Your cm/sensitivity for turn 360º ?

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Unreal's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
PL Poland
Re: Your cm/sensitivity for turn 360º ?

mouse - g5
fov - 120
yaw pitch - never changed
accel - 0
sens - 5
dpi - 800 i think..

about 2cm..?

RONiN wrote:

stage 1) i am in denial that girls exist on the internet, i think everyone is a guy
stage 2) i am in denial that everyone is real, i think you are all advanced bots
stage 3) i am in denial that the world is real, i think i am plugged into a machine
stage 4) i am in denial that machines actually exist, i think this is just one big dream
stage 5) i am in denial that i am capable of dreaming, i think my existence is fake
*poof* everything disappears.

no trickz in my signature anymore