Excessive Plus v1.01 Public Beta Release!

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Pure Imaginary
Pure Imaginary's picture
Joined: Sep 2003
Excessive Plus v1.01 Public Beta Release!

Let's try to keep X+ evolving. It is really awesome so far, and with a little more work and community support, it can be the definitive mod for Excessive gameplay.

Site administrator
edy's picture
Joined: Sep 2003

yup thats the problem just the suport read the shoutbox every day thats not nice for new comming players i agree with you pure imaginary an game are to make friends no enemies got on mij msn a lots of friends from the excessive time and have fun with they every day on msn

Joined: Sep 2003
Excessive Plus v1.01 Public Beta Release!

Yup u got right about that pur and edy its just that we got this cheat hunting decise in the comunity right now.Comon all ppl in the comunity
whay dount we do just like we did in the old days kick and ban them on the servers and keep the shoutbox cleen from that caind ow talk
and trye to not scare the nobys away Winking if u absolut have to talk about cheaters atleast do it in the forum :twisted:

Joined: Mar 2004
Excessive Plus v1.01 Public Beta Release!

Yes mullder i totaly agree ... it would be nice ... but seems unreal Sad

Site administrator
edy's picture
Joined: Sep 2003

its not unreal it are for the server admin to do something on it and not the players and dont forget as a new players comming from cpma or osp that are verry good players with rail and rockets dunno or somebody have download movies from that players your see amasing shots and jumps and so ppl call it quick an cheater thats not right i agree there are some kick and ban thats all put the reason in the ban.txt and the cheater know why he cant play on an server

the shoutbox are for sweet things

Excessive Plus v1.01 Public Beta Release!

thats for this mod i started playing quake 4 months ago and had a good time for awhile but it got old then i found this mod and i still play quake and it dont get old excessive plus rocks thats for all of your work and time Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Excessive Plus v1.01 Public Beta Release!

OMG its been almost a year Shock

Excessive Plus v1.01 Public Beta Release!

haha has it i started playing in summer time and cant wait to see the new updated Ves :!: Winking