kTm 1:0 CLASS/18.06.2006/NOT RANKED

52 replies [Last post]
Dealinha's picture
Joined: May 2006

we played this cw on u.s. server with plus-dm cfg and we won 1st map, 2nd map was on their server too and they wanted nwc cfg but we didnt agreed like that cuz his leader offered on their public forum everything for cw and i choose plus-dm cfg and some maps but wasnt like that. on that 2nd map he said he dont wanna play if they dont put nwc cfg so they went out and told cw is ended :!:

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nic4evercool's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
kTm 1:0 CLASS/18.06.2006/NOT RANKED

first of all when we make a CW, both organizers has to agree the maps, cfg and server. We have to get the statements clear, so DEA was giving orders on which cfg we will play and which maps too, and that's wrong we both have to get an agreetment, DEA u can't give me orders. when we talked i asked u about the maps, cfg and server, I didn't order u, I ASKED U, is a big difference when u ASK or when u give ORDERS. So u wanted to play ur way and that's not fair, we agreed to play on 2 US servers with OUR CFG, and 1 EURO Server with ur CFG. and eventhough we agreed on that, we agreed to play ur cfg on US server, so i told u if u can't agree to play on our CFG then the CW was off, if u think that's fair, well u do ur game we won't, and u came out insulting me and that's not a nice attitude, CLASS members are cool, and calm and i won't tolerate that some1 like u came and call me "STUPID" when the only stupid person is u for NOT Following the agreetment WE made...So if u wish to play again, i'm cool with that...'cause this is suppose to be fun, so if u want contact me u know where to find me...peace

*A*C|_ASS*???2JR wrote:
Sex is a sensation caused by temptation of a guy sticking his location into a girl's destination to increase the population of the next generation. Do you understand my explanation or do you need a demonstration? Big grin ...peace...

Nosia's picture
Joined: May 2006
kTm 1:0 CLASS/18.06.2006/NOT RANKED

so what can say.... Class noobs and only noobs... sry...

You are gangsters? No! We are russians!

Dealinha's picture
Joined: May 2006
kTm 1:0 CLASS/18.06.2006/NOT RANKED

-1st i didnt called you STUPID Shock :!: , i only asked you if you are stupid cuz we didnt say we will play nwc cfg.
-2nd i said you to look at your public forum , there write that YOU asked ME what maps we gonna play and what cfg so I post back: some maps and 2!sweet's cfg. :roll:
-3rd your members went out from server like some cuckoos(coverds) and told we dont wanna play this 'shit' (ktm's) Crying

..peace.. Big grin

Joined: Apr 2006
kTm 1:0 CLASS/18.06.2006/NOT RANKED

It's horible sytuation:(, but KTM ask class. If class want we can play this CW to end, but 02JR say " no" we dont want play & go out:/ I think this CW must be END!!
All players have shit lags but this CW must be end. i think:P

DEA don't give CLASS any orders. We do, like wrote on forum:!:

ok don't worry be hapy:P

Class gg on 1 map:D
PEACE Big grin

Histroy :
PLUS = FOX Clan >> GSE Clan >> BBS Clan >> KTM Clan >> BURN* Clan >> BBSquad Clan >> MR Clan >> VENDETTA Clan >>
OUT of gaming Happy
RAIL = DUNNO Clan >> OF Clan >> PW Clan
>> OUT of gaming Happy

nic4evercool's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
kTm 1:0 CLASS/18.06.2006/NOT RANKED

u didn't call me stupid ??? let's the see the logs.... unfortunately i didn't get the screenshot to show it here... and the attitute the nagro has is way better than ( that's an attitude of a leader ) yours, this is the way that problems are solved, talking not insulting!! and i ended the CW because i told DEA that if we were going to keep playing on 2!sweet cfg we won't continue playing and she said "ok", so i told my members to leave... 'cause we won't play with some1 that gives me orders on how to play our game...and i already told u that u can post whatever u want on forums but u have to agree with me the terms of the CW...just because u posted that, that means that we have to follow that?? what's wrong with u?? have u ever arrange a CW before?? ask HYPER dragon, when i made a CW arrangements with him, he discuss everything and i ask him what he wanted and he ask me what i wanted and we both agree on maps, servers and cfg...i don't know why u made such a DRAMA there...peace...

P.S: Just take a deep breath... and calm down, we can make things ok... CLASS clan don't hate anybody (except 1 person), so let's get along Happy...And yeah it was GG KTM...

*A*C|_ASS*???2JR wrote:
Sex is a sensation caused by temptation of a guy sticking his location into a girl's destination to increase the population of the next generation. Do you understand my explanation or do you need a demonstration? Big grin ...peace...

Joined: Apr 2006
kTm 1:0 CLASS/18.06.2006/NOT RANKED

I think class & ktm must go to drunk tougether:P & then play CW:P:P:P:Pjoke

DEA & O2JR We must found 2 serv (1class & 1ktm) decide what map & gametype & found someone outside us clan to watch CW. Then we can play very good CW.

We are big boys & girls soo...
GL&HF to next time

Comon we can do this:P

Histroy :
PLUS = FOX Clan >> GSE Clan >> BBS Clan >> KTM Clan >> BURN* Clan >> BBSquad Clan >> MR Clan >> VENDETTA Clan >>
OUT of gaming Happy
RAIL = DUNNO Clan >> OF Clan >> PW Clan
>> OUT of gaming Happy

1337W4R3Z )NWC(
1337w4r3z's picture
Joined: Nov 2004
kTm 1:0 CLASS/18.06.2006/NOT RANKED

Why don't agree everything before you go to play use the template that mowly use for cw challenge and once you agree on everything go and re match this, that's the best way to solve this and not name calling each other.

(To avoid missunderstandings make a post prior to the match with the rules agreed so everyone knows what to expect.)

this is an example taken form some post mowly made to challenge other clan.

* Time: Wednessday 24.05.2006 @ 18:30 GMT
see link below to check ur timezone
* Matchtype: Rankwar
* Gametype: TDM or Freeze <--- u decide
* Players: 5 vs. 5 (minimum 3 vs. 3)
* Timelimit: 10 min (if u want we can play stupid fraglimit)
* Server: 2!S War! or a server of urs <-- u decide
* Password: to clear via PM
* Maps: q3dm11 (our map) / your map <--- must be cleared before war
* (Tie-Map: q3dm6) <--- this is default
* Friendly Fire: enabled
* Punkbuster: enabled <--- no way without it
* Pure Server: enabled <--- no way without it

* Complainings: as all details are have to be cleared up, no complaings allowed

foksie's picture
Joined: Jun 2005
kTm 1:0 CLASS/18.06.2006/NOT RANKED

all in all this cw shouldnt be ranked. both teams didnt agree, its like it didnt happen.

I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!

XbODz's picture
Joined: May 2005
kTm 1:0 CLASS/18.06.2006/NOT RANKED

i feel an other e+ story Happy
Maybe close this and replay the match quickly

Joined: Apr 2006
kTm 1:0 CLASS/18.06.2006/NOT RANKED

all be agree but class on the CW want change cfg. DEA post on class forum what & where we play but class want change on the CW. Its not good

Histroy :
PLUS = FOX Clan >> GSE Clan >> BBS Clan >> KTM Clan >> BURN* Clan >> BBSquad Clan >> MR Clan >> VENDETTA Clan >>
OUT of gaming Happy
RAIL = DUNNO Clan >> OF Clan >> PW Clan
>> OUT of gaming Happy