-: Excessive Dawn Weapon Config :-

if you hold the mouse, ammo doesnt regenerate, if you click to shoot, it does (even if the weapon is not selected).
so you can shoot infinitly
sounds like much more SPAM!
when ur able to shoot without any break ...like instant-fire!
>Why do u remove Destroyable Missiles ...when u could remove MG instead!???
Its just COOL ...when ur able to destroy them.
u should be able to detroy BFG-slugs too!
>Teleport Missles is also a very powerful feature!-
it doesnt happen that often that u really hit someone thru tele!!! (besides portal)!
>Haste in CTF???
they just need 2secs to capture in those ***maps!
(dont see any need for Haste ...unless it can be efficiently be used
to get the flag back ...but this seems to be like a WISH!)
>Rocket-Strength PLUS more Radius???-
theres not enough Armor in any map ...to keep u protected from those rockets.
Increase Armor-count or -number!
>Rockets on SKY??? :roll:
Any weapon on Sky is absolutely a NO-GO to me.
Thers sky for some reason ...otherwise there would be a wall!
(when the ppl are that peppy to use weaponJumps they should do it more accurate and not just to escape in panic!)
>dont agree in removin QUAD! (there are not many maps havin BFG, so
its NO "good replace")
powerups must be available more often ...
it makes no sense when they spawn 2 times in one game!-
>also dont agree in removin holdable MEDIKIT and TELEPORTER!!!
>MG-recharge too fast and too much ammo ...
either slower recharge or less ammo!
>Grenade shoots too fast when it became stronger!
had a look at the CONF and
tested on TAG!
LG-changes NAY (but no splash seems to be OK)
Less Ammo OK
BFG-changes OK
added Health OK
Camp-pro OK

i like this cfg on ctf games, but in 1v1 or ffa mg and lg is almost useless, while you hunting your enemy with it, he just kill you from rail, bfg or rocket. Also i think here could be less healing items and more armors and maybe more rocket ammo in 1v1?
i support his small points, and going further:
mj's are lame.. on this cfg, cause weaps have stronger jumps,
maybe 1 max 2 will be ok,
wheres armor shards ?
give litle bit lg splash.
gauntlet - make less wight.
(i always against insta rail).
ei i hate running with couple ammos ok so i dislike this cfg. ,-otherways
maybe remove regeneration at all, and give us map independ weapon ammos
(it will be pure joy by colecting them; its harder to camp w.o. ammo):
|well idea is if arena doesent have bfg, it doesent have and ammo, game/raund starts as usualy u have all weaps u have bfg and then bfg ends, it ends to the end off players life/round, and more if this kind of way will be then add ability to drop ammo, will be more team kooperations|
later maybe will test it on tag and tdm

i like this cfg on ctf games, but in 1v1 or ffa mg and lg is almost useless, while you hunting your enemy with it, he just kill you from rail, bfg or rocket. Also i think here could be less healing items and more armors and maybe more rocket ammo in 1v1?
i support his small points, and going further:
mj's are lame.. on this cfg, cause weaps have stronger jumps,
maybe 1 max 2 will be ok,
wheres armor shards ?
give litle bit lg splash.
gauntlet - make less wight.
(i always against insta rail).ei i hate running with couple ammos ok so i dislike this cfg. ,-otherways
maybe remove regeneration at all, and give us map independ weapon ammos
(it will be pure joy by colecting them; its harder to camp w.o. ammo):|well idea is if arena doesent have bfg, it doesent have and ammo, game/raund starts as usualy u have all weaps u have bfg and then bfg ends, it ends to the end off players life/round, and more if this kind of way will be then add ability to drop ammo, will be more team kooperations|
later maybe will test it on tag and tdm
does really sounds interesting at all, but as foksie said, this would change gameplay in a different game then plus. as far as i understood, foksies intention is to improve plus and not to create a totally different gamestyle.
Because ur suggestions sounds really interesting, how about to pick up ur own idea and create such a config by ur own?
but 'U already changed it, i dear say drastically
em do I only, feel like grenades conquer with rockets(rockets itself fine) and/or vice versus (meaning moves)
well, I always have ideas then i see possiblities to go further, to build something (well lets just wait.. maybe somone will notice it in any way)
offtop* i remember older times 1.02.. more and more new players was joining to excessive, cause they liked freedom, now there is less and less..
![mow Q [EN] mow Q [EN]](/files/screenname/8646b528fbbe1090dc61e0f29405d1b3.webp)
Because ur suggestions sounds really interesting, how about to pick up ur own idea and create such a config by ur own?
who knows who knows, maybe baby someday in underground will borns this kind of thing, its not that hard, but hmn why I'm pointed here, maybe cause many more cfg will come and go by.. as it is.. and this one edawn too will go by as many others.. and I'm seeing some maybe like try (what a diff it removed HP regenaration and adet healings so do different way leave hp regeneration and maybe try armor thing.. its will put more tactical game feeling, well I'm thinkng laud) (:
Insane kid, try before you buy.
@ Bio: Thats what testing is for. I never bumped into a prob with it, but like i commented in the cfg, it requires testing and tweaking.
Will definitly do that soon.
I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!