Broken game?

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ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
GB United Kingdom
Re: Broken game?
BloodyRick wrote:

i was tied to sqlina at that time but it's kinda in my nature to remain neutral and the way i see it is pretty much everyone involved didn't handle it properly.

That's a great summary of the whole situation. I think it came from overzealous but not smart moderators that e+ had at the time. Term was starting to abandon the whole project, Trance left the head mod position since Connie was moving to Belgia around that time, so the reins were passed down to spider who wasn't very analytical and following the given parameters too strongly, and people like mow, kee and mirc were all very opinionated and stubborn, so it turned onto a shitfest. The "behind the scenes" part is quite interesting though. Perhaps I'll do some sort of summary journal similar length to my answer to Zack about fala (not in this post though, is getting too long).

RIX!·SOUL· wrote:

feel like edawn never really had a chance anyways and e+ died about 5% faster than it would've without that drama

I tend to see it as an either/or situation, where one would have prevailed. The origins of e+ started with Sodderman's SoDMoD which came out around the same time as the rc1 of CPMA (99-00). However development stopped, Sodder disappeared and at the time Quake was still getting constant point releases, and with a newer one coming out, the user-base was dropping off and something new was needed.

Enter excessive (without the "PLUS"), a mod with more features (it counted frag sprees) a community that also improved it's TDM facilities (not just CTF). Then another point release (update) of Quake3.exe, this time to 1.32, a stubborn development team which refused to share the source code. And that's how excessiveplus mod came about in may or so 2003 (development started in '02, this forum came about at the start of October '03).

That was the natural order of things. Community tended to switch between similar mods as a natural order of things, but the whole situation in 2009 brought out a tribal aspect which was much stronger than anything before (around 05, there was talk about an all-star "excessive vs excessivePLUS" match, there were even votes whoever would make the all-star team but was all abandoned when it was revealed the excessive people were under fakenicks just trolling.)

Also fun fact: Cyrax (from edawn) and Beast (from Belize) actually tried collaborating after all the dust settled, because edawn had a decent netcode and was much better for making and adapting cofigs that could emulate other mods, but it fell through because beast favoured the use of .dlls to expand on modifications while Cyrax favoured re-writing the executibles at their source, which lead to the release of Quake3e.exe, the most advanced vanilla quake exe that wasn't OpenArena).

Evilution wrote:


Well then no wonder it all went to shit, Reloaded was a half-assed project by autocratic linguists, rent boys and grocery clerks with massive ambitions and no-one to collect the bill and produce the goods or even the knowledge of how to get there.

klighter wrote:

I'm just taking a piss... but let's create a ruse tricking easy into making a new release Big grin

Oh hey terror, I think everything is gone so far in its decline that even pretending to do an EDAWNPLUS2 wouldn't bring more changes Big grin Also as a side note, the proper idiom is actually "taking THE piss", taking a piss is literal.

Bengero wrote:

I turned back to home to Hun

Hey Beng, nice to see you and that you're back in civilised Hungary. I recall you telling how when you were going back to your house in London at the time and a group of feral Africans tried to fight you for no reason. LDN's gone to shit recently (I still don't live there, anymore, like when you were there) so you made a nice choice Big grin Hope all is well!

madbringer wrote:

Like I said, not proud of it, but what's done is done, and we move on.

I disagree. At least the way I see it, our shenanigans were cheeky and fun, done in the name of facetiousness, and never bringing some sort of pseudo-morality with them. People with a good sense of humor take it all in jest, while assholes and ego-whores treat is as a personal vendetta. (I cut out what I was going to write since it's long enough to make a separate journal, to be continued INSERT_LINK.

madbringer wrote:

E-dawn team to extend an olive branch

It partially happened a bit later, Beast and Cyrax collaborated partially but couldn't come to a consensus in coding styles. But as a result, one of the e+ upgrades had changes in how configs are made. (In this post, under the second reply to Rix, it's written in more detail.

I think what erred me personally was how it came back. When Edawn's status change from "top secret testing" to "closed beta" to "invite-only beta", at one point term found out and got in touch with easy. Who at the time had a pre-alpha of the new update in his free time, but it was far away from completion and he didn't have a coder at the time. They did a "showcase weekend" of the product to disrupt the Edawn hype then it went another 3-4 months before the new point release came. And during that time, term perma-banned ratz/rtz from e+ for comparing edawn favourably to e+, which made LEM just up and ragequit e+. At that point clans became the currency of survival. Here you can see how Mr Florin wrote that he's no longer playing E+ and will concentrate on Edawn only (it's been edited but copy+pasted).

Meanwhile, spider here was holding the fort and he seemed to be a "glass is either empty or full" kind of dude who saw e+ as some sort of threat. I used to think easy was just a server owner who delegated everything to the admin team, but seeing the correspondence between him and kyto sort of made it meh. He was legit threatening to sue (and using a half-assed intimidation tactic of "10000 euro"), especially given to how far apart both mods have grown, development-wise at the time (the source code of edawn was completely rewritten on ED, and it's possible that even E+ was heavily modified by beast), and how e+'s origins are also an unlicenced copy of excessive, which itself stemmed from sodmod.

mircwar wrote:

(none of you ever was any good at actually playing, right?)

Pretty sure you weren't either. You were in SWE as a fringe signing from their feeder SUB.SWE team to stop the main clan from falling apart due to inactivity (which didn't work since you played like 1 war there), and afterwards you were carried heavily at [Mr] by Laktos, Marcus, the 3 Russian dudes and falat1ty. Which is why when most of the above-mentioned went inactive, Mr stopped winning every single tournament in a row despite you still being present, while HYPER, SOUL and even ZMB started doing so.

mircwar wrote:

Madbringer you hurt many people and should feel bad but AlienM is a stone-cold bitch and a cunt and NONE OF YOU EVER PLAYED GOOD AT ALL and also Shady's an idiot and a meanie-head but here's me fantasizing about angry pole pulling all his teeth out because you mocked his Polish accent despite all 3 of the people involved being slavs.

Madbringer you agreed with me so you're so smart and intelligent and I wanna suck your dick. Zack you disagree so YOUR DUMB LOL

You're either trolling very badly, are butthurt at something trivial from about 9 years ago or are incredibly stupid (logic-wise) despite being strong grammatically. I'd imagine you'd be the sort of bore to use a pen as a topic of conversation with friends just after it progresses into awkward silence.


nonsense repellent declamatory

Joined: May 2016
Re: Broken game?

jesus shady, after so many years u still write so damn much lol i envy ur patience Tongue

|¯FC_| Suchspeed<-
Joined: Dec 2005
ES Spain
Re: Broken game?

Pls, where is edy to ban all those edawn life losers? it's funny how u guys find just a topic to post ur shits back just to make this mod die a damn time, didnt u have enuf failing few years back with your retardawn version? we re just missing skull's post to be completed of idiots
Your friend, bax

Aero wrote:
who enters into my anus kurwa!!!!!

ShadyAK's picture
Joined: Jul 2006
GB United Kingdom
Re: Broken game?
DR*DIABLO wrote:

jesus shady, after so many years u still write so damn much lol i envy ur patience Tongue

Hi diablo, is oke, I was a copywriter for a few years so it doesn't take as much time, just zone in on a topic and if you have things to think/say, they almost write themselves Big grin

|¯FC_| Suchspeed<- wrote:

que pasa meng plz join LSF klan m8 we weru friendlu good englisch

Hi Jordy, are you still the Spaniard version of Balrog, except fatter?

edit: oh shit son nvm, I just looked around on the forum and it seems Dranzer grew up and progressed, I apologise for comparing him to a gypsy infidel.


nonsense repellent declamatory

Site administrator
Frrr's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Broken game?

Hi Shady xD will do Happy It`s nice to see you again man Happy

forever and one

Madbringer's picture
Joined: Jan 2006
Re: Broken game?
|¯FC_| Suchspeed<- wrote:

Pls, where is edy to ban all those edawn life losers? it's funny how u guys find just a topic to post ur shits back just to make this mod die a damn time, didnt u have enuf failing few years back with your retardawn version? we re just missing skull's post to be completed of idiots
Your friend, bax

You know, I always wondered what happened to you, man. You were such a nice kid back in the day, when I first started out with E+. Bit annoying but cool to play and talk with. Fast forward a few years and you're this abusive, spiteful asshole that just seems to dislike everything and everyone. It was a really jarring transformation. Kinda like what AlexK did, but in reverse.

Don't you understand? There's nothing left to kill. I won't bat an eye if I get banned. None of it matters, anymore. Let the hate go. Clinging on won't make anything better. And cheer the fuck up. Happy

beazt's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
CZ Czech Republic
Re: Broken game?
.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:

  • Doctor Ill created and led a CZ/SK language team

if you wrote Doctor, you meant Drill right?

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fiendsin's picture
Joined: Jun 2012
Re: Broken game?

you guys should do a collab and write a book, would read because this shit is already 10/10

.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:

Also fun fact: Cyrax (from edawn) and Beast (from Belize) actually tried collaborating after all the dust settled, because edawn had a decent netcode and was much better for making and adapting cofigs that could emulate other mods, but it fell through because beast favoured the use of .dlls to expand on modifications while Cyrax favoured re-writing the executibles at their source, which lead to the release of Quake3e.exe, the most advanced vanilla quake exe that wasn't OpenArena).

Cyrax is quite right to rewrite the executable code, and compile it because dlls are unsafe as they are if used with default q3.exe okay, dlls allow more modification and will replace qvm's as they did in past with 1.11 release at ID Headquarters, because game was intended to be modded as said by ID, but ID soon realized that dll's are actually getting in the way and furthermore discontinued them in further point releases.
fuck if you compile a shitty opengl.dll you get yourself a good undetectable wh. that is, if you know your shit and make an executable that reads it. SO. like I said, we need a new executable with new protocol, so everyone will have to move onto it to play on servers running it. zenimax and whatever's left of ID did so with quake live and look, they were happy ever after with the shitty browser game reaping the money off of subscriptions that majority of dumb people actually paid.
also to make shit harder to crack and reproduce/edit, they removed moddability and added encription on pk3's + some shit from CPMA or CPM that everybody loved, like green keels and shit, so people wont even want to change a thing.

Sometimes I wish I was a NEET again, but life is too fucking expensive man.
The weak plot revenge, the strong forgive and the Lucky forget, but Fiend, Fiend no longer gives a shit

◀█ BIG BOB wrote:
Man you even sound like Lego's

You Fuckers wrote:
I would cut my fifth finger to bang her actually

You Fuckers wrote:

Joined: May 2016
Re: Broken game?

quake live and look, they were happy ever after with the shitty browser game reaping the money off of subscriptions that majority of dumb people actually paid.
also to make shit harder to crack and reproduce/edit, they removed moddability and added encription on pk3's + some shit from CPMA or CPM that everybody loved, like green keels and shit, so people wont even want to change a thing.

i still see chesters over there too, plenty of them, there is that guy, mutant, hes famous for haxing around there and nothing happens.

Joined: May 2016
Re: Broken game?
.aNk/xXxp4l/:bR.Shady'XYN! wrote:

DR*DIABLO wrote:
jesus shady, after so many years u still write so damn much lol i envy ur patience Tongue

Hi diablo, is oke, I was a copywriter for a few years so it doesn't take as much time, just zone in on a topic and if you have things to think/say, they almost write themselves Big grin

zdarova shad Tongue ye i know u write lots of shits around, i also saw ur twitter page, jesus!