Blacklist Search For Active Players

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necrogeddon's picture
Joined: Feb 2006

Hi. Everyone knows I've been the main contact for Wasp2/Blacklist since May. Due to taking a new job that will have me working 45+ hours a week I won't be able to show the same level of activity here in E+ that I have before, and so now we are searching for a new player to take my spot!

We'd prefer a European player with a good reputation and history. As organizer for Blacklist you'd be organizing trainings, CWs, FWs and so forth and also be the main contact for everyone else in Wasp2.

Other parts of the position includes participating heavily in the community and contributing whenever possible.

If you're interested, PM me here, add me on MSN, or email me (dehumanation @ gmail . com) and we'll talk.

Thanks so much, guys.

  • NVidia GeForce 8400GS

  • Logitech MX510

  • Hyperglide Teflon Skates

  • Steelpad QcK+

  • iHome IH-K200MB

  • SB Live! 5.1 Platinum

  • Logitech Precision Gaming Headphones

  • Insignia 32" HDTV

oxide's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
Blacklist Search For Active Players

I would like that someone from wasp would take ur spot, if ur to busy
to be the recruiter/trainee Crying

Good luck with ur new job!

Joined: Jun 2006
Blacklist Search For Active Players

Are you guys looking for just this position or players in general? Happy

necrogeddon's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Blacklist Search For Active Players

For now it would be wise, I think, to find someone to take my position. If he or she can get activitiy back to what it was at the beginning of the summer, then perhaps 2 more players could be added.

  • NVidia GeForce 8400GS

  • Logitech MX510

  • Hyperglide Teflon Skates

  • Steelpad QcK+

  • iHome IH-K200MB

  • SB Live! 5.1 Platinum

  • Logitech Precision Gaming Headphones

  • Insignia 32" HDTV

oxide's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
Blacklist Search For Active Players

Well, i'm takin' my shot!

For now, if everybody agrees, i can organize practices, organize fw's and
cw's! i'm just sad that necro isn't able to do that anymore Crying , he's
a really good guy!

I'm just tryin' to help! My gameplay is currenty limited on my computer's
state, wich is terrible, for thoose who don't know:
- I can see only 70 procent of my widness in my display
- On my mouse, there's no right button, the left button is struggling, sometime it doesn't even respond.... but i will stop right there, no need
to explain everything!

But i'm hoping that i'm gonna buy everything next month, then watch out :twisted: Big grin

Well, i think that i can do the job well untill u find a "better" one for
the job! if u would give me some time, i think that i could get the ball rolling!

Regards! Oxide

P.S. Necro i hope ur not leaving us, i would really like it if u would be
here with us and Cryptor!

necrogeddon's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Blacklist Search For Active Players

I'm not leaving. Happy I just don't have the time to play and organize as much anymore, and the spare time I do have must be spent on personal concerns before they can be spent on gaming. I'll be on MSN most of the time still even if I'm away, so you will almost always be able to contact me for anything. Winking

  • NVidia GeForce 8400GS

  • Logitech MX510

  • Hyperglide Teflon Skates

  • Steelpad QcK+

  • iHome IH-K200MB

  • SB Live! 5.1 Platinum

  • Logitech Precision Gaming Headphones

  • Insignia 32" HDTV

SLIP's picture
Joined: Feb 2005
Blacklist Search For Active Players

Well well necro falling under the pressure lol. Been awhile man i might be coming back to this game. If i can download it again lost my cd and already tried downloading on but it wouldn't work. Well i'll cya around

necrogeddon's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Blacklist Search For Active Players

And Slip, smartassing as usual. Laughing

  • NVidia GeForce 8400GS

  • Logitech MX510

  • Hyperglide Teflon Skates

  • Steelpad QcK+

  • iHome IH-K200MB

  • SB Live! 5.1 Platinum

  • Logitech Precision Gaming Headphones

  • Insignia 32" HDTV

SLIP's picture
Joined: Feb 2005
Blacklist Search For Active Players

Send me you quake cd and i'll show you what real smartassing is about haha

necrogeddon's picture
Joined: Feb 2006
Blacklist Search For Active Players

I thought you were independently wealthy with a huge house and all these cars and shit? Go buy the game at Walmart for $10. Tongue

  • NVidia GeForce 8400GS

  • Logitech MX510

  • Hyperglide Teflon Skates

  • Steelpad QcK+

  • iHome IH-K200MB

  • SB Live! 5.1 Platinum

  • Logitech Precision Gaming Headphones

  • Insignia 32" HDTV

plinko's picture
Joined: Apr 2006
Blacklist Search For Active Players

Matthew cant handle the whole blacklist!

maybe he needs to come use his computer more often.
