Hello my brotherss and sisters from Quake
I started a channel in Kick, would really love your support if you give the follow! I mostly stream warzone and sometimes I will be streaming quake 3 or champions in my channel
Here is the link https://kick.com/hixstv/
Thanks <3
Hello everyone <3 dunno if you knew that I'm lead singer of a band called Feed the Vulture, we recently played a show in Mexico City, when we started playing there was like around 2000 people, at the end of second song the whole thing was full of people, more than 20,000 people it was insane, I want it to share with you guys this achievement <3 see you in the arena!!
Zup bitches we just got our studio song release, so I created this video of the making of, hope you guys like it is our first studio song so it sounds really cool view it on HD for better sound and video <3 I'm the singer of the band and the drummer is an ex quaker nixter, maybe some of you remember him.
My company is about to grow to a new whole level and I'm going to need to hire at least 4 programmers to develop some apps for the government of México, if anyone here is a TOP elite coder, hit me up, I don't mind hire an euro dude for the projects as long it PWNZZZZ.
I posted two years ago my first car I boughted <3 today Im really excited to show you my new car with hard work and patience I made it to buy the car I always want it to have.
Jeep Commander 2007
We all need some inspiration to keep fragging, and I remember I used to have the KO II Movie in a disk, I search for it and I found it, I wonder why nobody post it on youtube, well anyway, here it is enjoy the fucking awsome quake 3 e+ movie from the best clan europe has had ever Killing Obsession , to the new people that doesnt know this guys, they were the bomb back in the day and to those who know them, enjoy the movie watch the full movie, at the end when the credits ends they show a video of marcus pummeling some dudes haha <3 I love it!!!!
Warap guys I'm starting a band with my cousin N1xter, some of you might remember him, we just had our second rehearsal of the band, and I want it to record something of it to show u, at the end the cellphone fell out so the sound at the end sounds blurry, but you can hear the voice & sound, hope you like it remember is our second rehearsal so be cool
Hello Fellow quakers I have an announce to make
I'm working on my startup called "Viume" is going to be a creative connecting people social network but in the way it should be, letting the users have their own style and have so much new innovations like 3D and so on in the social network.
I encourage you to signup with your e-mail address for the notify process.
You can signup here:http://www.viume.com
Support what this fellow quaker is doing and what I will do to change the way we communicate with this brand new social network.
: Not really. On SEGA Playstation you can play online with the E+ mod in Apex Legends, Warzone and Battletoads
: e+ on ql? no. no mods on ql
: Does this work on Quake Live?
: Active is too strong word. Just time to time someone visit this forum. Public plus servers are mostly empty. If you can play railings dm7 again and again, you can always find someone to play with.But I don’t