[Closed] Direct- and Splashdamage

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mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003

I was always wondering why a direct bfg or rocket sometimes do not kill instantly, even the direct damage should be high enough. I have the feeling, that the splash damage takes effect often before direct damage takes effect, so enemy is punched away sometimes before direct damage can take place.

Is it possible to code it, that direct damage takes effect as first, before splash takes effect?

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Re: Direct- and Splashdamage
mow Q [EN] wrote:

I was always wondering why a direct bfg or rocket sometimes do not kill instantly, even the direct damage should be high enough. I have the feeling, that the splash damage takes effect often before direct damage takes effect, so enemy is punched away sometimes before direct damage can take place.

Is it possible to code it, that direct damage takes effect as first, before splash takes effect?

It is like that already, direct damage is always calculated first.

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[Closed] Direct- and Splashdamage

imo the problem is on server weapon cfg. wich has way too much splash bfg damage.

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phail ;_;

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Joined: Nov 2004
[Closed] Direct- and Splashdamage

But it's incredible how cfg ''coders'' make the splash of bfg stronger than direct bfg hit....and make lg strong same as or almost same as mg....LG is a skill weapon....decreasing it splash damage and increasing the direct hit should be great and helpfull. ATM, lg is too weak anyway....

!@#$%&*( terror )_
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[Closed] Direct- and Splashdamage

massive, huge F1