-: Excessive Dawn Weapon Config :-
i like this cfg on ctf games, but in 1v1 or ffa mg and lg is almost useless, while you hunting your enemy with it, he just kill you from rail, bfg or rocket. Also i think here could be less healing items and more armors and maybe more rocket ammo in 1v1?
later maybe will test it on tag and tdm
i just give this suggestion because i think that xp_physics 2 is enough, air control with such knockbacks makes it fast: no multijumps.
What about the biosuit : >?
F2. I like plus.cfg and I'm damn conservative, so say what you want but plus ftw.
I take back my post on the BFG damage its actually just right, but the lg i keep my opinion
Another thing is the armor, I don't think its fair it doesnt take damage away at all, u can be in dm7 and if the whole clan is there they can shoot u and u can sit there and kill them all in teh corner lawl
Edit: I mean Bio Suit not armor lawl
BioHazardHK wrote:I take back my post on the BFG damage its actually just right, but the lg i keep my opinion
Another thing is the armor, I don't think its fair it doesnt take damage away at all, u can be in dm7 and if the whole clan is there they can shoot u and u can sit there and kill them all in teh corner lawl
Edit: I mean Bio Suit not armor lawl
yea, and clans gonna time the suit, so they gonna defend the room with it.
would be nice if u can pummel the suit dood
sorry for all teh posts but just putting comments on my opinions , but the camper aleart rage is a little far, espically after i fight someone in a room then i try to walk/nade/rocket or something as far away as i can but i die a lot.. and no im not camping the room, i wait a couple seconds because I hear them, by the time i hear them we start fighting then in the end the camper aleart gets me.. and no it hasnt just happend to me
, anyways i like the config its nice
ok, after about 2 hours of testing on zoo server, the ctf part seems to be tweaked a lot now. thanx to all the zoos and non zoos who came to the server to do this massive test.
here are all the changes from previous version:
enjoy it, first post now has the updated version.
[/]I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!