:

oh pls, if everyone here would say what they have to say to eachother, things would be a lot easier.

and everyone should be allowed to have a dirty comment about anything if that makes them feel better.

that goes for servers (including cws) and forums.

come on, if someone wants to flame, let them flame, whats the big deal??

eventually, they will let it all out, stop saying crap and apologise.
it all ends up like that.

Sug min fitta.
Join irc channels: #2!Sweet | #m0ve | #e+pickup

beazt's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
CZ Czech Republic
L4 :: EVOL 2:1 *TC*/05.11.2006/RANKED

camping is bad, ok? Big grin

Apple Mac mini M4 + Apple Magic Keyboard + Logitech G603

deva.ozzy's picture
Joined: Aug 2006
L4 :: EVOL 2:1 *TC*/05.11.2006/RANKED

hehe nice TC Winking realy greate game :!: GG EVOL

V One Shot ! V

One shot, one kill, no luck - just skill !

TeHaCe's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
L4 :: EVOL 2:1 *TC*/05.11.2006/RANKED

gg teams Happy ( Evol I wonna reamatch Cool , ? )

Arrow What about,
next year in TDM League ? Happy

hahaaha no way , this year , this month or next month :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: